War of Resistance

Chapter 1310 Professional chemical soldier?

Chapter 1310 Professional chemical soldier?
"With you here, my heart is at ease." Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder and said.

"Where can I go? I don't want to go to other units. Our theater security force is self-contained and has almost got rid of the shadow of No.30 Sixth Division. I believe that under our leadership, our theater security force will definitely The stronger one will become the ace in our war zone!" Zhou Fangjie grinned, and from his eyes, Zhang Tianhai read a dazzling light - that is a very powerful self-confidence.

For Zhang Tianhai, the road ahead is long, and he can only keep the guards going all the way by being careful. The light in Zhou Fangjie's eyes undoubtedly gave him a great motivation, especially that one. unspoken support.

"Okay, then let's go ahead and make our theater guards the number one army in the ninth theater, and let these little devils see what a real Chinese soldier is!" Zhang Tianhai grinned.

"Hey, but I'm here to ask something out of the ordinary, that is, now Chief of Staff Li is gone, who do you plan to let take his place?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

Zhang Tianhai hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"Well, of course, I don't want to hear a bunch of useless nonsense from you." Zhou Fangjie nodded.

"The truth is, the current deputy is the top. Is there anyone more suitable than him?" Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"He Jiye? Didn't this kid just be promoted to deputy chief of staff? I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to let him take over?" Zhou Fangjie was very surprised. He thought Guo Qiliang would come up to take over, but he didn't expect this result.

"I understand what you mean. Lao Guo is honest and capable of doing things. But the only thing is that he is not as good as He Jiye." Zhang Tianhai hesitated, but still said it.

"It's because Lao Guo is not Minister He's nephew, so he can't take this position, right?" Zhou Fangjie said after thinking about it.

"It's not all because of this. Have you ever thought about it? If Lao Guo is allowed to come up, who will take care of the first regiment of our guards? Now that Lao Guo and Li Chunfei are in charge, isn't it good? And the combat effectiveness is also the same. It is steadily rising, this is my old foundation, to fight tough battles and gnaw hard bones, but I must let them go up and fight." Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly.

Soon, Zhou Fangjie came up with something unusual, so he glared at Zhang Tianhai and said angrily, "I said, you think highly of your first security regiment, what about our second security regiment?!"

"Your Second Guard Regiment, do you have a cavalry battalion? Do you have an artillery battalion? Do you have a professional engineer unit? Is there a special agent company, an ace company that is good at small-scale operations?" Zhang Tianhai said very proudly.

Yes, under Zhang Tianhai's focused training, the engineering company of the first guard regiment has almost slowly developed into a professional engineering unit, and even the current second guard regiment and the third guard regiment are slowly developing. The engineer company of the first guard regiment will train the engineering unit, and a professional engineering unit will also be formed.

As for the powerful killers such as cavalry battalion and artillery battalion, neither the second guard regiment nor the third guard regiment can be equipped as standard.

"You...you..." Obviously, Zhou Fangjie was dumbfounded by Zhang Tianhai's continuous rhetorical questions - I have never seen such a brazen person!Your cavalry battalion and artillery battalion also had a contribution from Lao Tzu, okay?

"Okay, okay, look at you, I am joking with you, and you are still in a hurry." Zhang Tianhai laughed, "You, you, you are like that monkey if you haven't made fun of you for so long. It's easy to be anxious and pale."

"..." Zhou Fangjie didn't want to talk to Zhang, and even threw a dog...

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. In fact, the most important reason for He Jiye to come up is that we should reciprocate." Zhang Tianhai suddenly became very serious, which can easily make people feel very uncomfortable.

"Reciprocate?" Zhou Fangjie was a little confused.

"Yes, it's reciprocal." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "At the beginning, Minister He approved the establishment of our army, and awarded the designation of 'the first regiment directly under the third theater', and opened up warehouses to release weapons. If it wasn't for this, we would have It can't be a German armored regiment."

"Then what does this have to do with what you said about reciprocating?" Zhou Fangjie could guess something, but he couldn't say it.

"That is to say, the moment we were approved to become the German Armament Strengthening Regiment, He Jiye joined our army and served as the chief of the political training department. I ordered Guo Qiliang to take the first regiment directly under us to go north to the fifth war zone." Zhang Tianhai seemed to be plunged into a vortex of memories all of a sudden.

"I have the impression that you ordered your subordinate troops to go north to the fifth war zone. It seems that it was that time that I met you on the banks of the Yangtze River in Nanjing. You led us, the defeated soldiers, to break out of the encirclement all the way." Zhou Fangjie was quite touched.

"At that time, our troops were numbered the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, which should have been placed under the direct jurisdiction of Gu Zhutong's Third War Zone, but until we fought a big victory against the Ninth Army at Tangtou, Gu There has never been a telegram from the officer to express condolences. I also know that we have caused a catastrophe in Lanfeng City, and Officer Gu has never sent a telegram to express reprimand." Zhang Tianhai smiled softly, he is I only said half of it on purpose.

"I understand, that is, from that time on, the third war zone has tacitly cut off our unit from the third war zone, right?" Zhou Fangjie asked cautiously.

"No, it's more accurate to say that Chief Gu never regarded our regiment as a unit in the third theater." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "Mr. The background of the establishment of the first regiment directly under the theater, even Chief Gu and Chief He deliberately ignored the existence of our army, but Chief He has always tried to find a way to supplement us to a certain extent, but he did not It’s just the plain order of this order.”

"According to your point of view, in fact, Chief He has never given up on our army? Even silently supported it?" Zhou Fangjie was a little shocked.

"So, that's why I said I want to reciprocate." Zhang Tianhai nodded.


PS: Updates are coming!Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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