War of Resistance

Chapter 1318 The 1st Changsha Battle?

When the Battle of Nuomenkan ended in such a miraculous way, Zhang Tianhai was not idle and was busy with his wife and children.

Of course, according to the law of energy conservation, when someone is lazy, there must be another kind of grudge who will work overtime to make up for the vacancy of his teammates.

That's right, in the guard force of the Ninth War Zone, apart from Zhang Tianhai, the No. [-] man who can be lazy, even Wu Yizhi, the No. [-] man, is busy running around on Lushan Mountain. The source of resentment is naturally Comrade Li Yinglun, chief of staff of the army.

The reason why the resentful species are called resentful species is that most of them were sold and paid for the number of people... wait, Li Yinglun doesn't seem to be one of them... well, but it's almost the same.

For Li Yinglun, this short-term focus on training work has indeed improved a lot in terms of ability, especially the joy of being a military chief officer.

When the results of the Nuomenkan battle came, Zhang Tianhai smoked two full cigarettes at the door—because he knew that his peaceful life was about to be broken.

Zhang Tianhai also knew in his mind that for these little Japanese, they had no reason to swallow their anger after such a big defeat on the Nuomenkan battlefield. After all, for them, what they lost on the Nuomenkan battlefield, they wanted Find it in the Central China battlefield——Obviously, the Ninth Theater of the National Army is one of the targets.

"Sir, you don't look in a good mood. Logically speaking, the Japanese army was severely punished by the old man. This is something to be happy about. Why do you look so sad?" Adjutant Xu Xun stepped forward and asked with concern.

"These little Japanese have never been good things. They have one very obvious thing in common, that is, they are all bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. What they lost on the Nuomenkan battlefield, they will definitely find it on the Hunan battlefield." They came back. Obviously, we are one of the targets." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

To the commander in chief, Xu Xun has always been respectful like a god, as if Zhang Tianhai is omnipotent and omnipotent.

"Sir, I believe everything you say." Xu Xun thought for a while before saying it.

"You don't have to believe everything I say, but you should think more and think about the problem from a strategic perspective. If you don't have this kind of thinking, you won't be an excellent officer." Zhang Tianhai looked at Xu Xun and said, his eyes Among them is a kind of expectation.

Xu Xun was brought out by Zhang Tianhai. He naturally hoped that Xu Xun could stand alone and lead the troops to fight the enemy bravely on the front line.

"I understand." Xu Xun nodded slightly.

Silently putting down the cigarette butt in his hand, Zhang Tianhai's gaze towards the distance gradually deepened. For him, he must prepare for battle.

"Xiao Xu, go and inform the deputy chief and the chief of staff to gather in the small conference room in two hours. I have important matters to discuss with them." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his eyes full of firm.

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted.


Two hours later, the headquarters of the Ninth Theater Guard Force was located in the small conference room.

Dimly lit, Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, and Li Yinglun were sitting face to face. They were all in military uniform, and the scene was very serious.

"Brothers, you two have worked hard these days." Zhang Tianhai opened the conversation first.

"Old Zhang, you usually have nothing to do, so you don't come here specially to call us here. This time you called us here, it must be something. Am I right?" Zhou Fangjie cut straight to the point.

"I think so too. The Commander-in-Chief will get straight to the point if he has anything to do." Li Yinglun said seriously.

"That's right. I believe you have already received the news of the defeat of the Japanese army at Nuomenkan. What do you think about this matter?" Zhang Tianhai clenched his hands into fists.

Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun looked at each other. Obviously, they didn't know what kind of medicine Zhang Tianhai was selling in this gourd.

In the end, it was Li Yinglun who spoke first: "Commander, I think this is a good thing. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses in the Northeast, at least their strength has been weakened. This old man has done a good thing for us. "

"I agree with the chief of staff, but I don't think it will be that simple. The Japanese army at Nomenkan is almost completely defeated. They can't just swallow it. Nomonkan may not end here. I think we should Wait and see what happens, and wait for their changes." Zhou Fangjie said.

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, and said, "Actually, you two are only half right. Indeed, the strength of the Kwantung Army has been severely damaged, and the main force of the Japanese army is deeply trapped in the conflict between the North China battlefield and the Central China battlefield." In the quagmire. They no longer have the strength to fight a big war with the Soviets, and even Michitaro Komatsuhara, the chief culprit, has committed seppuku, let alone the main Japanese army."

"Then what do you mean?" Li Yinglun was a little puzzled, because in his opinion, the defeat of the Japanese army was indeed a great happy event, and nothing more. He couldn't guess Zhang Tianhai's intention.

Zhang Tianhai glanced at Zhou Fangjie, who also looked confused, and decided not to keep his eyes open: "The Japanese army suffered a big loss on the Nuomenkan battlefield. According to their character, they will never admit the fact that they were defeated. Since They suffered a big loss on the Nuomenkan battlefield, so they will definitely launch a huge battle against us in Central China...the first Changsha battle is about to start..."

Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh, not even noticing that he had slipped his tongue.

"The first battle in Changsha?!" Zhou Fangjie's face was full of confusion, and he couldn't tell whether Zhang Tianhai was in a trance, because in his opinion, Zhang Tianhai rarely made such mistakes.

Compared to Zhou Fangjie, who reacted extremely quickly, Li Yinglun, who was already exhausted, was half a beat behind: "What is the first battle in Changsha?"

It was only at this time that Zhang Tianhai realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he hurriedly explained: "Yes. In my opinion, it was the first battle in Changsha. With the strength of our ninth war zone, these little Japanese want to Launching a massive offensive in a hurry, I think there is a high probability that they will not win, and in my opinion, they will fight a less costly victory to wash away their military defeat at Nomenkan , but it is not an easy task for them to achieve this goal, but in any case we must enter a state of combat readiness now, all soldiers and officers have canceled their vacations, and are ready to enter the next battle .”

"Commander, no matter what decision you make, I will definitely support it. Then, should I immediately hand over the power of presiding over the overall work to your hands, the current theater security force cannot do without you. "Li Yinglun said very seriously.

"Brother Yinglun is right. No matter what, I'm on your side. Old Zhang, just let go and do whatever you want." Zhou Fangjie said with a smile.


PS: Because of job changes, I have been busy for the past few days. This matter has not been updated. Now it has gradually stabilized, so I started to resume updates slowly.

Thank you for not giving up on my book that can "poison" people to death!

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