War of Resistance

Chapter 1320 Wang Puppet Government

Thinking from the perspective of the Japanese army, it can promote the strategic goal of "inducing surrender by fighting". It is an extremely brilliant record for both Okamura Ningji and Kobayashi Asaburo Kobayashi. "!"
Under the guidance of this specific idea, Kobayashi Asaburo began to draw up combat operations.

Wuhan, the General Headquarters of the No.11 Army of the Japanese Army, Operation Hall.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, in my opinion, we should get rid of the stumbling block in front of us first!" Senior General Koyama pointed to the south bank of the Xinqiang River on the map, "China Army No.15 Army!"

Kobayashi Asaburo nodded after hearing this, and said with certainty: "The No. 15 Group Army of the China Army is indeed a major obstacle in front of our army. Our imperial army must find a way to smash this stumbling block in front of us! Then, just Use your imagination to your heart's content, what I want is the result!"

"Hay!!" Major General Koyama looked serious. Soon, he will follow the Chief of Staff and Commander Neiji Okamura to establish an incomparable achievement. He must do the work in front of him well!
When Major General Kobayashi Asaburo was urging the deployment of the front-line combat plan, Lieutenant General Yasuji Okamura was not idle. He summoned Wang Jingwei, the vice president of the Kuomintang who was staying in Wuhan and was running around.

So, what is Wang Jingwei calling for in Wuhan?Anti-Japanese national salvation?I'm afraid not, he doesn't want to be shot.

Yes, at this time Wang Jingwei has been successfully instigated by the Japanese, and he is forming the Nanjing Puppet National Government!Now is the preparatory stage, he has to run around.

Wang Jingwei was very active in calling for his "father", and immediately went up to meet Neiji Okamura as quickly as possible.

Sitting in front of Neiji Okamura's huge and exquisite nanmu desk, Wang Jingwei was a little cramped, and he didn't have the slightest domineering attitude when he was in the Kuomintang. Showing a little bit of flattery, she was afraid that the big man in the Japanese army in front of him would be dissatisfied with him.

"Wang Sang, I have worked hard for you during this time." Neiji Okamura said directly. He knew that Wang Jingwei could understand Japanese, so he didn't deliberately ask for an interpreter.

"No, no, it's still your hard work. I hope that the imperial army can annihilate the Chiang Kai-shek government in Chongqing as soon as possible, win the final victory, and build a Communist circle together!" Wang Jingwei said with a serious face, but the flattery on his face became more and more intense , the former majesty has long since disappeared.

Neiji Okamura nodded slightly, it was obvious that his Wang Jingwei was very satisfied with his performance.

"Wang Sang, I called you here this time because I have something important to discuss with you." Okamura Neiji leaned back in the Taishi chair, his eyes were shining brightly.

"I am willing to serve Your Excellency the General, and to be loyal to the Great Japanese Empire!" Wang Jingwei talked eloquently, as if this was what he had in mind.

Okamura Neiji looked at the cartilage pug who had sold his motherland as a deal in front of him, a trace of disgust flashed in his heart, but he didn't show it, just nodded slightly, and said: "Wang Sang, your loyalty, His Majesty the Emperor is I know, but what happens next may require your cooperation. Our imperial army will launch a new round of offensive against the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek. In order to force the Chongqing government to surrender as soon as possible, we have decided to launch your Nanjing government as soon as possible. contend."

Okamura Ningji stopped after speaking, this is to let Wang Jingwei digest his words better.

In fact, as early as a month ago, Okamura Neiji had already asked the domestic headquarters for the establishment of the Wang puppet government. After approval, Wang Jingwei was allowed to continue to be active in Wuhan and Nanjing.

This time, Neiji Okamura summoned Wang Jingwei. In a sense, he also directly informed him that a "new" government was about to be established.

After hearing Neiji Okamura's words, Wang Jingwei felt ecstasy in his heart. For him, he had already betrayed his nation and ancestors, and all he did was to get to that position, nothing more.

Although he was ecstatic in his heart, Wang Jingwei was still a senior old politician after all, an old fritter who had been in the rivers and lakes for a long time. He didn't show his face on the surface, but said lightly: "I am willing to serve His Majesty the Emperor!"

In the end, only a trace of uncontrollable joy flashed in his eyes after all.

Okamura Neiji kept staring at Wang Jingwei's face, and said softly: "The time I can give you is no more than ten days. After ten days, the Nanjing government must be declared established."

"Hay! Thank you, Your Excellency General!!" Wang Jingwei bowed his head and responded respectfully.

"Then you should prepare as soon as possible! Remember, what I want is the result, and the task must be completed within ten days!" Neiji Okamura emphasized again.

"Hay!!" Wang Jingwei bowed his head again in response.

Neiji Okamura nodded his head, and Wang Jingwei also left with great interest.

Looking at the back of Wang Jingwei turning away, Okamura Neiji's heart slowly fell to the ground, and the only thing left was to wait for Kobayashi Asaburo's plan to come out.


After discussions all night long, Kobayashi Asaburo finally came up with a preliminary action plan to Okamura Neiji.

"Your Excellency, Commander, after discussions with our staff, we have initially planned to divide our troops into three groups, and point directly at the Guan Linzheng Group Army of the Chinese Army on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, and strive to wipe out the Chinese Army in the Xinqiang River and Pingjiang areas! Afterwards, Our imperial army went straight down to Changsha with the power of a great victory, and tried to conquer Changsha in one go!" Kobayashi Asaburo lowered his head, and handed over a battle plan to Lieutenant General Neji Okamura with both hands.

Okamura Ningji nodded slightly, took over the battle plan, and then looked at it carefully.

After looking at it carefully, Ningji Okamura raised his head and looked at Kobayashi Asaburo, and said with a serious face: "I have approved the combat operation, and you will complete the details immediately. After two days, start mobilizing troops." , and strive to complete the combat deployment within eight days. After the details are completed, I will sign the action order!"

"Hay!!" Kobayashi Asaburo responded.

The huge war machine of the No.11 Army of the Central China Expeditionary Army of the Japanese Invading Army finally started to run slowly, and its sharp fangs have been slowly exposed!


At the same time, Zhang Tianhai and Li Yinglun finally came to the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone in Changsha City.

"Please inform the commander-in-chief's duty room immediately. Zhang Tianhai, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, and Li Yinglun, the chief of the general staff, have come to report the situation to Commander-in-Chief Xue." Zhang Tianhai handed over his military officer certificate and Li Yinglun's military officer certificate. To the officer on duty at the commander's department gate.

"Yes! Sir!!" The officer on duty at the commander's department entrance looked like he was new here, and he didn't seem to know Zhang Tianhai and others.

However, this cannot be blamed on the officer on duty. After all, Zhang Tianhai and others rarely come to the officer's department to see Officer Xue Yue Xue during this period of time.

"Remember, you have to inform them that I am Zhang Tianhai." Zhang Tianhai reminded them specially.

It was also at this time that the officer on duty at the door finally understood who the person in front of him was—isn't this just Colonel Zhang Tianhai, the "God of War" who led the troops to wipe out countless enemies on the front line? !


PS: Updates are coming!

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