Zhang Tianhai thought about it for a while and said, "Actually, this is also related to the way our guards fight, let's be honest! Although our guards have the word 'guard' hanging on their heads, our fighting style has never been the same. It is because we take the initiative to attack more, and our troops are better equipped, if we can grasp the initiative, we can achieve greater victories.”

"Then I know about it. You may want our brigade to carry out guard operations when you look back. Can you understand that?" Yang Gan just thought about it before answering. After all, he felt that Zhang Tianhai's words really made sense.

In fact, is it really so?Not really……

According to Zhang Tianhai's battle plan, the weapons of the Sichuan Army are too inferior, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. It is better to let them play the defense. Isn't it death to let them attack?Besides, the gang of guards in the theater have no habit of hiding in the city to carry aerial bombs and hard bombs...

"You can understand it like this! Taking advantage of the wine, Big Brother Yang, I will analyze with you the direction and timing of the Japanese army's likely southward march, so that we can make predictions and cooperate in the next step." Zhang Tianhai was already at this moment. Some booze is over.

"I'd like to hear the details." Yang Gan said after thinking for a while. Obviously, his alcohol intake is better than Zhang Tianhai.

"That's right. If the Japanese army launches an attack, they will fight on the front line of Xinqianghe first. This is their main attack direction. There is nothing wrong. The battle in Pingjiang must be secondary. It can even be said that a partial division of the Japanese army can serve as the If... I mean if, if Shangfeng hadn't sent our troops here, I don't think I would have this idea, but since Shangfeng has sent our theater guards here, I would If I think about it, I should do such a thing." Zhang Tianhai was drunk, and his speech was incoherent.

"Tell me, what should we do?" Yang Gancai's face was already a little red at this time, but he still wanted to know what the daring fellow Zhang Tianhai wanted to do.

"Little Japan...Little Japan, don't they want to send a partial division to come to fight us? Then why don't we want to eat this partial division? Just kidding, let the state officials set fire to the people and not allow the people to light the lights? They've been lying down!" Zhang Tianhai was full of excitement.

Yang Gancai looked at Zhang Tianhai, and felt that this guy was a bit rude, but he felt that the feasibility was still very high. After all, the combat effectiveness of the theater guards was ranked high, and the strength of the theater guards was not bad. Now, if you add the two divisions of their Sichuan army, as long as they cooperate properly, they may not be able to completely wipe out the Japanese army as Zhang Tianhai said.

"Why are you so sure that this Japanese army in Tongcheng will definitely go south?" Yang Gancai was still a little hesitant, because Zhang Tianhai was too young, and he was drinking again.

"Master Yang, Brother Yang, Brother Yang! We are marching to fight, and we pay attention to a lion and a rabbit to kill the enemy! The Japanese army used to say that they would destroy our China in three months, but they can't do it now, even in Wanjialing. We wiped out a division, and the battle in Wuhan paid an unprecedented price. In addition, they have suffered such a huge loss at Nomenkan now! No matter how you look at it, the Japanese army needs a huge victory to wash away these Humiliation, so they won't be soft when they beat us up." Zhang Tianhai analyzed it carefully, and it didn't look like he was drunk at all.

"According to this analysis, there should be no problem." Yang Gancai nodded lightly.

"Absolutely no problem. Little Japan doesn't have enough troops right now. They are mainly on the front lines of Yueyang in northern Hunan and Nanchang in central Jiangxi. If they want to attack, the two fronts must attack at the same time. As long as the No. 30 Third Division in Tongcheng Going south, we can completely cut off their retreat route, if this matter is entrusted to you Sichuan Army, I think it will definitely be done very well." Zhang Tianhai continued to express his point of view.

"Why did you say this? Brother Zhang, please continue to elaborate." Obviously, Yang Gancai was very eager for his troops to be affirmed, especially the affirmation of the Central Army troops.

"Most of the children in Sichuan are hard-working and able to enter the deep mountains. Moreover, the components of the Sichuan army's weapons are relatively simple, and they must be faster than the Central Army in action. Therefore, it is suitable for the Sichuan Army to be the logistics of intercepting the Japanese army's partial divisions. That's it." Zhang Tianhai analyzed, "Our Central Army troops have better weapons and equipment than you, and they must be attacking their main force. Only in this way can they play a better role and strive to be part of this Japanese army. Before the action, the battle plan has been prepared, in order to kill them all at once. Be sure not to let them leave Pingjiang safely, as the saying goes, the guests come with good wine, and the jackals come with shotguns!"

"I understand, why you can be in your current position at such a young age, and you can make little Japan suffer so many losses and take so many mischiefs, so you are the real kid. Seeing far, it's like taking one step to see three steps... OK, OK, you are here now, as the commander of Pingjiang, I am more relieved now, I came this time, it is not in vain..." Yang Gancai patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and said, his words were full of sincerity.

"Anyway, you can rest assured that we are here. As long as we work together in Pingjiang, I believe that as long as they dare to leave Tongcheng and go south, we will want them. If you don’t die, you’ll have to shed a layer of skin!” Zhang Tianhai said confidently, as if he really had an absolute chance of winning in the face of the No.30 Third Division of the Japanese Army.

Of course, Zhang Tianhai must have a chance of winning. In his limited memory, the Japanese suffered a small loss in the first battle of Changsha, and even almost suffered a big loss.

So the question is, why is it a small loss?What's the big loss?

Zhang Tianhai remembered that when he was in the military school at that time, the professor especially took the first battle of Changsha as an example, especially to compare it with the victory of Wanjialing, because they were highly similar to a certain extent.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai was particularly impressed-the small loss suffered by the Japanese army refers to the No.30 Third Division that went south from Tongcheng. The Eighth Army of the National Army (this department is the Central Army, which was expanded from the former Tax Police Headquarters) pursued fiercely and lost more than half; the Japanese army almost suffered a big loss because of its prominent first army in the Laodao River area. The Sixth Division was almost encircled by the army commanded by Xue Yue. If Okamura Neiji hadn't discovered the abnormal movement of the national army when he was flying, the Sixth Division would have the same fate as the [-]th Division in the Battle of Wanjialing up.

"Okay, then we'll work together! As long as there is a change in the Japanese army in the direction of the city, we will work together to beat their tortoise sons to a few layers!" , he has a say.


PS: The third one is delivered, good night everyone!

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