War of Resistance

Chapter 1348 Prelude to the Great War

Chapter 1348 Prelude to the Great War ([-])
"My ass is much more valuable than the life of a little devil. What are three little devils? I will do three more in the future. Nothing else, just for fun." The veteran of the secret service company He smiled, looking in a good mood.

"Okay, I know you old Han can fight." Liu Houming smiled and said, he was not worried that the old Han in front of him would get tired of this kind of life.

Just kidding, in this day and age, where is the special agent company of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone happy to be a soldier?Let's not talk about anything else, let's just say that this army has killed countless enemies, but where can we find troops who can escape from death every time?The key is that the cooperation of the teammates is too tacit, especially when fighting in the jungle, it is impossible for these little Japanese to find their way.

You must know that this is a real war, not a game, and those who lose will have to pay a painful lesson at the cost of their lives.

Taking a step back, even if it's a game, wouldn't it be cool to have more than 200 skilled thieves playing tricks together?

"These little devils are like a pack of hyenas, always chasing other people's asses. Company Commander, I wonder if we should eat some of them and continue running?" Old Han suggested.

After thinking for a while, Liu Houming said, "Old Han, I think your idea is very good, but our timing is not right now. If we make such a hasty move, nearly half of our brothers will not be able to go back."

"Why do you know that?" Old Han was a little puzzled. In his opinion, their special agent company had such strength, and they were willing to let them go.

"Old Han, let me ask you, what is the mission of our spy company?" Liu Houming looked at Old Han and asked.

"To give full play to our strengths, we must not fight the enemy directly unless it is absolutely necessary." Old Han replied.

"Isn't this the end? After several battles, our enemies have roughly understood our combat methods, so they will definitely shrink the front line and form combat units with more troops. In that case, we will fight, But he doesn't have an advantage." Liu Houming analyzed, he has been with Zhang Tianhai for so long, it can be said that he has thoroughly learned Zhang Tianhai's "insidious and cunning" in special operations, and he will carry it through to the end!

"I understand." Lao Han nodded.

"But that's the only way, we're too passive!" After speaking, Liu Houming stood up all of a sudden, and said to the people around him: "Come on, come and intersperse with me immediately! The target is heading north!"

"Yes! Sir!" The officers and soldiers around responded softly, and then passed on Liu Houming's order from person to person.

Yes, at this time the secret service company had already left the Japanese army by nearly five kilometers, and it was precisely because of this that Liu Houming wanted to make a breakthrough and directly hit the Japanese flank troops.

In fact, Liu Houming also knew in his heart that the main force of the Japanese army was always responsible for chasing them. It can be said that where their gunshots were, the main force of the Japanese army followed them as keenly as hunting dogs. This was also reflected in the side. The quality of the soldiers is relatively high.

Liu Houming never believed that the Japanese army would put all three regiments of an entire division in this direction, and the cavalry regiment and artillery regiment would not be needed at all.Liu Houming was the first to express his disbelief that there were only one or two alliances who wanted to fight in this big green mountain.

So, based on his own judgment and Zhang Tianhai's order, Liu Houming chose to intersperse the raid!
This effect is very obvious, which made Kawasaki Nara hit the empty space with a punch full of strength, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"Nani? Our troops have lost the enemy's trace?" When Kawasaki Nara heard the news, he was already very angry. His opponent was so cunning, as silky as a loach, and as As cunning as a fox.

The loss of the troops is still expanding, but the enemy has never been in contact. This is almost unforgivable for Kawasaki Nara, so he roared and ordered: "Order, all the brigades and squadrons must speed up, and we must not make our troops come back. The enemy has escaped!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese major in front of him responded bravely. He also proposed the changed combat method, but their enemies seemed to disappear out of thin air. According to common sense, the major himself should also bear the burden. Part of the responsibility.

After dealing with the Shao Zuo, Kawasaki Nara took a deep breath and whispered softly: "It's terrible! It's really terrible! If it wasn't for the death order from above, we shouldn't be entangled with these people in the jungle fight!"

In fact, the speed of this group of people from the secret service company was indeed much faster than that of the Japanese army. If not, how could they have left the Japanese army behind?

Looking at the darkening sky, Liu Houming knew that it was time for his side to launch a counterattack: "Send me an order, all troops stop advancing! Rest in place for half an hour!"

When Liu Houming's order was conveyed, the officers and soldiers of the spy company all breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the ground and panting, recovering their precious physical strength.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we fight, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue." Liu Houming muttered to himself, "That's right, that's what Tuan Zuo taught me, so it's right to do it like this!"

It was getting dark, Kawasaki Nara was aware of this, but he still wanted to wait a little later before retreating, because he was really unwilling, and the most important thing was that he couldn't pay the job—let me ask, with such a result, being a teacher When the leader asked him, how should he answer?Could it be that it is really my own ability that is not enough?Obviously, he would not answer that way, other than out of respect for the black hat on his head, the key is that he was wronged... It is completely unlucky to meet such a troop that does not talk about "martial ethics"...

However, what Kawasaki Nara did not expect was that he would "dodge a bullet" because of another incident.

Why do you say that?

When the camera turns, Tongcheng is the headquarters of the No.30 Third Division of the Japanese Army.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro was sitting in his office rubbing his temples. He had thought that once the Nomenkan battle was over, there would be another war on the Central China battlefield, but he never thought that this day would come so soon.

I saw that there was a combat order on the desk of the commander of Amakasu Shigetaro Division, and this combat order was not ordered by him, but their No.30 Third Division received the No.11 Army's combat order. Order!

"Chief of Staff Sonoda, didn't you expect that? The war will start so quickly." Amakasu Shigetaro smiled helplessly.


PS: The first update is here, and there will be another update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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