War of Resistance

Chapter 1409 Battle of Changsha

Chapter 1409 World War I Changsha (32)
In fact, Xia Chuzhong can’t be blamed for his lack of quality. The key is that the guards in the theater retreated too quickly—from his point of view, the guards in the theater were originally tasked with guarding their No. .70 Those on the rear flanks of the Seventh Army disappeared after this battle. Isn’t this a scam?

In fact, not long after Xia Chuzhong finished cursing, he received a telegram from the commander of the theater——

"Report to the commander, the commander has an urgent call!" The adjutant ran to Xia Chuzhong's side to report.

"Read." Xia Chuzhong stood on the street of Changle Town, his whole body seemed to be gnashing his teeth.

The security forces in the war zone have been ordered to withdraw from Changle Street. According to the order, your department quickly withdrew to Qingshanpu. After arriving at the location, build a defense line on the spot. Be sure to make corresponding preparations for the retreat of the army and the safety of Changsha. "The adjutant read.

"Niang Xipi's war zone security forces have withdrawn again? They ran so fucking fast!" Xia Chuzhong cursed a few more words, then got into his military jeep and walked all the way towards Qingshanpu.

As for the issue of the rear troops, Xia Chuzhong never cared about it, because according to the plan of Commander-in-Chief Guan Linzheng of the group army, the Second Army was responsible for the affairs of the rear, and they just followed the plan.

Sitting on the off-road vehicle, Xia Chuzhong looked at the somewhat gray sky, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart: Could it be that Changsha will also fall this time?How many troops did the Japanese army dispatch?
The battlefield in reality is not like the God’s perspective opened up in the novel. In fact, they can only judge the movement and situation of the Japanese army based on a little bit of information—for example, this time the Japanese army went south. In response to the battle, they resisted through the previously constructed fortifications. They were not very clear about the specific movements of the Japanese army and the deployment of troops.

As far as reality is concerned, when the camp field fell, the defenders died and ran, and the defenders who survived could only report: devils, devils all over the mountains and plains, they landed from Dongting Lake, their combat effectiveness Very aggressive.

It can be seen from this that in fact, most of the national army did not know the details of the other party when they were fighting the Japanese army. However, the Japanese army, because their intelligence department was much better than the national army's intelligence department, so they could I probably know the situation and details of the national army, and they caught the "tongue" and questioned them during the attack, so the national army is relatively passive.

But there is only one person who is a variable, and that is Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai is a time traveler, and he can know the situation of the enemy army in front of him based on the remaining memories of his previous life: anyway, the enemy army in front of him is only one and a half divisions. If you add the No. 30 third division, it will only be two and a half divisions.

Maybe it is because of knowing the other party's situation, Zhang Tianhai always has a kind of calm and stable arrangement and work, but others can't - because the military chiefs of other troops don't have a well-equipped and well-equipped army like Zhang Tianhai. The most important thing is that Zhang Tianhai has defeated the Japanese army several times, so he has no such thing as "Japanese phobia" at all.

Even Xue Yue, the commander-in-chief of the theater, could only use various signs to judge and discuss the movement and scale of the Japanese army with Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi. It has to be said that Xue Yue and Wu Yizhi are extremely talented people, otherwise they would not be able to do it This is the position—especially when it comes to judging the enemy army, they are quite accurate in judging, and then use the more accurate judgment to block the movement of the Japanese army, see their tricks, and at the same time set traps for them, Strive to cause a major blow to this part of the enemy force.

It can only be said that war is indeed a very profound art, the bottomless kind...


The day after the fall of Caoxieling, that is, September 26, [-], the main force of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army and a part of the Shangcun Detachment jointly stormed the main force of the Second Army on the south bank of the Miluo River.

Zhang Yaoming, the commander of the second army, is not an idiot either. He also knows that under the attack from both sides of the Japanese army, his troops may not be able to stand up for too long. The Second Army is not only the original unit of Chief Guan Linzheng, but also the number one main force of the No.15 Group Army. If it is wiped out by the Japanese troops on the south bank of the Miluo River, it will definitely be a major loss, and Zhang Yaoming is also a national sinner. a row.

"Telegram the commander-in-chief and tell him that we have been attacked by the main force of the Japanese Sixth Division and the main force of the Uemura Detachment of the Japanese Third Division. The troops suffered heavy casualties. Please ask the commander to approve our retreat on time after completing the task." Zhang Yaoming said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!" The adjutant responded.

In fact, most of the troops fighting fiercely with the Japanese army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River were the headquarters of the Second Army, and the No. The purpose of these troops is to contain the strength of the national army, so that the main force of their sixth division can tear a hole in the defense line in charge of the second army, and then drive straight in.

At this time, Guan Linzheng had withdrawn with his troops to Shendingshan Town, south of Miluo County, and even his headquarters was set up here.

Guan Linzheng was holding the requesting telegram that Zhang Yaoming had just sent in his hand, and his headache was not ordinary: he also knew that according to Zhang Yaoming's temper, he would never complain casually unless it was absolutely necessary.
"Reply: Please make sure you don't retreat until tomorrow, otherwise the battlefield discipline will be enforced!" Guan Linzheng finally relented,

"Yes! Sir!!" The adjutant responded.


When Guan Linzheng, Zhang Yaoming and others were worried about the situation on the Miluo River, Zhang Tianhai had indeed arrived at a small village on the south bank of the Laodao River.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was lying on the table, writing and drawing on the map on the table, in order to prepare for a counterattack.

Yes, it was preparations for a counterattack. Calculated according to the time, the day when the Japanese army will retreat is not far away. If you don't make preparations, the little devil will run away!

PS: Updates are coming!There should be another chapter tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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