War of Resistance

Chapter 1437 Temptation?

"Hello sir!"

"Hello sir!"


Okamura Neiji walked into the headquarters in a hurry, saying hello all the way. Normally, he would respond with a smile, but at this time he was no longer in that mood.

"Chief of Staff, immediately order all units to prepare for retreat! In addition, summon all senior staff officers and hold a meeting immediately to study the retreat plan!" Before Okamura Neji could stop walking, he directly ordered to Chief of Staff Aoki Shigemai. .

As the newly appointed chief of staff after Colonel Yoshimoto Sadao, Colonel Shigesei Aoki has always tried his best to assist Lieutenant General Okamura Neiji, so after hearing the commander's order, he immediately implemented it according to the order. In 15 minutes, a brief and hasty meeting was held.

"Gentlemen, the situation on the front line is very critical now. The Chinese Army has encircled the Sixth Division of our army. Just now, I have ordered all the troops to prepare for retreat. What we have to study now is how to withdraw. Method? How can we safely withdraw the troops to Yueyang? I want everyone to discuss a feasible plan within 5 minutes. Otherwise, our two divisions may be surrounded by the Chinese Army, especially the Sixth Division and No. 13 Division." Okamura Neiji's face was very heavy. Obviously, he was still distressed that his encirclement and annihilation plan had failed, but he had no choice at this time.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, in my humble opinion, I believe that whether it is the 13th Division or the [-]th Division, the current task is to retreat first and then retreat before the China Army has noticed our movements. , this kind of retreat is the safest way. Otherwise, after the Chinese army encircles our two divisions, we may have to pay a certain price if we want to leave." Aoki Shigemako's thin face It's very solemn, coupled with that funny brush mustache, it looks funny no matter how you look at it.

Okamura Neiji also knew that what Aoki Shigemako said was indeed the truth, and it would be very difficult to decide on an important matter within a few minutes because it involves scheduling issues for all parties.

Ever since, as the commander, Okamura Neiji made a very wise decision.

Okamura Neiji looked at Aoki Shigemai and said in a deep voice: "Aoki-kun, in your opinion, what should be done better."

Yes, this is the art of leadership by Neji Okamura: when it’s time to leave the problem to the people below, you must leave it to them.

I saw Aoki Shigemai snap to attention and salute: "I report to the Commander, Your Excellency, I believe that it is the best thing to let the division commanders of the 13th Division and No. [-] Division make the decision. Battlefield The situation is changing rapidly, and only the people who are involved in it can understand the situation better. Please pay attention to it, Commander."

It has to be said that Aoki Shigemai's words really touched the heart of Neji Okamura, who said with a serious face: "That's it!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, is wise!" Aoki Shigemai stood at attention again and saluted.


At this time, Li Yinglun's eyes were as dark as a panda's. Even though his physique was no longer weak, he felt very tired at this moment, but he knew that he could not rest yet. The Japanese troops on the opposite side had not withdrawn for a day, so he must hold on. ——Because Zhang Tianhai has already led the troops to carry out more dangerous tasks, he, the chief of general staff, must take over!

The ruins of the broken wall in the distance were picturesque, and thick black smoke rose straight into the sky. Li Yinglun knew that the Japanese army on the opposite side had not finished cleaning the battlefield. With just one battalion in his hand, he could only hold on until dark at most. If If the fighting continues, the soldiers from the engineer battalion and artillery battalion will have to get their rifles and go forward. "Sir, please take a rest! If you don't pay attention, how will our army be able to withstand the wolf-like Japanese army? Reinforcements from the theater are already arriving. If you don't take a rest, I'm afraid the Japanese army will attack next time. Sometimes, you will be unable to bear it." Li Yinglun's adjutant Jia Zheng advised.

After hearing what Jia Zheng said, Li Yinglun's eyes glowed with light, and his somewhat chaotic head began to spin at high speed: "Xiao Jia, I remember that the telegram from above said that the reinforcements had a group?"

"Yes, sir!" Jia Zheng nodded. This was his duty as an adjutant. He had to remind the commander of important information.

"Okay...excellent..." Li Yinglun nodded slightly, his eyes shining.

For some reason, Jia Zheng felt a little panicked when he looked at his commander's current appearance. He didn't know the source of the panic. He only knew that the commander seemed to be doing something very crazy. At this time, the commander-in-chief had already led The soldiers went to sneak attack the Japanese artillery positions, and the adjutant general also led a team to feign an attack on the Japanese army. If the chief of general staff still led the troops to attack, wouldn't he push the troops into a pit of fire?
Jia Zheng knew that he should not speak out at this time, but as an adjutant, he felt that he should remind his commander. After thinking about it, he still spoke: "Sir, do you want to counterattack?"

"You are only half right." Li Yinglun said with a smile, "In fact, at this time, the Japanese army must be exhausted. If we can launch an attack on them, I think they may not be able to survive when they are surrounded on all sides. how long."

"However, our troops have just suffered so many casualties. If we attack so rashly, will we destroy all our remaining foundations? Now we only have two companies left..." Jia Zheng couldn't help but A reminder that he would never question the commander-in-chief's decision, but unfortunately this time it was too risky, so he had to remind him - he had also experienced it all along the way with the Ninth Theater District Guard Unit.

The camp is made of iron and the soldiers are flowing water.

Since its establishment, the Ninth War Zone Guard Force has gone through many changes. For Jia Zheng, he has also seen it and kept it in his heart. This force has been a member of the Ninth War Zone Guard Corps since its predecessor, the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone. He has created many miracles, especially in the battles where the brothers sacrificed their lives and fought bravely to fight the national calamity together. All these scenes made Jia Zheng burst into tears. He only regretted that he could not Pick up the steel gun and rush to the front line.

Jia Zheng is not only a passionate soldier, but also an extremely calm scholar. He knows that his position can create better value than charging at the front, such as allowing the troops to avoid greater casualties and being more keenly aware of opponents. movements, and then give the enemy a fatal blow!
"Who said I'm going to attack with all my strength? Let's test it out first! Aren't the reinforcements from the commander's department coming soon? By then, we will still have a regiment of troops, and they will also participate in the attack! Only in this way, Only by this can we stop the advance of the Japanese army, and we can maximize our interests!" The madness in Li Yinglun's eyes was no longer concealed.

Who says that military generals born as literati are not crazy?When they go crazy, no one can understand them!
You know, if all the infantry troops are put into the offensive formation at this moment, the entire position will be empty. As long as the Japanese army sends a small team, it can occupy the territory that the raiding troops could not win last night after fierce fighting all night!

"Sir...you don't want the engineers and baggage troops to go into battle to defend the position with guns, right?" Surprised thoughts flashed through Jia Zheng's mind.

"We've already reached this level, it's up to us who fights harder. The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road!" Li Yinglun said solemnly, his tone full of confidence!


PS: Updates are coming! (end of this chapter)

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