Onizuka Yoshikawa's troops are composed of personnel that can be drawn from each unit, and the strength of his troops is only one and a half squadrons, which means that the number of personnel barely reaches more than [-], and including the cavalry regiment, it only reaches [-] The remaining people.

These troops are already the strongest force that the Japanese No. 13 Division can draw while on the run!

There was no earth-shaking power, no overwhelming shouts, only the shining bayonets of the Japanese troops. They had already dispatched three squadrons!
In addition, even though the cavalry regiment experienced the sadness of being "broken" in front of the formation, the cavalry regiment, which was still vigorous and fierce, was also sent by Onizuka Yoshikawa to bypass it.

In order to have more reserve troops in his hands and avoid the risk of annihilation of the entire army, Onizuka Yoshikawa did not attack all the troops at the first time, but attacked in part.

Onizuka Yoshikawa's purpose of doing this is also very simple, that is, to leave a way out. In his opinion, doing something knowing that it cannot be done is a fool. Now that the division leader has been overwhelmed by anger, what he has to do now That is - we must try our best to win the battle. Even if we can't win, we must retreat with our troops intact!

Just because the No. 13 Division has already suffered heavy casualties in this southward battle, if Onizuka Yoshikawa consumes all his limited troops here, the wounds of the No. 13 Division will only expand even more, and the blood will be lost. More will flow!


The Japanese army is worthy of being the strongest army in East Asia in this era. Even if it is a temporary piece of troops, there is a very tacit understanding of the pace of attack.

The war is coming, the retreat is coming.

This is a characteristic of the elites of this era, especially the murderous aura that pervades them, which is terrifying enough!

Looking at these murderous Japanese soldiers, Zhang Tianhai frowned: The scene he least wanted to see finally happened, and these Japanese soldiers still didn't want to let them go!
"Send the order, the old rule is, get closer and then hit!" Zhang Tianhai said fiercely.

As the Japanese army advances step by step, the battle finally begins!
In an instant, bullets rushed towards the Japanese soldiers like a heavy rain. The Japanese soldiers in the front row fell down one after another, and the Japanese machine gunners who followed behind them fought back! Gunshots suddenly rang out!
Looking at the two sides fighting from a distance, Major General Onizuka Yoshikawa felt flustered for no reason: It was an unprecedented feeling for him. He had a hunch that his troops would not be able to defeat the front positions! The opponent's firepower is not weaker than theirs!
However, are the division commander's orders really not implemented? Will there be greater losses if execution continues? And a meaningless loss? Questions flashed through Onitsuka Yoshikawa's mind, and he felt uncertain.

As the battle progressed, the Japanese troops got closer and closer to the national army's positions, and their casualties also increased.

What followed was that Onizuka Yoshikawa became increasingly uneasy: He always felt that if he accepted the order from the division commander under the premise that all the troops were retreating, he was simply going against the trend! Not worth it at all! The key is, if the cavalry regiment is also wiped out, will the Tanaka Division Commander use Onizuka Yoshikawa's head as a sacrifice to the flag?
Thinking of this, Onizuka Yoshikawa made a decision that the Japanese army often made but violated the order of the division commander: he ordered his own troops to retreat immediately, and at the same time, the cavalry regiment took the rear!
Onizuka Yoshikawa is not only a thoughtful person, but the key is that he is also very courageous, which can be seen from his courage to accept the order of Tanaka Shizuichi division commander to attack against the trend.

Therefore, when Onizuka Yoshikawa made up his mind to run, the order was immediately issued.

"Pass my order, the first unit, the second unit, the third unit! All units! Retreat across the board!!" Onizuka Yoshikawa raised his command sword high and shouted excitedly.

Following Onizuka Yoshikawa's order, the Japanese troops that were rushing forward immediately retreated. Their retreat speed was completely comparable to the speed at which they came up, or even faster.

Looking at the Japanese troops rushing away, Zhang Tianhai frowned even more tightly.

As the Japanese troops left, the battlefield began to return to a calm state. Zhang Tianhai did not say anything, but Xu Xun next to him couldn't help but cursed: "Grandma, these little naughty Japanese, take your grandfather for granted." Just kidding?!"

Seeing Xu Xun who was so excited, and then looking at the hundreds of Japanese corpses dumped in front of the position, Zhang Tianhai said speechlessly: "How can any little Japs come up and kill people just to make a joke?"

Xu Xun followed Zhang Tianhai's gaze and said very dullly: "It seems so..."

"How about we go after these little devils?" Xu Xun made a suggestion that seemed very smart.

"Don't chase the poor criminals, that's all." Zhang Tianhai shook his head. "Sir, from my humble opinion, these little devils must have encountered great difficulties when they retreated in such a panic. If we pursue them now, we will definitely gain something." Xu Xun did not give up and said again. .

"Even you know that you can pursue us now, don't you guys know that? Their cavalry regiment is just a decoration?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

Just as Zhang Tianhai finished speaking, a group of Japanese cavalry galloped past within sight of the position. The scarlet rising sun flag fluttered in the wind, teeth and claws bared, and it was extremely ferocious.

"Xiao Xu, how about you personally lead a squad of brothers to pursue them?" Zhang Tianhai said rather maliciously.

Xu Xun's face was full of black lines: "Sir, do you think a lowly position looks like a fool?"

Zhang Tianhai looked at it carefully and nodded: "It's slightly similar."


The Japanese army retreated, but what left Zhang Tianhai was not excited, but irritable.

For Zhang Tianhai, although he gained a lot from the battle on Changle Street, this battle also wiped out all his hard-earned wealth in one fell swoop.

"Commander, you seem a little sad that this little Japanese is gone..." Zhou Fangjie also had a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, it will take at least a year for our army to recover. The cavalry battalion has been damaged by more than half, and the infantry unit has been almost wiped out. Fortunately, the artillery unit still has its frame, and there are no casualties in the unit. The weapons captured this time are enough for the artillery unit. The battalion has updated its weapons and equipment." Zhang Tianhai shook his head.

"Then what are you going to do with these old cannons that our artillery battalion has replaced?" Zhou Fangjie said seriously.

"Of course, leave it to Commander Xue. We want to use the waste, and it is true that we can get more benefits in exchange. The army has been so damaged. According to our military exploits, either we should be promoted or the army should be expanded." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Then if you were given the opportunity to be promoted or to expand the security force, which one would you choose?" Zhou Fangjie asked curiously.

"Of course the troops are expanding! Why don't you think about it?" Zhang Tianhai said without hesitation.

"Then you don't want to be a bigger official?" Zhou Fangjie said with a smile.

"What's the point of being that kind of officer? Aren't our theater security forces also strong? They are no less than a division. With the Commander-in-Chief here, our troops are stronger than ordinary division-level troops. We are the commander-in-chief of this former enemy. But it feels much better." Zhang Tianhai laughed.

"As expected of you, Lao Zhang... you have the same idea as mine." Zhou Fangjie also laughed and said, there was always a sense of sympathy between the two of them when they looked at each other.


PS: Updates are coming! (end of this chapter)

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