War of Resistance

Chapter 1456 Night attack on Wangzhuang

Chapter 1456 Night attack on Wangzhuang

"It's not urgent now." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, "Hou Ming, have you noticed that we have wiped out the five strongholds outside the Japanese army, but the Japanese army has made no movement? This is not in line with their style."

"That's true, but sir, the Japanese strongholds we have cleared are all close to Changsha. Is it possible that the Japanese army has not had time to react?" Liu Houming said.

"There is a possibility, but it's not very likely." Zhang Tianhai's head was still very calm. He didn't think this was a normal phenomenon.

"What do you mean?" Liu Houming's head couldn't turn around for a while.

"What I mean is that there has definitely been a change in the strength of the Japanese army. It's just that we can't tell which aspect has changed, but it is very likely that their main force has been transferred away from Pingjiang." Zhang Tianhai analyzed calmly.

"If there is a snake in the grass, you can tell by hugging it with a stick. Sir, are we going to attack the stronghold near the Yangtze River?" Liu Houming asked.

"Yes, I do have this plan." Zhang Tianhai did not deny it and directly circled a point on the map.

"Wangzhuang stronghold?" Liu Houming frowned slightly, "Sir, the strongholds we attacked before were basically strongholds without bunkers and gun towers. Even if we successfully attacked the Japanese stronghold before, in fact, the Japanese army is very likely to judge it as It’s an act of guerrillas. If we fight like this, will our presence be exposed or even alert the Japanese army?”

"You are stupid! You were talking just now. What we want is to give them a stick. If the little devils go out, won't it prove that their main force is still in Pingjiang?" Zhang Tianhai patted him with hatred. Liu Houming's helmet looked at the latter as if he were looking at a pig.

"Yes, sir. I am stupid because of my humble position, hehehehe..." Liu Houming straightened his helmet and said with a smile.

"Pass my order, all of us must rush to the outskirts of Wangzhuang before dark!" Zhang Tianhai said decisively.


After hearing this order from Chief Zhang, the officers and soldiers of the special agent company immediately became energetic: Aren't they bullying the little devil again? Specializing in night battles and sneak attack battles that little devils are not good at, it is simply not an ordinary pleasure...


When night slowly fell on the earth, the Japanese army's outlying strongholds at Wangzhuang also welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

Of course, this group of uninvited guests came in secret, and after their arrival, they did not launch an attack immediately, but hid in the mountains to rest first.

As an important stronghold on the outskirts of Pingjiang County, there are usually two detachments of Japanese troops and a defense force composed of more than 40 puppet troops to guard it.

Due to the latest combat order, the original two detachments of Japanese troops became one detachment. However, for the safety of the Wangzhuang stronghold, the captain in charge of guarding Pingjiang, Kawada Yongo, still retained the establishment of more than 40 puppet troops. Wangzhuang.

There is no way. Although the combat effectiveness of these puppet troops is very poor, it is better than not having any puppet troops at all, right? Otherwise, once the enemy attacks, I'm afraid there will be no movement at all.

Looking at the fields rendered by the dark night and the mountains in the distance hiding countless wild beasts, Yamamoto Dayong felt a sense of irritation in his heart: This irritability was almost inexplicable, perhaps because he did not go to Hubei with the large army. , maybe it’s also related to the fact that there aren’t many people on hand.

"I hope the damn China Central Army won't come over at this time." Yamamoto Dayong muttered to himself.

"Captain, don't worry! According to my understanding of the China Army, they should be praying for us not to attack them, not that they have the courage to attack us. Besides, the news of troop mobilization is secret information. It is only known to our imperial soldiers and is strictly prohibited from spreading to outsiders. How could they dare to do such a thing?" said an older Japanese corporal next to him with disdain.

"I hope so!" Yamamoto Dayong's anxiety subsided a little.


The outskirts of Wangzhuang.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was observing Wangzhuang's situation with a telescope in high spirits, but the pride on his face could not be concealed - Wangzhuang was indeed empty of troops!

According to Zhang Tianhai's understanding of the Japanese army, if the Japanese army was not empty of troops, there must be four or five Japanese soldiers participating in the security outside the gun tower. But now they are all puppet troops? Isn't this obvious? As for the puppet troops, Zhang Tianhai never paid attention to them. When the guns were fired, these bastards could run faster than anyone else, so how could they have any combat effectiveness?

"Send the order, launch an attack at three o'clock in the morning!" Zhang Tianhai said softly to Liu Houming next to him.

Soon, the order spread throughout the entire company.


Three o'clock in the morning.

Dark clouds slowly began to cover the sky, and everything in the world seemed to darken. Only the fires lit by the puppet soldiers were burning "crackling", illuminating everything nearby.

The searchlights on the Japanese gun towers were shining on the dark surroundings, but unfortunately they were destined to find nothing - how could the officers and soldiers of the special agent company with rich combat experience make such low-level mistakes?

In the dark night, the puppet troops were already drowsy, and most of the Japanese troops in the gun tower had fallen into a deep sleep. The remaining three or four Japanese soldiers on guard were on duty. Of course, they were also sleepy.

Six mortars have been quietly set up outside the position, just waiting for the commander's signal to fire the shells into the seemingly impregnable Japanese artillery tower.


A clear and distinct gunshot rang out in the silent night, and a bullet streaked through the dark night like a meteor, hitting the Japanese searchlight, and the entire searchlight immediately went dark.

The sound of gunfire is Chief Zhang’s signal to take action!

Before the Japanese and puppet troops could react, countless small artillery shells from grenade launchers were tilting down towards the puppet army's position!





The ensuing explosions sounded like the New Year, and puppet soldiers continued to die!

Of course, just as Zhang Tianhai predicted, in this round of overwhelming raids, the puppet army collapsed at the first touch!

Many puppet troops are fleeing in panic, but the target of the national army is not on them, but on the position behind them!

"Enemy attack~Enemy attack~"

A loud whistle sounded, waking up all the Japanese troops.

When he heard the loud explosion of artillery shells, Yamamoto Dayong knew that the Wangzhuang stronghold was over!

Therefore, Yamamoto Dayong did a very correct thing and first sent the information that Wangzhuang was about to fall back to Pingjiang County!


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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