War of Resistance

Chapter 2 Pain

Chapter 2 Pain

"Yes, Captain."

Hearing what Zhang Tianhai said, Xu Sangou was obviously very happy, at least he seemed to be smiling.

Zhang Tianhai supported the German M35 steel helmet on his head and slowly closed his eyes, but when he closed his eyes, he was filled with familiar faces whose heads had been pierced by rifle bullets.

Pain, not ordinary pain.

A clear teardrop flowed from the corner of his eye, then swept across his handsome face darkened by gunpowder smoke, and finally dripped onto his dirty military uniform.

Yes, they are the most elite German armorers in the whole of China, and they are the leaders of the Chinese army in terms of combat effectiveness.

But after all, they are human beings, not gods. They are also flesh and blood, and they will be injured and sacrificed if they are hit by bullets. From early morning to now, in only six hours, more than 50 brothers died, and 20 others died. The lives and deaths of several seriously injured brothers are uncertain, how could Zhang Tianhai, who has always been emotional, not feel sad?

Zhang Tianhai in his previous life was indeed the leader of the Marine Brigade, a man who could be called a "God of War" in the Marine Brigade, but so what?Can one single-handedly match the Japanese aircraft and artillery?Can he save his fallen comrades?Can the warriors who are ready to go to battle return unscathed?
No, he can't do anything, he's just a person, he can't fight the whole world.

If Zhang Tianhai was left alone to play the jungle battle with this group of Japanese troops, he might still survive, but now he is the company commander!He was going to command this battle, and he was going to take the entire company of soldiers to break through the Japanese line of defense!
You know, he is facing the most powerful Japanese Marine Corps in East Asia in this era!
When he was the squadron leader of the reconnaissance brigade in his previous life, Zhang Tianhai wondered countless times, what would happen if he came to the period of the Anti-Japanese War?Will you lead the troops to victory?
However, when the "dream" came true, the reality was so cruel - the enemy he faced was definitely the trump card of the Japanese army. Haocheng company commander died in the hands of these devils who fired cold guns.

The Marine Corps, since its birth, has required it to be a first-class unit in terms of individual combat effectiveness and overall combat effectiveness, because their mission is to land on the coastline heavily guarded by the enemy.

Because of the mission, the Marine Corps is a first-class elite, whether in modern times or in the past, just like the Marine Brigade of the People's Liberation Army in the 21st century. Which one is not a quick reaction force?
In Japan in this era, due to the limited steel resources, especially copper mines, it is even more scarce, so this requires the Japanese soldiers to shoot accurately and not cause wastage of bullets.

It is precisely because this requirement is implemented by the Japanese army from top to bottom that the quality of the Japanese soldiers at this time is the highest.

It is said that the seventeen standing divisions of the Japanese Army are very powerful in combat, but people often overlook that there is another unit in the Japanese army whose combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the standing divisions, and that is the Japanese Marine Corps.

Why is the combat effectiveness of the Japanese Marine Corps stronger than that of the Japanese Army Standing Division?This has to start with Japan's "Battle of Land and Sea".

As we all know, Japan is surrounded by sea on all sides and is a typical sea power country.It is precisely because Japan is a country with sea power, which means that it is more dependent on the navy than the army. The existence of the army is necessary, but the scale does not need to be too large; however, there is another option that is not equal, that is, the maintenance of the army. The navy needs a lot of money, and it has to vigorously develop the scale of the navy!
Look at it, like a warship, how much money and resources it has to spend from building to launching?
As for the army, it is relatively simple to raise, as long as there are guns, artillery and food.

It can be said that the cost of building a warship can form three standing divisions, and it also includes the cost of food for a whole year.Of course, this is only the cost of construction, not including post-maintenance, which is another astronomical sum.

This is where the difference lies.

Japan is an extremely resource-poor country, and most of the limited resources in the country are tilted toward the navy, so it has created a phenomenon that the navy is rich, but the army is poor.

In Japan, the combat effectiveness of the Army's standing divisions, which are relatively short of funds, is already extremely strong, not to mention the navy that exists like an uncle.

Well, rich is uncle.

A good gunslinger is fed bullets, not aimed at the target.

As the only marine unit of the Japanese Navy, Yamamoto 56 naturally would not be stingy with such a little money. Therefore, the Japanese Marine Corps is the only one in the Japanese Marine Corps, whether it is equipment or training.

Zhang Tianhai was an officer of the Marine Corps in his previous life, so he understood these truths better than ordinary people—the enemy he faced at this time was the ace of the Japanese army!

For example, the "Sea-Land War" during World War I and World War II in Japan, the professor has already talked about it in the military academy classroom in the 21st century, and Zhang Tianhai remembers it clearly.

But so what?Don't you have to fight hard?

Scene after scene passed through his head like a revolving lantern, Zhang Tianhai's mood never calmed down, because there was a kind of pain, and it was like a heartbreak.

Holding this German-made 1924 Mauser rifle from which sacrificial comrade-in-arms was picked up, Zhang Tianhai inexplicably gained some peace in his heart, because this rifle could accompany him to kill enemies and eliminate robbers!
15 minutes is not long or short, but for soldiers fighting on the front line, it is undoubtedly very short.

Time is fleeting.

Before the 15-minute time limit, Zhang Tianhai got everyone up and ready for battle.

On the street, the rain doused the burning fireworks.At this time, the rain stopped, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground under the rising sun, including Chinese soldiers and devils.

At this time, the street was quiet, without the usual lively noise.

Obviously, the devils also took advantage of this rare opportunity to rest.

At this moment of silence, there was a sudden roar of diesel engines in the distance.

Zhang Tianhai's face changed slightly, and he immediately shouted: "Quick, put together a bunch of grenades, the devil's tank is coming! Remember! Throw the cluster grenade into the bottom of the tank if you have the opportunity!"

As a modern person, how could Zhang Tianhai not know the power of the tank known as the "King of Marine Warfare". Although the Japanese army's tanks were not equipped with artillery guns, but machine guns, but the weapons equipped by the current national army, There are really few who can deal with such thin-skinned tanks. After all, there is no such artifact as a bazooka in this era!
In this case, cluster grenades and anti-war artillery are undoubtedly good weapons to restrain tanks, but anti-war artillery is still firing on the fair road, and the officers and soldiers of the three battalions of Battalion Commander Gu are in use, even if they go to pull it at this time Come here, it's too late.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers of their first battalion can only rely on cluster grenades.


PS: Chapter 2, please recommend a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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