War of Resistance

Chapter 454 Retreat Order

Chapter 454 Retreat Order
The front line is fighting hard, and Zhang Tianhai is also constantly training the two battalions, the second battalion and the fourth battalion. Although the war is getting closer, the more experience, the less sacrifice, isn't it?


After Tang Enbo received a clear reply from Li Zongren, the commander of the theater, he could only bite the bullet and let the troops continue to rush forward.

The battle was very fierce at one time, and shells fell on the Japanese positions. The shells of the 75-sheng howitzer were not comparable to the [-]mm caliber [-] field guns of the Japanese army. The waves covered even a dozen meters nearby, and the people in it had no way to survive—either they were torn into pieces by the air waves caused by the shells of the heavy artillery, or they were blown away. People were shocked to death even in the bombardment.

Fortunately, this is the shell fired by the [-]th heavy howitzer of the Artillery Battalion Attached to the Tang Enbo Army, otherwise this will be another nightmare for the national army.

This is a howitzer with a caliber of 150mm!

At that time, when the Isoya Division attacked the headquarters of the Sichuan Army that was defending Teng County, it used a large number of [-]-year-old howitzers and heavy artillery to attack the city. Many brothers from the Sichuan Army died under such heavy artillery.

Looking at the scene of shells, gunpowder smoke, and dust splashing through the telescope, Tang Enbo's face sank, he did not speak, but pressed his lips tightly.

The unit in charge of fighting the Japanese army in front of him was the most elite Zheng Dongguo's Second Division under Tang Enbo's command!
"This little devil is really difficult to deal with. He is already in a desperate situation. In addition, we have used [-] heavy howitzers to bomb, but he still hasn't collapsed..." A small staff officer next to him said softly.

"Yudong, in your opinion, if our No.20 Corps is allowed to defend this place, will we have a chance of winning against the Japanese army with the same firepower?" Tang Enbo asked Guan Linzheng beside him.

Guan Linzheng frowned and said: "Sir, please forgive me for my humble position. If the conditions are the same, perhaps only the No.13 Army before our expansion can withstand the Japanese attack. With our current strength, if we let go Any division going up is in danger of collapsing at any time. Unless it is the second division."

"It seems that Yudong and I have the same idea. Compared with the Japanese army, there is still a big gap between our army..." Tang Enbo sighed.

"But no matter what, we still have to fight, don't you? Sir." Guan Linzheng said helplessly.

"That's true. Now all the troops are making very slow progress, especially Beidayao. If it weren't for the use of the howitzer battalion, I think it will take a lot of effort to win here." Tang Enbo also frowned tightly. He said that the battle was not going well, and he was under a lot of pressure, especially Li Zongren, the commander of the theater, was still watching his movements closely from behind.

Han Fuqu's fate has set an example for the senior officers of the national army. If the battle is unfavorable, or if they lead the team to escape, they will really be shot. This is not a joke.

Tang Enbo also knew that Wang Mingzhang of the Sichuan Army was defending Teng County to fight. He was outraged because he led his troops to move slowly. Yes, it's obvious that there are big opinions.

If he is unfavorable in battle again this time, or if he moves slowly, Li Zongren really dares to sacrifice his head to the flag if he is not guaranteed.

In the next few days, Tang Enbo's army fought bloody battles, and finally leveled the outer positions of Taierzhuang step by step.

At this moment, Isoya Rensuke finally waited for his life.

This is an order from the Second Army Headquarters of the North China Front Army of the Japanese invaders, and the person who issued the order to him was Lieutenant General Hisao Nishio.

In Taierzhuang, the headquarters of the Japanese North China Front Army's Southward March (i.e., the Division Headquarters of the Isoya Division).

Isotani Rensuke held this life-saving telegram from the higher authority, and finally showed a smile on his face.

"Yixi-kun, we are finally saved, and we don't have to stay here anymore." Isotani Rensuke had a joyful smile on his face.

Chief of Staff Yi Xizheng Wu who just came back from the outside had a face full of bewilderment, and asked: "Your Excellency, what is it that makes you so happy?"

"Your Excellency, Commander of the North China Front Army, General His Excellency Terauchi, finally let Hiso Nishio issue an order for us to break through and retreat! This is a good thing!" Isotani Rensuke's face was full of joy, which was a great deal for an originally For those who have decided to advance and retreat with the whole army and are about to die in Taierzhuang, this is naturally excellent news.

"Nani?" As he spoke, Yi Ximasago took the telegram from Isoya Rensuke's hand, and read it carefully.

I saw this telegram read: "About the retreat order of the southward marching troops of the Second Army of the North China Front Army". Due to the unfavorable battle a few days ago, in order to prevent our southward marching troops from being encircled by the Chinese army, this retreat order was specially issued.Commander of the [-]th Division, Lieutenant General Rensuke Isoya, Commander of the Southward March, after you receive the order, you should immediately organize your troops and prepare for the retreat.In addition, before you retreat, you must prepare for the second attack on Xuzhou.When your troops are withdrawing, you should occupy the Zhangshan Mountain in the southwest of Yixian County with the vanguard to support the battle to defend Yixian County and make efforts to capture Xuzhou in the near future.In addition, I wish Wu Yun a long life.Commander of the Second Army Headquarters of the North China Front, Hisao Nishio sent an urgent telegram at [-]:[-] pm on April [-]th.

"It seems that we are really saved this time. As long as we defend Zhangshan, it is equivalent to defending the outskirts of Yixian County. To defend Yixian County is to defend the bridgehead for attacking Xuzhou." Said happily.

"Yes, that should be the case. How about this, immediately issue orders to the troops to prepare them to break out at night. In addition, we have to concentrate a part of our troops to launch an attack on the enemy troops in the northeast direction. From their side Open a gap, so that we can break out safely." Isoya Rensuke said seriously, as a commander with more experience in commanding operations, he still has this common sense.

In the past few days, the Chinese army has continuously launched fierce attacks on Rensuke Isotani's headquarters. Rensuke Isotani's headquarters seems to be nothing, but only the commander Rensuke Isotani knows best. What a heavy price.

From the 1 troops before the invasion of Taierzhuang, to now there are only more than [-] people left, and many of them are wounded soldiers, so the pressure on Rensuke Isotani is not so great. The plan to lay down Xuzhou was aborted.

Not only was the plan aborted, but the main force of the [-]th Division, known as the elite concentration of the young elite of the Empire, together with the troops drawn from the other reserve divisions, turned their backs on their backs.

This was a complete defeat, and it was also the worst defeat the Japanese army lost after entering China. The Fifth Division suffered a lot of casualties when it fought in LY. It is normal for a horse to stumble in battle.

But Liansuke Isoya is different. The Second Army has placed great trust in him, hoping that he can lead his troops to break through Taierzhuang in one fell swoop, and then attack Xuzhou.

Who would have thought that the south marching army, which had sent so many troops to strengthen it, would be able to knock people off their feet in an unknown place, and even being alive now is the greatest expectation.

But that is not what Isoya Rensuke is concerned about now. What Isoya Rensuke should think about is how to bring these remnants of his defeated soldiers alive out of Taierzhuang, which is already the center of the encirclement circle of the Chinese army.

Still the same sentence, if you don't run, you won't be able to run!

PS: The second one will be sent, it will be written later than expected.good night everybody.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Yun Dan Feng Qing 002 for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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