War of Resistance

Chapter 553 Power Search

Chapter 553 Power Search
Soon, a very brief military meeting was held.

The core content of the meeting was also very simple, that is, all the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater stationed in Lanfeng County to take over the defense.

"Everyone, the order we received this time is to enter Lanfeng County, east of Kaifeng, for garrison. Let me tell you this, the garrison mission this time is very difficult, and it is not inferior to any frontline combat mission!" Zhang Tianhai said very Seriously said to the officers present.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, the faces of the officers present suddenly became very serious, because they knew that the regiment assistants would not be aimless.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai ordered Adjutant Wang Liang to unfold the military map that Adjutant Cai Yang handed over to him just now.

"Everyone, don't think that Kaifeng is quite far from Xuzhou, but if Xuzhou falls, Kaifeng will directly face the front of the Japanese army, and Fengkai County is the east gate of Kaifeng. The importance is self-evident. If our troops are not well trained, or if they are not familiar with Lan Feng, our regiment will be in a very dangerous situation." While speaking, Zhang Tianhai did not forget to circle the map The locations of Lanfeng, Xuzhou, and Kaifeng.

Whenever Zhang Tianhai said these things, the people present were always very serious, including Guo Qiliang and Zhou Fangjie, two officers who were both decision-makers of the regiment headquarters.

There is no other reason, it is purely because Zhang Tianhai has extremely high tactical attainments, listening to him explain these contents is the same as studying in class.

Yes, it is the kind of class in a military school.

If Zhang Tianhai didn't have such extraordinary abilities, how could these rebellious officers respect him so much and obey his orders unconditionally without questioning him at all.

For these officers of the Zhiyi regiment, with the advanced skills of the regiment, even if they go to the military academy to become an instructor, there is no problem at all. If you don’t believe it, let’s see which one of the battles commanded by the regiment is not a textbook. battle?Even some places are beyond the scope of textbooks.

As far as his ability is concerned, when he analyzes the battlefield situation, these officers treat it as if they were listening to the lectures of the instructors in the military academy.

After finishing the previous words, Zhang Tianhai turned his head and put his hands on the conference table, then looked around the crowd and said, "In order to deal with this embarrassing situation, I decided to do something in this meeting. A short warm-up plan, this plan is also very simple. Probably when our regiment organizes the officer training class and trains soldiers in each platoon, we also need to send some troops to do a detailed survey of the terrain near Lanfeng County In a word, we must understand the situation around Lanfeng clearly, we must understand the situation in Lanfeng County clearly, and prepare for the future battle to defend Lanfeng County!"

"Yes! I will definitely complete the tasks assigned by the group and do my best to defend Lanfeng County!" Zhou Fangjie stood up first and responded.

Afterwards, Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang also stood up, and said loudly: "I promise to complete the task, do my best to defend Lan Feng, and swear to live and die with Lan Feng!"

Then all the officers present stood up and responded in unison: "The humble staff and others promise to complete the task and live and die with Lan Feng!!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction.

In fact, what Zhang Tianhai wants is not to stick to Lan Feng, what he wants is that the headquarters of the first regiment directly under his third war zone must have a desperate spirit and the courage to fight to the end.

If you don't have the courage to die, no matter how well-trained the army is, then this army will not be able to win the battle. After all, there are raging soldiers and a raging nest!
"Very well, I have seen your courage, please sit down first! Now let the people in the staff department come up with a plan for the marching route, and try to plan the marching route within half an hour, and then start off Please wait here first, and then return to the army to arrange the march!" Zhang Tianhai's words can be regarded as a conclusion.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Everyone responded.

After about 15 minutes, the staff of the staff department finally planned a marching route and provided the marching distance and marching plan for all the troops of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

The content of the plan is also very simple. It is probably to avoid the unknown situation when the large troops go to Lanfeng, so the officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion will first open the way to Lanfeng. If necessary, a powerful search can be carried out.

What does the phrase power search mean? In fact, everyone understands it. To put it bluntly, it means going to war directly.

The situation in Lanfeng may be a bit complicated now. Although the enemy's main force is still fighting around Xuzhou, this does not mean that these Japanese troops will not set their sights on Kaifeng.

In particular, their intelligence agencies will inevitably infiltrate this side first, making preparations for the next step of taking Kaifeng and then attacking Wuhan.

The conspiracy of the Japanese will not be so simple-the plan of several generations of hard work, just to seek the land of China, they have no reason to be so forward-looking, so after they delineated the stop line of the Xuzhou battle They will inevitably mobilize heavy troops to rush in the direction of Lanfeng.

The No.14 division of Kenji Doihara was nothing more than a fist extended by the main force of the Japanese army of the North China Front Army, and their fist was aimed at Kaifeng, and the follow-up troops were following up.

On this point, Zhang Tianhai still saw very clearly, thanks to the blessing of him being a traverser, otherwise he would never have expected such a difficult battle waiting for them.

Generally speaking, although Lan Feng is good, it is also a place of the Four Wars.

Since the established facts cannot be changed, the only thing to do is to be prepared.

This is Zhang Tianhai's consistent style and habit of doing things.

"The whole meeting is probably like this. All troops are requested to implement it carefully. And I will emphasize again, whichever army has soldiers who dare to stretch out their hands to the common people, they will be executed on the spot! No matter which army it is! Do you understand?" Zhang Tianhai, who had just finished the meeting, stood up directly from behind the conference table, and asked the dozen or so key officers in front of him.

"Yes! Group seats!" Everyone responded in unison and stood up.


This brief military meeting ended so simply.

After Zhang Tianhai walked out of the conference room, he found that his military off-road jeep was already waiting outside the door.

No matter how you say it, Zhang Tianhai is an imposing head of the regiment, and he can still have the convenience of this.

Well, especially in this era when there is no restriction that public cars cannot be used privately, uh, it seems that Zhang Tianhai is not privately using public cars at this moment, right?
"Let's go, old Zhang! What are you still thinking about?" Seeing Zhang Tianhai who was in a daze at the door, Zhou Fangjie came up and asked.

"It's okay, let's go! We have to reach Lanfeng sooner. Now the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone has given us a map, and almost no information has been revealed. We can't go there. His eyes are smeared." Zhang Tianhai sighed for a long time, as the leader of a large regiment, he is definitely under a lot of pressure, and he must take all aspects into consideration, and a little carelessness may cause the brothers to pay unnecessary sacrifice.

After getting in the car, Zhang Tianhai thought about it again and again, and knew that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him, so he ordered the orderly to drive towards Lanfeng!

PS: The second update is here!

Hey, it’s not easy, the update has finally caught up, and now I still owe our book friends a total of three chapters to update, I will definitely take the time to speed up the code word speed and return it.

Thanks to QQ for reading book friends 20180516020939222, starting point book friends [-] have two monthly tickets each!

Thank you Qidian book friend for having a monthly ticket named Xiaofang!
Thanks for the starting point
(End of this chapter)

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