War of Resistance

Chapter 609 Heze Security Team?

Chapter 609 Heze Security Team?
Facts have proved that the baby who cries gets milk, this saying is absolutely true.

For example, after Zhang Tianhai asked for ammunition from the headquarters of the First Corps in the theater, he finally got a considerable amount of supplies.

Of course, rifle bullets are the main ones, as well as some mortar shells, as well as light and heavy machine gun bullets.

After confirming that he was not at a disadvantage, Zhang Tianhai finally set off for Heze with his first regiment directly under the third war zone.

As for the title of commander-in-chief of the former enemy in Heze, Zhang Tianhai naturally hung on Zhang Tianhai's head, so Zhang Yulin once again lived the combat history of a regiment commander commanding two regiments to fight.

"Congratulations, Lao Zhang, you are once again doing what a brigade commander should do as a regimental commander." Riding on a horse, Zhou Fangjie next to him joked about Zhang Tianhai, who was also riding a horse.

"You, I know you're just making sarcastic remarks here. The higher-ups want our regiment to pull out the teeth... and what's more, it's the teeth of the big tiger of the Doihara Division." Zhang Tianhai smiled on his face, and in his heart But it was the bird man who was full of scolding and "slandered" Chief Xue Yue with all kinds of greetings.

Staff officer Wu Rong, who was far away in Kaifeng, suddenly sneezed loudly, and muttered to himself, "Which son of a bitch is cursing me..."

Sichuan flavor is full...

"Then how do you want to fight the next battle? Now that the Japanese invaders are approaching Heze, I believe that the commander of Heze must be more anxious than us." Zhou Fangjie looked ahead. , said slowly.

"Not necessarily. If the head of the Heze security regiment wants to join the enemy, then this battle will be extremely difficult. If you are not careful, you and I will be buried on the battlefield." Zhang Tianhai's handsome face Tensioned and seemed stressed.

Indeed, in such a situation, how could the pressure not be great?
"Besides, maybe the situation isn't that bad? Save yourself some luck!" Zhou Fangjie murmured, speaking in a voice that could only be heard by two people.

"By the way, old Zhou, I have a plan." Zhang Tianhai cast his gaze on Zhou Fangjie.

"You can go if you want, Lao Guo and I are enough here." After working with Zhang Tianhai for so long, do you know what this guy is thinking?
To put it bluntly, Zhou Fangjie knew that Zhang Tianhai wanted to fart when he saw Zhang Tianhai sticking out his ass.

"I can't go, I will take the cavalry battalion and the special agent company to Heze City to garrison first. Inspect the Heze security regiment. If the situation is not good, we must first solve the Heze security regiment. Otherwise, the battle of Heze will become our regiment. The last battle!" Zhang Tianhai's eyes were ruthless.

The urgency of the situation is unimaginable to others, and only Zhang Tianhai, who is in the center of the storm, knows that if he is not careful, his body will be crushed to pieces!

"Remember to bring the radio on. If you have any questions, as long as you send a telegram, I will lead the troops to surround Heze and eliminate the Heze security team before the Japanese army arrives!" Zhou Fangjie said seriously, the murderous look in his tone could not be concealed.

Rather than letting the Heze Security Group go to the enemy, why not get rid of them before they go to the enemy?
Otherwise, like the puppet army under Liu Guitang, it would have caused considerable trouble to the national army.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis.

From Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie's point of view, the best result is that the Heze security group is anti-Japanese and patriotic.

However, it is an established fact that the puppet army under Liu Guitang caused great trouble to the national army.

"Okay, with your words, I can feel more at ease..." Zhang Tianhai smiled, looking very happy, but after a while, he became serious again: "By the way, come as you come, It is enough to bring a few main infantry battalions, plus a small artillery company and a mortar company, don't pull the artillery battalion to rescue me!"

"Huh?" Countless question marks flashed in Zhou Fangjie's mind, obviously he didn't quite understand.

"Hey. You won't understand even if I tell you, I don't want to be Xiuqin..." Zhang Tianhai said with a melancholy face.

My ideal man is an unrivaled regiment commander, he will bring his Italian cannon to bombard me one day? !

Obviously, this is Xiuqin's tragedy.

Although Zhou Fangjie is not Li Yunlong, Zhang Yulin is not Xiuqin either...

Cough cough cough, this analogy is really disgusting...

"What Xiuqin? Excellent celery?!" Zhou Fangjie was a little confused for a while, not knowing what Zhang Tianhai was talking about.

"It's...it's okay." Zhang Tianhai suddenly felt speechless because of his metaphor.

So, he hurried to arrange for the special agent company to take a ride. Yes, he took the truck of the logistics battalion and set off first.

As for the things in the logistics battalion, they will be sent up later—the weapons and ammunition that the troops are currently equipped with are enough for them to fight a small-scale battle.

As for fighting a large-scale battle, now is not the time.

It is true that the Doihara Division has sharpened its sword and is on the way to Heze. However, it is impossible for a large force of more than 4 people to reach Heze within two or three days.

What's more, there is the natural danger of the Yellow River, isn't it?
Even if the Doihara Division has the ability to cross the river, it will definitely not be able to cross it immediately-it will take a considerable amount of time for more than 4 troops to cross the river.

It was precisely because of this time difference that Zhang Tianhai took the spy company to catch up with the cavalry battalion without hesitation.

As for the survey team established in the regiment before, it was disbanded when Xue Yue, the commander of the First Corps, ordered the first regiment directly under the third theater to go to Heze.

The survey team, originally a temporary organization, just wanted to explore the topography of Lanfeng, and in addition, it could serve as a teaching and demonstration, so it was kept until the eve of departure.

The cavalry battalion was the first unit ordered to go to Heze, the purpose of which was to make a stand for the Zhiyi regiment.

"Tuan Zuo, the order for us to go to Heze came quite suddenly..." Liu Houming, who played as Zhang Tianhai's driver as a guest, asked.

"Yes. It was really sudden, but there is no way. The Japanese didn't give us the time to prepare. Even if we give us another half a month, it will be different." Zhang Tianhai prevaricated Liu Houming casually.

There are some things that cannot be said, and once said, people's hearts will be scattered.

In fact, why isn't Zhang Tianhai very depressed in his heart?Why should Gui Yongqing, an idiot who has been stationed in Lanfeng for a long time, lead his troops to guard?God knows what use this bird man will have.

Well, here, I have to mention Zhang Chenggong. When Zhang Tianhai led his troops out of the city, he was quite reluctant...

It seems that he wants to pull Zhang Tianhai with snot and tears, so as not to let him walk away...

Hey, it’s not about how popular Zhang Tianhai is, nor about how much affection Zhang Chenggong has, but rather—there are too few officers who can manage troops like Captain Zhang. , but nothing wrong with the common people.

Well, the more important thing is that they don't exploit the Lanfeng County Government, nor make fun of Zhang Chenggong...

If it was in a prosperous age, maybe the county magistrate had great power-but this is a troubled time, and the era when guns are the king of grass heads. In the eyes of the army, the county magistrate can only be regarded as a senior clerk.

As for the question of the county magistrate's dissatisfaction, it is not within the scope of consideration at all: dissatisfaction?Just hold a gun to your head and ask if you accept it?
It is precisely because of this that in comparison, Zhang Tianhai undoubtedly belongs to the kind of person who is extremely cute and extremely popular-more importantly, Zhang Tianhai comes from later generations, and is a trump card from later generations There is no doubt that the army has strict military discipline.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai's control over the troops was quite strict, and there was basically no incident of violating the common people.


PS: The first update is here!

I still owe two more, and I will pay it later.

(End of this chapter)

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