Chapter 611
Zhang Tianhai strode in, but as soon as he saw the old building in front of him, his face sank slightly, and his fist wearing white command gloves was already lightly clenched.

He had never seen such a dilapidated city defense headquarters. It was said to be the city defense headquarters, but it was actually even dilapidated and dirtier than the bandit house.

It's not that the national government has no funds for these security groups, and the governments of various places have never dared to default on the army's projects. Why is there such a dilapidated city defense command?This is a question worth exploring.

If it was the past, Zhang Tianhai might have the patience to slowly organize his troops and slowly train them into a battle-ready division.

However, now is the time when the Japanese army is pressing down on the country. This kind of internal and external troubles will be very worrying.

"Deputy Commander Cao, I need you to give me an explanation. What's going on here?" Zhang Tianhai frowned and looked at Cao Wuzheng.

Cao Wuzheng also knew that the new commander-in-chief of the former enemy in front of him was quite dissatisfied with them-but what else could he do?After all, he is the deputy head of the regiment, and the main command power is still in the hands of the head of the regiment.

"That... Chief Zhang... humble rank..." Cao Wuzheng hesitated to speak.

"Where is your head?!" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

" sir, it's at his mansion!" Cao Wu was startled by Zhang Tianhai's sudden angry shout, and even stuttered a bit.

"Lead the way!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his face was very heavy, almost as dark as a June day when the storm was about to come.

"Yes! Sir!" Cao Wuzheng was almost shocked, and then subconsciously responded, which was quite different from his powerful and extremely lethal appearance.

Cao Wu is leading the way, while the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment Cavalry Battalion are already taking over the defense around the ancient city of Heze.

As for the secret service company, it must be to follow Zhang Yulin and Zhang Datuan to the home of Han Yiwen, the head of the Heze security regiment... Oh no, to be precise, it is the family.

After arriving outside Han Yiwen's mansion, Zhang Tianhai discovered that this Han mansion really deserves the word "mansion". The appearance is resplendent and resplendent, and it really looks like a wealthy family.

Zhang Tianhai sneered secretly: This regiment leader Han is really very powerful. The city defense headquarters is as dirty as a beggar's nest. His house is not bad, it looks like He Shen's mansion in the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In a situation like this, you don't need to think about it. Where did the Han family get so much money to buy such a luxurious mansion?What else could it be other than pocketing and exploiting?

The position of head of the security regiment, whether viewed by the central army or the local army, is an irrelevant position. As far as these security regiments are concerned, the equipment is poor, and the quality of the soldiers is not good.

If the only advantage of the security group is that it is better than nothing, at least it can guarantee that the security group is still within the sphere of influence.

However, these security regiments are often the "fragrant buns" in the eyes of some ambitious people. As long as they are in this position, they need people and guns. Although they are not good guns, at least they can A murderer.

The most important thing is that whether it is the central army or the local army units of various factions, they must first focus on building their own field army units.

After all, the field army is the foundation of their lives, and it is also the biggest advantage in fighting for world hegemony. As for the security team, as long as they don't make trouble for them, they will generally ignore them.

Of course, if you go to a place like Nanjing and do something, then it is very likely that Chairman Jiang will clean it up.

However, Heze is a place that can be called "the mountain is high and the emperor is far away"-this is the place where Shandong and Henan meet. At that time, the center of gravity of Hanfu Canal was in Jinan, Qingdao, and places north of the Yellow River; Long's main focus is on Henan, Jiangsu, and Hunan, Sichuan, and northern Shaanxi.

Before the Guangdong-Guangdong Incident, many large troops were still stationed in Hunan and Jiangxi to guard against Li Zongren's Guangxi faction, as well as the Cantonese army of Chen Jitang, the "Southern King" at that time.

The Shandong warlord Han Fuqu, who was basically not a big threat, was naturally not among the primary considerations for prevention.

They don't care much about Shandong, and naturally they don't put too much energy into Heze, which borders the two provinces. Because of this, it has become a veritable "three-no" zone in politics.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and naturally he could figure out where the joints were.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai said to the secret agent company behind him: "Special agent company, immediately surround this Han mansion!"

Under Zhang Tianhai's order, these officers and soldiers of the secret service company, who were as fierce as wolves and tigers, immediately took action, showing off the guys in their hands, blocking the streets in teams and groups, and anyone who might escape in any Han mansion People are stationed everywhere.

The swift action of the spy company surprised Cao Wuzheng: Damn, he moves so fast and skillfully, doesn't he often do this?If there is no accident, this army is specially recruited to do this kind of thing. Look at his actions, this equipment... It's like a sky, a land.

Of course, the latter idea is the conclusion that Cao Wu came to after seeing the huge number of grenade grenades and light machine guns equipped by the Zhiyi Regiment Special Agent Company-as long as the head of the group is willing, this magnificent Han Mansion probably It will be gone in less than half an hour.

"Liu Houming!" Zhang Tianhai called out.

"The humble job is here!" Liu Houming stepped forward and stood at attention, his voice was very loud.

"Go and knock on the door. If the government refuses to open the door, it will be treated as a betrayal of the party and state! Immediately deal with it by military law!" Zhang Tianhai's voice was also very loud, resonant.

Obviously, these words are for the people in the Han Mansion.

But are the people in the Han family really that afraid?

This is nonsense, of course I'm afraid, since Han Yiwen, the master of the Han family, became the head of the security team of this Heze, the status of the Han family in Heze City can be said to have risen in a straight line.

Now that the strength of the Heze security regiment has grown day by day, Han Yiwen has obviously become the boss in Heze City.

Someone has a gun and money, if he is not fierce, who is fierce?
This incident, which hadn't happened for a long time, unexpectedly appeared at this time, and it was when the national government needed their security forces the most.

"Master, master, it's not good, officers and soldiers from outside have surrounded our Han Mansion!!" An old mother shouted and ran into the inner courtyard with a panicked expression.

Yes, not only was she panicking, but the entire Han family panicked.

These years, only the Han family is riding on other people's heads, how can someone else ride on the Han family's head?

This time it's good, other people not only ride on their Han family's head, but also ride on their Han family's head to shit... Is there any reason?Is there still Wang Fa?How arrogant?
The entire Han Mansion was in chaos!

PS: The first update is here!

I worked overtime at night and it was almost past nine o'clock. After I came back, I immediately coded after eating. I was really late. I hope everyone will forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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