War of Resistance

Chapter 63 The Enemy's Weaknesses

Chapter 63 The Enemy's Weaknesses

At 22:45 on August [-], [-], the Japanese Army was stationed at the Shanghai Special Marine Corps Headquarters.

The sound of artillery fire sounded, and a screeching shell swept through a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the wall heavily, leaving a deep crater, but it did not penetrate. Through the specially thickened walls.

With the sound of this burst of artillery, the trumpeter of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment finally sounded the horn of the attack!
"Da da da da da da da da~"

The horn sounded, and countless soldiers with Mauser rifles charged, followed by the machine gunners.

The machine gunners took advantage of the position at the first moment of the charge, suppressing the Japanese on the top floor of the enemy building.

The battle has begun.

Yoshio Yamagami is a squadron leader of the Japanese Marine Corps, with the rank of captain. He is 27 years old this year. This is the eighth day he has been stationed at the Shanghai Navy Special Marine Corps Headquarters.

It has been the eighth day since the Chinese army launched a storm on the [-]th, a full eight days.

To be honest, Yoshio Yamagami was also afraid, but he couldn't help it.Because once he retreats, he will be a coward and a coward, and his family members will be implicated.Therefore, he could not back down, nor would he dare to surrender.

Yoshio Yamagami stared at the ceiling wearily, and fought for eight days in a row, how could he not be tired?

The white lime on the ceiling has shattered and fell, and it is the trace left by the Chinese army artillery bomber.

With only a few hundred people left in this headquarters, I don't know how long it will last?Although Lieutenant General Hasegawa Kiyoshi had already telegraphed them that reinforcements from the empire were coming, Yoshio Yamagami was still full of despair.

It's not that the empire's army is not strong, or that the firepower of the empire is not strong enough, but they are too tired, and there are many wounded soldiers, and the ammunition can't last long.

The next time the Chinese army will attack, I don't know when it will be, and Yoshio Yamagami has no hope of being able to hold on.

With the sound of cannons in the distance, a screeching sound swept through the air, and a cannonball slammed heavily on the wall behind him, and a tremor like a mountain shook the limestone on the ceiling above his head. .

Yoshio Yamagami jumped up like a conditioned reflex and shouted: "Quick, quick, the Chinese army is attacking! Quickly return to each post!!?"

When the surrounding Japanese soldiers heard the squadron commander's order, they immediately took their places.

On this floor, because the designers took into account the thickness and sturdiness of the building walls, only six or seven gun muzzles were left on this floor. The only advantage is that the soldiers here use light machine guns, and the firepower still accounts for advantage.

Through the gap between the muzzles, Yoshio Yamagami could clearly see the densely packed Chinese soldiers attacking here.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Yamagami Yoshio shouted, the crooked handle light machine gun in his hand had already stretched out its long flames, and the Japanese soldiers around him followed closely behind.

But it didn't take long for a "ding" to be heard with a crisp knocking sound, and a Japanese soldier at the muzzle of the gun next to Yoshio Yamagami fell in response.

Seeing this scene, Yoshioka on the mountain squinted and shouted in pain, "Miura! Miura-kun!"

Miura is his cousin, and Yoshio Yamagami thought it would be safer to keep Miura by his side, but he ended up killing him.

200 meters away, Zhang Tianhai, who clearly saw the misfire in the muzzle of the gun, slightly raised his mouth and said softly, "The first one."

Afterwards, Zhang Tianhai aimed the sniper scope at the other muzzle, and then gently pulled the trigger...


A crisp gunshot sounded, and another gun on the opposite fourth floor muted.

For Yoshio Yamagami, this was undoubtedly an extremely painful thing. Within one minute of the battle, two machine gunners were lost, and they were still in the bunker.

"Hurry up, come up and replenish!" Yoshio Yamagami yelled at the soldiers behind him. In fact, there were soldiers who came up to replenish at this time, but Yoshio Yamagami lost his sense in the haste.

Soon, the end of another soldier made Yoshio Yamagami feel that this matter did not seem simple.

Like the third floor, the same thing happened on the second, fourth, and roof.

If one is a coincidence, what about two, three, four?

The fall of four soldiers in a row finally made Yoshio Yamagami feel bad.

"It must be a sharpshooter... It must be a sharpshooter, the damn Chinese soldier actually has a sharpshooter... No, I must tell the commander about this situation..." Yoshio Yamagami muttered to himself, saying that he turned to the soldiers behind him. Roared: "Quick, come to my position! I'm going to find the commander! Quick, quick!"

While he was talking, Yoshio Yamagami didn't forget to drop the machine gun - since there is a sharpshooter on the opposite side, if he doesn't drop the machine gun, then he is likely to be the next sniper!
At this point, Yoshio Yamagami is not stupid.

While Yoshio Yamagata was talking, two more soldiers fell to the ground. At this time, the Japanese soldiers had already seen some clues - the Chinese soldiers on the opposite side seemed to have specially selected their machine guns to shoot!
The soldiers who fell to the ground after the machine guns finally made these warriors who were known to be brave and not afraid of death, loyal to the emperor and not afraid of doctors, were afraid. The muzzle of the machine gun seemed to be the place of death.

Any comrade-in-arms on the muzzle of the machine gun was hit in the head before firing a few shots. What else would this be if it was not a place of death?
At this time, Zhang Tianhai didn't have time to guess the thoughts of these Japanese soldiers, calculate the psychological shadow area, etc. He is now loading bullets, and he will continue to shoot when the bullets are loaded.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Japanese army's muzzle, he has long wanted to understand: it is good to chisel a machine gun muzzle, but these machine gun muzzles also have a fatal weakness, that is, the field of vision is blocked. , that's the best fight.

It is not difficult to find the weaknesses of the Japanese army behind these muzzles, the difficult thing is whether you can hit them accurately.

The charge of the soldiers in front undoubtedly attracted the attention of the Japanese army, and the dust left by the shells could also obstruct the Japanese army's vision.

Fortunately, thanks to the officers and soldiers of the 88th Division, they cleared the blocking positions of the Japanese army on the ground. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the officers and soldiers of the 36th Division to get close to the main building.

After all, the 88th Division also paid the price of thousands of deaths in World War I to clear the outer positions.

But now, the battle has reached this level, and the blocking positions outside the main building have almost been swept away.

This is the key to Zhang Tianhai's daring to take on the main attack mission!


PS: One update will be sent, and there will be two more in a while!

(End of this chapter)

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