War of Resistance

Chapter 632 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 632 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])
The wind is slack and the water is cold, and the strong men never return.

On the alluvial plain on the south bank of the Yellow River, a cavalry stood awe-inspiring. The leader was a man from the northeast with a saber on his waist and a Mauser pistol on his belt.

The wind gently blew his beard, and Wang Yongcheng's body remained motionless.

"Battling Commander Wang! Battalion Commander Wang!" A messenger ran over, stood in front of Wang Yongcheng and saluted, and then said: "Report to Battalion Commander Wang, the regiment has an urgent order, please attack the entire cavalry battalion, and don't let the Japanese army Escape alone!"

Wang Yongcheng pointed the horsewhip in his hand to his head slightly, and he replied with a military salute: "The cavalry battalion has received an order! Report back to the regimental seat, the cavalry battalion troops, no one will escape the battlefield!"

"Yes! Sir!" The orderly responded.

After slightly nodding to the messenger, Wang Yongcheng raised the whip in his hand and shouted loudly: "Cavalry Battalion!! Attack!!!"

Under Wang Yongcheng's order, the more than 300 cavalry of the Zhiyi Regiment Cavalry Battalion were like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, already showing their sharpness.

This is the first real cavalry battle since the cavalry battalion became an army.

In Wang Yongcheng's view, this is very likely to be the first real cavalry battle in the cavalry battalion, and it will also be the last time - because the regiment once said that the cavalry battalion will be reformed!

After the reform, although the combat effectiveness of the cavalry battalion will increase significantly, it is no longer a real cavalry in the traditional sense.

Instead, an infantry firepower reinforcement battalion mounted on horses!
With the east wind blowing and the drums beating, an encirclement operation against the Japanese troops under Akisaku Shimamori has begun!

Akisaku Shimamori retreated, his short and stocky body was running extremely fast on the ground. For them, this battle was simply a trap carefully arranged by the enemy, and then they were all waiting for them to get into it up.

If you don't run now, you really can't run!

Akisaku Shimamori was very witty. He took the initiative to lead the team to run eastward, and at the same time ordered a force of more than 50 people to move westward to break through.

Shimamori Akisaku is betting that their enemies don't have cavalry!
If there is no cavalry unit, there is still a high probability of breaking through according to this method.

However, this is doomed to be a losing game for no other reason-there has always been cavalry in the regiment!

Can two-legged infantry outrun four-legged cavalry?

"Run! Run!!" Akira Shimamori yelled in Japanese, and his legs seemed to accelerate infinitely. He ran fast, and his speed was comparable to that of Bolt...

Cough, cough, exaggeration here...

However, not long after, there was a sound of horseshoes, and a cavalry appeared behind them like a ghost!
It's getting closer!

The Japanese army running at the back already knew that they probably couldn't escape, so about half of the Japanese army stayed behind and pointed their guns at the galloping cavalry battalion officers and soldiers.





There were crisp gunshots, and many officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Cavalry Battalion fell down!

I have to admit that the little devil's marksmanship is quite accurate.

The current casualties are of course temporary. In the next second, the officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion had dispersed. They took out their rifles and shot at the twenty or so Japanese soldiers in front of them.

The formation of the Japanese army was immediately halved!
The cavalry team of the national army is getting closer, and the soldiers rushing in front of them have already drawn their swords!
After a while, these Japanese soldiers were killed and injured!
Looking back at the battle situation in the rear, and realizing that his troops had been completely lost, Akisaku Shimamori was so heartbroken that he turned around and was about to fight to the death with the cavalry troops of the Naoichi regiment.


The camera turned to Yang Zhuang again. At this time, just when Akisaku Shimamori was about to fight to the death with the cavalry unit of the Naoichi Regiment, Yang Zhuang's artillery fire had stopped.

At this time, Yangzhuang was a piece of scorched earth, the houses had collapsed, and only some broken walls were left burning.Most of the Japanese soldiers who entered the village had already been bombed to death, and only some lucky wounded Japanese soldiers were left lingering there.

Looking at the scene in front of him coldly, Zhang Tianhai waved his hands back, and Han Xingle's fourth battalion, the engineering company directly under the regiment, and the special agent company went up together.

This is not only to deal with the wounded soldiers of the Japanese army, but also to rescue the brothers who were buried in the underground artillery fortifications.

Only when these things are resolved can the battle be considered complete.

As for the artillery battalion, they had already started to pack up their things and run away, because Zhao Chengge had received an order to bombard Yangzhuang with high-intensity artillery for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, no matter what, I have to run away with my feet.

For the battle of Yangzhuang, Zhang Tianhai was not stingy, and directly approved 360 rounds of shells for the artillery battalion, so that they had a good time.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

What puzzled the surviving Japanese soldiers was that these Chinese troops had such courage to bomb their own people, and they were merciless.

It's just a pity that they will never have the chance to find out, because these soldiers of the Chinese army are already making up for them.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, these Japanese soldiers were brutal by nature. For him, who had experienced the Nanjing Defense War, there was no such thing as preferential treatment of prisoners.

Anyway, under Zhang Tianhai's command, his troops will never need prisoners, unless it is politically necessary!

The camera turned to the Yellow River, and the time went back to 10 minutes ago.

At this time, the No. 20 Eighth Brigade's river-crossing troops, in addition to the No. 15 Wing's No. [-] Brigade having crossed the Yellow River, even the No. [-] and No. [-] Battalions also came.

"Yoxi, when the entire brigade is gone, it's time for us to show our might..." Major General Takashi Sakai nodded in satisfaction.

However, before Sakai Takashi's words fell, there was a strong explosion on the south bank of the Yellow River!
According to Takashi Sakai's many years of military experience, it can be judged that this is the sound of the explosion of the artillery shell after the artillery unit fired!
If Takashi Sakai remembers correctly, that is the direction in which the No.15 Wing's No. [-] Battalion is chasing the Chinese army—except that the First Battalion will be ambushed by the Chinese army, there is no second possibility!
Moreover, the army that ambushed the first brigade is definitely a well-equipped and well-trained army!
Hearing the intense sound of cannons, Sakai Takashi's expression turned a little disastrous, and he murmured: "The enemy's artillery is at least ten or more. According to the configuration of the Chinese army, over there, at least There is a division of the Chinese Army!"

What does this result mean? He knows very well that there is no more likely result other than the annihilation of the first brigade.

Thinking that the first battle of crossing the river might be completely wiped out by others, Takashi Sakai felt as uncomfortable as if he had swallowed a fly alive.

This is not a question of small or small defeat, the key is the question of the first battle!

If this was the result of the first battle, how could he have any face? How to maintain the great reputation of the No.20 Eighth Brigade?
Thinking of this, Takashi Sakai clenched his fists lightly!

PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be delivered before two o'clock!
Thanks to Qidian book friend_Happy Boy_ for the reward of 2000 points!

(End of this chapter)

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