Chapter 833
After hearing this sentence, Ye Peigao's face flashed a slight strangeness, and then he quickly returned to normal. He said with a smile: "Welcome, welcome, welcome to head Zhang to lead the reinforcements in person."

But this slight strangeness did not hide from Zhang Tianhai's eyes.

Zhang Tianhai was smiling on the surface, but in his heart he scolded: Mother Xipi's Ye Laogui, really fucking swallowed up Lao Tzu's cannon camp?Grandma's, fortunately, she took precautions, otherwise she wouldn't know how she died.

"This time our regiment was ordered to go to the front for the war of resistance. I hope that officers Ye and Peng will unite with us and fight against the difficulties together!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile. A military salute.

For Zhang Tianhai's military salute, let's not talk about anything else, I just hope that the No. 11 Division will not dig so many holes for them in the future.

"This is inevitable, and Commander Zhang will worry too much. Now that the Japanese forward troops are approaching our army's forward position, Commander Zhang's artillery unit is exactly what our No.11 Division urgently needs. Welcome!" Ye Peigao returned the military salute solemnly.

In this way, the cooperation between the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater and the No.11 Division has been reached for the time being.

According to the arrangement of Peng Shan, the commander of the No.11 Division, the troops of the No.11 Division are in the front, while the troops of the Artillery Battalion of the First Police Regiment are arranged in the rear, responsible for artillery fire support.

As for why Ye Peigao, Deputy Commander Ye, suddenly appeared on the front line, Zhang Tianhai didn't ask. After all, it didn't have much to do with him.

Or maybe Commander Peng Shanpeng felt that there were not enough front-line commanders, so he was called back urgently?

Soon, under the command of the artillery battalion commander Zhao Chengge, the artillery battalion troops began to build their artillery positions. Even Liu Houming's special agent company and Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion also sent some officers and soldiers to participate.

There is no other reason. The main goal now is to build a good artillery barracks and let the artillery units quickly form combat effectiveness.

Ever since, in this way, the artillery position of the No.11 Division of the National Army has nearly one and a half battalions of troops guarding it, most of which are mobile troops, which is rare on the battlefield.


The scorching sun was still hanging high in the sky, and the surrounding trees seemed to be unable to withstand the erosion of the heat wave, as if they were bent over by the sun.

The artillery position was very hot, and drops of hot sweat dripped down Zhang Tianhai's cheeks. He had already taken off his military uniform, leaving only a bottoming shirt on his body, and the shirt was soaked.

It was a hot July day, and the whole position was like a huge construction site, rattling.

If it is a pity, Zhang Tianhai is probably the only one who feels that it is a huge loss not to bring up the engineering company, otherwise, this could be another vivid fortification lesson for the cavalry battalion.

"Liu Houming, you have to lead the brothers to do a better job. This little devil's attack is no joke." Zhang Tianhai wiped off his sweat, and ordered Liu Houming, who was leading the officers and soldiers to work hard.

"Yes! Group seats!" Liu Houming raised his head and responded.

Zhang Tianhai looked around with a solemn expression.


Zuo Tanaka is a captain of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army. This time, his mission is to lead his subordinates all the way forward, and then take down Jiujiang!

The huge victory of the Japanese army on the front line made these low-level Japanese officers dazzled. They confidently believed that as long as their army arrived, even if there was an occasional resistance, it would not be feared.

Soda is not handsome, and even a little fat. His dark skin proves that he must often go out to lead troops for training.

At this time, Soda was riding an oriental pony standing on the side of the road, looking at the troops under him, which could not strictly keep pace with the standing division, as if reviewing troops.

At this time, the 11th Division was at a high-spirited time. As the main force of the No. [-] Army of the Central China Expeditionary Army, their [-]th Division was present all the way from the battle against Hefei. A lot of credit has been paid.

This is not a result that an ordinary reserve division can achieve - the combat power behind such a result is almost comparable to that of the standing division!

This is what he should be happy and proud of.

"Command the troops, speed up the pace! We want to be at the forefront of the whole division! We will win a battle and show our friends and neighbors! Look at the majesty of our brigade!" Zao Tanaka was full of vigor, looking like a young man with ambition.

"Hay!" The surrounding officers responded.

Perhaps, they didn't expect that their frontal force would be a real elite, and it was an elite that strengthened the artillery force!
People who often use cannons to bombard others will not feel the feeling of being bombarded by cannons, because they usually have the advantage of firepower.

Those who have the advantage of firepower cannot experience the pain of being hit head-on and face-to-face by artillery fire.

Obviously, Zo Tian Guangjun was such a person, because the 11th Division had always been supported by the superior firepower of the No. [-] Army of the Central China Dispatch Army, and was never afraid of being covered by the firepower of the national army.

Heh, what is the artillery of the national army in front of the artillery regiment of the 48th Division?Just relying on those ten or so cannons?How can it compete with their [-] artillery pieces?

Having this kind of artillery firepower is one of the reasons why Zotian Guangjun is full of confidence in the road ahead.

Unlike other troops that suffered heavy casualties in Hukou Town, Pengze Town, and Madang Town, his brigade had relatively small casualties—if that wasn’t the case, why would the brigade commander order his troops to “lead the shots”?

The purpose of this opening shot is to play wonderfully, and what is needed is to be in a state of victory!

Under Zuo Tanakazuo's repeated orders, the brigade's forward speed was very fast, and the word "divine speed" could almost be used to describe it.

Soon, they met the vanguard troops of the No.11 Division.

Due to the suppression of the firepower of the Japanese naval guns, the national army did not arrange the content of the position at the front line of the river bank, but arranged the firepower position behind the river bank.

Out of caution, Zotian Guangjun did not invest all his troops in the first place, but chose to invest in two squadrons.

However, the national army did not show all its muscles to the Japanese army in the first place, but slowed down first.


The forward position of the national army.

Xie Chengkun is the battalion commander of the No. 11 Regiment of the No. 60 Division. Like most grassroots officers in direct-line troops, he also graduated from Whampoa, and he is from the seventh batch of Whampoa.

After a full year of military operations against Japan, the officers of the Huangpu family in the direct line of the national army suffered heavy losses and suffered great casualties.

It is precisely because of this that students like Xie Chengkun with low qualifications and low years of military service can be promoted quickly in ace troops like the No. 11 Division.

Don't forget, the battalion commanders of the No. 11 division are all the main force of the fifth and sixth phases of Huangpu.

"Report to the battalion commander, the Japanese army has launched a charge ahead, shall we immediately launch the most violent counterattack against them?" A battalion staff officer ran to Xie Chengkun and reported.

"Let's wait and see how the regiment gives instructions. Now our army has been strengthened with artillery, and we are not at the mercy of others." Xie Chengkun said in a deep voice.


PS: One update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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