War of Resistance

Chapter 898 The Furious Matsuura

Chapter 898 The Furious Matsuura
"How effective is the training of the guard company now?" Zhang Tianhai said with a straight face, he didn't want to smile, lest Xu Sangou wasn't afraid of him at all.

"Report to the delegation! The security company headquarters, the current training results are excellent! You can ask the delegation to review our training results at any time!" Xu Sangou vowed.

"Oh, is it true? Then I'm going to send your guard company to sneak attack the Japanese army's battle positions." Zhang Tianhai said pretending to be surprised, with an unconscious smile on his lips.

"Don't...don't...Teacher, don't make fun of me. I have only trained for a long time in this guard company, and I am afraid of performing missions like a spy company. Isn't that a joke?" Xu Sangou His complexion changed drastically, and he finally showed his feet.


Xu Sangou's ass kicked Zhang Tianhai's ass hard, and the front tip of the military boot hit the former's ass hard, making an unusually loud sound.

"Ouch!~" Xu Sangou jumped up clutching his buttocks, he knew that this bad habit of the group seat was definitely learned from the old group leader Hu Jiaji.

This is almost the same as "the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die". If the superior wants to kick your ass, you can only stand next to him.

In the army, it is always the higher-level officials who crush people to death.

Obviously, Captain Zhang is more than one rank higher than Company Commander Xu, so Company Commander Xu can only hold on.

"Xu Sangou, let me tell you, you boy, lead my troops honestly, don't just learn to talk nonsense in one day, if your guard company is a piece of mud that can't support the wall, wait until the Japanese army hits our regiment headquarters. I'm afraid I, Zhang Yulin, will have to fight the little devil with a gun myself, right?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was so vicious that Xu Sangou was immediately on tenterhooks.

Xu Sangou vaguely remembered that before he set off in Xi'an, the group seat, oh no, to be precise, Zhang Lianfu was a very amiable young man who took good care of them and was very talkative.

But ever since he arrived at the Songhu battlefield, Zhang Lianfu seems to have changed into a different person—not only is he brave and courageous in combat, but he has always been calm in doing things, and he can make the little devils eat a ruthlessly. Big loss.

"Yes... yes! Group seat!" Xu Sangou shuddered immediately, as if he had forcibly come back from the memory.

"Lead the troops well! I have prepared a guard company for me. If you don't manage well, you can come back and be my orderly!" Zhang Tianhai lowered his voice and said very seriously.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Sangou shuddered again, obviously this threat was great to him.

The difference between an orderly soldier and a guard company commander is conceivable, one is a soldier and the other is an officer, anyone can choose.

Of course, Xu Sangou must not be a fool, and he is still a ghostly young man.

Well, the only shortcoming is that he is a little younger, so Zhang Tianhai has to train him well.

After "threatening" Xu Sangou, Zhang Tianhai started to inspect other troops again. He wanted to restore the vitality of the police regiment as soon as possible before the Wanjialing battle came.

The Wanjialing battle was a "feast". As a professional soldier, Zhang Tianhai didn't want his troops to miss this "feast" in such a muddled way.

In this battle, the only regret is that the Chinese army did not manage to wipe out Matsuura Junrokuro's [-]th Division in this battle.

As an elite military officer from later generations, Zhang Tianhai said that he had no desire to make up for this regret, and it was impossible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai's pace quickened a bit.


While Zhang Tianhai was inspecting the troops, the battle between Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan reignited again.

Under the order of Xue Yue, Commander-in-Chief of the First Corps of the Ninth Theater, the four divisions of the national army launched a crazy counterattack against Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan.

The flames of war were burning very vigorously. If it was night at this time, it would definitely burn half of the sky.

Constrained by the fierce fighting between Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan, the Japanese commander Junrokuro Matsuura not only urgently dispatched rear troops to support Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan, but even part of the frontline troops in Shahe Town were dispatched to Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan for reinforcements. .

"Baga! Baga!!"

Matsuura Junrokuro cursed viciously, and a Japanese soldier who walked closer in front of him was immediately slapped by him.


Two bright red palm marks immediately appeared on the face of the young Japanese soldier.

"Hay!!" The young Japanese soldier was slapped, but he couldn't make a sound, so he stood at attention and bowed his head in response.

When the surrounding Japanese officers saw the appearance of the division commander, no one dared to provoke him. After all, this was the biggest anger the division commander had uttered since he entered the Central China battlefield.

That's right, even in the previous battles when the battle was defeated, there was no such big anger.

Commander Matsuura has a violent personality and is very self-willed. This is an open secret in the division headquarters of the [-]th Division, so no one dares to provoke him.

Now the front-line troops, which the head of Matsuura Junrokuro's division had high hopes for, advanced in an all-round way, but now the front-line troops were attacked by two sides. Both Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan were already in fierce battle.

If Ma'anshan and Jinjiashan are captured, then the battlefield of Shahe Town, which has always been regarded as the central point, will become one of the most prominent parts of the lone army.

Once the troops in Shahe Town are cut apart, the [-]th Division will bear very serious consequences and costs.

This is also the reason why Matsuura Junrokuro had to mobilize troops from Shahe Town to reinforce the two wings.


Part of the Japanese army in Shahe Town has been drawn away, but the rest of the Japanese army did not stop attacking - because they were ordered to break through the defense line of Shahe Town as soon as possible!
Only by breaking through Shahe Town, even if the two wings are lost, the follow-up operations will not fall into a very passive position.

On this point, the commanders of the Japanese army saw it more clearly than anyone else.

No one is a fool, let alone these professional and highly educated Japanese officers.

The location of Shahe Town is very important.


But although the commanders of the Japanese army knew that this place was very important, given their current situation, they had more than enough energy.

The camera turned to the regiment headquarters of the [-]th Regiment of the National Army.

The head of the regiment, Xie Yongning, had already clenched his fists, because the enemy might break through their flimsy line of defense at any time.

Xie Yongning didn't have much reserve left, only two companies left, including his guard platoon!

Just because Xie Yongning's death order was to guard Shahe Town, even if the whole regiment died, he still had to guard Shahe Town!

Moreover, this order is not from the brigade headquarters, but directly from the division headquarters, which is directly issued by the division seat.

"Chief of Staff, I remember that the [-]th Regiment of our right wing has also been involved in the counterattack against Jinjiashan?" Xie Yongning listened to the fierce gunfire on the front line, took a deep breath, and then asked the people around him chief of staff.


PS: Thank you Qidian book friends for your continuous support.

This chapter is today's update, and more details will be added slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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