War of Resistance

Chapter 935 Helpless?

Chapter 935 Helpless?

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Li Chunfei already knew the answer: the group seat really didn't listen, he is such a pure soldier, he only thought about how to fight the little Japanese to the end, but he didn't think about his own future How dangerous it would be.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

In Li Chunfei's view, the light on the first regiment of the guards in the theater was already too bright, and it was even a famous brand of the front-line troops. Everyone knew that as long as this army was used, there was a high probability of winning.

But sometimes, it is not a good thing to be too dazzling—a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, and a stone that is protruding in the sea will be surged.

"I understand, group seat." Li Chunfei smiled wryly, and then said nothing else.

"In this way, you have to do a good job of the work at hand, especially the battalions you have in hand, they are the main force of our regiment, no matter what, you have to do a good job." Zhang Tianhai instructed In a word, as for those independent brigades, in his eyes, they are not considered regular troops, they just have a name.

Hmm... Zhang Tianhai doesn't mind reorganizing the independent brigade into an independent battalion if it can develop into a force with strong combat effectiveness.

At this moment, a lieutenant ran beside him, stood at attention and saluted Zhang Tianhai and Li Chunfei, and said, "Report to the head and deputy head of the regiment, the First Corps and the Second Corps have an urgent call, and you two need to go back and deal with it!"

"What exactly is it? Tell me roughly?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly. If he called at this time, there must be something wrong.

"It's like this. The General Headquarters of the First Corps ordered our regiment to go to Nanchang immediately; the General Headquarters of the Second Corps ordered us to temporarily return our regiment to the command of the First Corps and obey orders!" The staff reported truthfully.

"Okay, I understand. Immediately notify the main officers above the battalion level of the regiment to gather at the regiment headquarters and hold an emergency meeting!" Zhang Tianhai finally showed his prestige as a regimental commander.

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded and went back.


An hour later, Zhang Tianhai, who was already fully dressed, was waiting for the arrival of his battalion commanders in the conference room.

The people who came to the meeting were the main officers above the battalion level, so there were not many people, and the meeting started soon.

The place for the meeting is still simple, but after clearing out a small room, put some tables and chairs in it, and it's over.

"Battalion commanders, I, Zhang Yulin, summoned you back today because of urgent military affairs. I received a notice from my superiors and asked us to prepare to leave for Nanchang immediately." Zhang Tianhai leaned forward slightly, with his hands on the chair, The whole person is full of aggression.

"Tuan Zuo, no matter how difficult and dangerous the future is, as long as you give an order, I will never frown!" The current battalion commander Lu Shaojie stood up first and stood at attention to salute. As Zhang Tianhai's old subordinate, it is true that he is loyal There is no doubt about it.

"Absolutely obey the order!" The other battalion commanders also stood up and saluted.

Looking at the people in front of him, Zhang Tianhai was full of confidence immediately, and made his decision: "The troops will use the fourth battalion, fifth battalion, and sixth battalion as the front team, and carry the regiment headquarters including the cavalry battalion and the supply battalion directly under The first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion will be the rear troops. Under the command of deputy regimental commander Li, they will follow the army and evacuate. The camera evacuates without delaying the fighter plane. As for the independent brigade, call Xu Flying dragon, rely on self-reliance, don't betray your country and turn to the enemy."

"Yes! Group seat!!" Everyone responded.

"The meeting is over!" Zhang Tianhai waved his hands generously.

For Zhang Tianhai, this is the most correct decision he can make-because of the three battalions of the fourth battalion, fifth battalion, and sixth battalion, except for one fourth battalion which is a veteran unit, the other two battalions The battalions are all newly formed troops, and letting them be the rear is undoubtedly surrendering to the enemy.

The battalion commanders of the first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion, as well as the core units in them, are all veterans of the regiment.

At this time, it was the weather of early autumn, and the surrounding area was bleak. At night, there was a continuous burst of autumn rain.

Since this is not a small combat operation, this is the largest military operation since the first regiment of the guards was formed—including when it was directly under the first regiment.

Zhang Tianhai didn't want to be in a hurry to command such a large force, and stability came first.

This is not because Zhang Tianhai is indecisive, but because he knows that a war will not break out in the near future, especially the Wanjialing war.

According to Zhang Tianhai's speculation, the Japanese army should be actively preparing for war at this time, especially in the later period, the [-]th Division, the main force of the Wanjialing victory, has been seriously injured and is in a long recovery period, so it is absolutely impossible to immediately invest Fighting, so he still has a little time.

It doesn't take much time, it is enough to arrive in Nanchang within ten days.


On the side of the ninth theater, while Zhang Tianhai's first regiment of theater guards was slowly withdrawing, the fighting in the fifth theater did not stop.

Yes, the battle in the Fifth War Zone is exactly the battle going on around Mount Fujin.

After days of fighting, not only the troops of the No.30 Sixth Division suffered heavy casualties, but even the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties.

For several days in a row, the Japanese army had tried their best to take offensive measures including gas bomb attacks, and insisted on taking Fujin Mountain.

But what happened?Not only did the troops suffer heavy losses, more than half of the entire division suffered casualties, and even the officers at the level of the battalion commander suffered a lot of casualties.

This kind of result embarrasses Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, the head of the No.13 Division of the Japanese Army.Still hesitant to move forward, the troops suffered heavy losses.

"Report to your Excellency, the commander of the division, the front troops have been defeated again, our troops, retreat!" An officer ran in and reported.

Dizhou Libing's face flushed red immediately, and then he shouted loudly: "Baga!!"


A loud slap sounded on the officer's face.

Without exception, he has become the punching bag of Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, the head of the division.

"Hay!" The Japanese officer responded, then silently lowered his head.

"Immediately order the artillery unit to continue firing!!" Dizhou Libing cursed angrily, trembling all over his body.

Not because of anything else, but because there seems to be a voice in Japan-"Our army is on the front line in the northern part of China, and we are helpless when we encounter a strong enemy..."

If it wasn't for this reason, why would he be here?

PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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