War of Resistance

Chapter 978 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 978 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])
"Tick tock" "tick tock" "tick tock"...

The watch in his hand kept turning, and Zhang Tianhai was waiting for four o'clock in the afternoon. When the hour hand reached "four", the battle would begin.

Zhang Tianhai has fought this kind of willful battle of wealth, but very few.

After all, this is the main force of the regiment headquarters of more than 4000 people directly suppressing the Japanese army with less than 100 people. In the words of the ancients, it is the practice of killing chickens with a butcher's knife.

But for Zhang Tianhai, he had to build up the momentum of this battle, so as to effectively reduce the pressure on other friendly forces.

Different from the surprise attacks in the past, this time, Zhang Tianhai will use Yangmou to suppress the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army with his majestic strength!

Cough cough cough...Of course, taking advantage of your illness to take your life is Zhang Tianhai's usual practice.

Soon, it was four o'clock on the clock.

"Three rounds of rapid fire!! First shot, fire!!!" the commander of the artillery battalion shouted.





Four shells were fired from the four muzzles separately and in batches. When the shells were fired from the muzzles, a burst of violent fireworks flashed by, which was very obvious!
Four shells flashed in the air, and then smashed hard into the village of Beitianpu, and soon there was a thick smoke.

"Three rapid-fire shots! Second shot! Get ready!!" the artillery commander said, directing his men with his flag.

There was another busy sound of tinkling, and the shells were quickly loaded.

"Three rounds of rapid fire! Second shot! Fire!!" The artillery officer's voice was a little hoarse at this time, but his voice was still resounding.





Four more shells streaked across the sky, and then smashed hard on the village, setting off a cloud of smoke and dust.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the First Battalion of the First Guard Regiment began to attack Beitianpu, and the troops were moving fast.At the same time, the heavy machine guns have already been set up, just waiting for the Japanese army to take the lead.

Sure enough, a dozen or so Japanese soldiers started to show up and fired at the opposite side, but what they never expected was that the firepower from the opposite side was so fierce.

The bullets flew towards their hiding place like a heavy rain. Such a density of firepower was beyond their expectation.

After a while, several Japanese soldiers fell to the ground.

A surviving Japanese senior soldier shouted: "Report to the squadron leader immediately! The enemy's firepower is too fierce!!"

"Hay!" A Japanese soldier responded and immediately ran to report the situation to the squadron leader.

The camera pans to Zoji Yamanaka's headquarters.

"Squadron leader!! It's not good, the enemy has launched a general attack! Their firepower is fierce! We have killed several people!!" The Japanese soldier who was in charge of reporting the situation reported.

Hearing this news, can Zangji Yamanaka still not know what kind of situation it is now?Therefore, he immediately said to the officers and soldiers around him: "Warriors! The moment of our final glory is coming. Put on our turbans immediately and fight to the end with these Chinese people!"

Saying that, Zangji Yamanaka took off his military cap first, and then put on his turban with a red dog skin plaster pattern, his face was full of ferociousness.

The Japanese soldiers next to them also took off their military caps and put on their headscarves.

"Use the bayonet! Get ready for the final battle!! Long live the Emperor, long live the Great Japanese Empire!!" After finishing speaking, Zangji Yamanaka drew out the samurai sword from his waist and roared ferociously, trying to boost the already sluggish morale of.

The Japanese soldiers next to them also chanted "Long live" and "Long live", as if they could really make their invading empire live forever.

However, how is this possible?

However, at this time, something happened that made them very energetic, that is, their combat plane arrived.

In the sky, the engine roar of the Japanese combat aircraft echoed, as if to tell the world that they really came, and they came here to kill people and see blood.

"Warriors, look quickly! Our plane has arrived, will the end of this group of damn Chinese people be far behind?!" Zangji Yamanaka's state at this time can almost be described as madness.

It is said that if God wants to kill people, he must first make people crazy.This is the best portrayal.

The national army troops outside the village did not panic because of the arrival of the Japanese plane, because they had already prepared——

I saw a Soloton cannon firing towards the sky, and the thick bullets pierced the sky. Once they hit the Japanese aircraft, they would definitely penetrate their thin steel plates.

It was not the first time for Ono Konosuke to perform this kind of mission, but what he never expected was that when he appeared here, there was a net of light machine guns on the ground covering the three of them. combat aircraft.

As the saying goes, if more ants kill elephants, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

These bullets were flying in the air, including the shells of the Soloton cannon, which was the most lethal component.

In front of this dense firepower network, black smoke rose from one of the planes, and then it smashed down on the nearby mountain with an explosion sound of "Boom!!", and a huge fireball ignited. .

A cloud of black smoke emerged above the exploding fireball, and the officers and soldiers of the national army were immediately invigorated, as if they had been greatly encouraged. This was a sign of their victory.

"Brothers! Keep fighting for me!! Try to shoot down all three of Gou Ri's planes!!" Zhao Chengge, the commander of the artillery battalion, shouted excitedly, which was really exciting.

This dense firepower net once again focused on the remaining two Japanese aircraft.

"Baga!! In this situation, how can we provide support?! It would be great if we don't pay for our plane!!" Konosuke Ono cursed angrily, and soon, he made a decision to fly the plane and flee quickly Over artillery emplacements.

The other Japanese pilot was not as witty as he was, and was still stubbornly carrying out his mission. After a while, that plane also started to catch fire, and then chased towards the nearby mountain.

Of the three Japanese planes, two were shot down, and one fled in a hurry. This cannot but be said to be a huge victory.

The national army troops on the ground were greatly encouraged. They cheered and launched an attack on Beitianpu more actively!
It turns out that these vicious invaders are not invincible, they also have times of fear and times of death!

PS: The first update is here!

I was on a business trip today, so I couldn't complete the task of the third watch.Sorry!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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