Chapter 98

Just imagine, when the strength of the infantry on both sides is similar, and the will to fight is equally strong, one side suddenly has the support of the artillery fire of the three armies of the sea, land and air, then the life of the other side is undoubtedly very sad.

Just like the current national army.

Indeed, most of the artillery fire of the Japanese naval fleet has now been transferred to support the operations in the direction of Wusongkou and Baoshan County, so the only support left to the Takeshita soldiers is the artillery brigade and the bomb support of the naval aviation.

Still the same, Zhang Tianhai still felt that life was like a year—bombing others is a beautiful thing, but being bombed by others is an extremely miserable thing.

After this battle, there were definitely a lot of casualties, which made Zhang Tianhai's idea of ​​forming a special force to fight more and more obvious: If you play according to the position, there will be many casualties, and it is definitely not Zhang Tianhai who will be beaten passively. 's true colors!

However, because the military order was in place and the enemy army was in front of him, Zhang Tianhai was unable to put this idea into action.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhai's need to learn Japanese has become more and more urgent - but all special forces usually know one or two foreign languages, which are necessary words when infiltrating the enemy's rear.

As for English, needless to say, Zhang Tianhai's English must be very good, but now the Japanese invaders invade China, the most practical is not English, but Japanese.

Hmm... If Zhang Tianhai crossed into a *** German army, presumably English is still very useful...

After thinking about it, only Zheng Man can speak Japanese beside Zhang Tianhai.

There is no love for no reason, nor hatred for no reason, so the name Zheng Man is officially engraved in his heart.

It's funny to say, but what makes Camp Commander Zhang Day deeply miss is not Zheng Man's beautiful figure, nor her flowery face, nor her temperament and her status as a reporter... She can speak Japanese! ?
If Zheng Man knew what he was thinking, would he mistakenly think that this is a gay man? !

Zheng Man has no way of knowing Zhang Tianhai's thoughts. Of course, this is just an idea in his mind, an idea that has not yet been put into practice!

At this time, what troubled Zhang Tianhai the most was the battle in front of him. To be honest, it was impossible not to feel pain when he saw his soldiers die in front of him.

This is not a beast, this is a living person...

Zhang Tianhai's head burst with blue veins, and he said to the guards around him, "Wei He, bring Lao Tzu's Mauser shotgun!"

This is the only thing Zhang Tianhai can do now. Standing here is also standing, how about sniping the officers of a few little devils?

"Yes!" Wei He is also the type of person who does things like a hurricane. After receiving the order from the battalion commander, he immediately executed it quickly.

There are not many people around the battalion commander Zhang Da, except for a combat staff officer, there is also a Wei He.

"Batch commander, what else can I do here?" Yu Deshui asked, probably seeing that the battalion commander had killed the enemy himself, but he didn't know what to do, so he was a little embarrassed.

"You just stay here, now the war is going on, it's easy to replenish this ordinary soldier, but it's difficult to replenish the officer. If anything goes wrong, I want you to go down and be the company commander for Lao Tzu. The soldiers are fighting!" Zhang Tianhai answered in a neat and tidy way, what he said was not to fool Deshui, on the contrary, it was the truth.

When the war started, the officers who were barely enough were suddenly not enough.

It should be noted that in the Northern Expedition, the Central Plains War, and the ten-year civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the graduates of the first seven phases of Huangpu suffered a lot of casualties. When they arrived on the Songhu battlefield, they would have to pile up the few remaining officers from the first eight phases.

As for the officers in the ninth and tenth phases of Huangpu, in Zhang Tianhai's view, they undoubtedly lacked combat experience, and it was the comrades in the seventh and eighth phases that made it easier.

If it is a treasure, it must be hidden and not easily exposed to others. Yu Deshui still has some abilities, and he is not one of those rhetorical talkers. On this point, Zhang Tianhai still sees it very clearly.

"Thank you, sir, for your love." Yu Deshui gave a military salute.

Zhang Tianhai patted Yu Deshui on the shoulder solemnly, and said, "Deshui, you and I are both graduates of the Central Military Academy. The difference is that I am from the seventh and you are from the eighth. At this point, it can only be said that we each have a division of labor, and I hope you don't disappoint me..."

Before Zhang Tianhai could finish his words, he heard Wei He's voice: "battalion commander, your gun!"

Having said that, Wei He carefully handed the Mauser shotgun in a canvas bag to Zhang Tianhai: This is the battalion commander's treasure, so he must be served carefully.

Holding this sniper rifle in the true sense, Zhang Tianhai suddenly had a lot of confidence in his heart: he was a master sniper in his previous life, even after he became a squadron commander. Is there a sniper scope? This is very important for a sniper That's pretty important.

Skillfully opened the gun bag, and took out this fairly new sniper rifle from inside, a slight smile evoked at the corner of Zhang Tianhai's mouth.


The Japanese army was still charging, but inexplicably, the casualty ratio of officers began to rise.

Yoshida Yongxin is a Japanese lieutenant. He is charging with his troops. The command knife that is sharp enough to blow hair and hair is shining in the sun. His mouth is shouting excitedly: "Crush, rush, rush Victory is ahead!"

When the Japanese soldiers heard the excited shouts of their superiors, they rushed forward with joy, and shouted slogans such as "Long Live the Emperor" and "Long Live the Martial Arts".

I have to say that, in a sense, the brainwashing of the Japanese Bushido spirit was quite successful, at least it "washed" a group of deadly soldiers, and it was a group of deadly beast soldiers!
This batch of Japanese soldiers who have been brainwashed by the spirit of Bushido has become a solid supporter of the Japanese government, and they have also become the faithful enforcers of the Japanese government. It is sad.

However, after all, their Majesty the Emperor is not omnipotent. Even if they shout "Long Live the Emperor" every day, the "Holy Light" of His Majesty may not be able to surround them so tightly that they are invulnerable.

Yoshida Yongxin is one example. He is a typical **** fanatic. After receiving the order to "reinforce Shanghai" in China, he was ecstatic and felt that this was a rare opportunity for meritorious service.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Yoshida Yongxin, who led the charge to the battlefield for the first time, was killed by an enemy sniper, and he was shot in the head.

Blood slowly flowed from Yoshida Yongxin's head, and he couldn't understand until he died: How could these cowardly Chinese soldiers fight so fiercely this time?

PS: The second one will be sent!

(End of this chapter)

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