War of Resistance

Chapter 986 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 986 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])

This Liu Houming was originally a bold person, but after following the regiment leader Zhang Yulin, his courage became unusually bold, and the staff and weapons of the secret service company were relatively sophisticated.

It was these factors that made Liu Houming so confident. He believed that with the strength of the secret service company, it was completely possible to do this, so he had to fight a wave!
"But, which position is suitable for us to sneak attack?" asked the platoon leader next to him.

"Of course it's the outermost one, the closest to the position of the first regiment of our guards." Liu Houming replied almost without hesitation, "We must remove certain obstacles for the vanguard, and what's more, if we sneak attack other If we don’t keep the positions in place, the Japanese will support each other, and we won’t be able to escape.”

Anyway, Liu Houming's mind is quite clear.

"Yes, sir!" The surrounding platoon leaders responded.

"Listen everyone, our four platoons will attack the little devils from the four directions of the north, northwest, northeast, and west. In the middle of the night, they don't know how many of us there are. Just run, don't get entangled with them." Liu Houming is still very clear about his own strength, what he wants is that the little devil pays a certain amount of casualties, plus he can't sleep well, that's all.

It is not cost-effective for the spy company to spend a lot of effort to take down one of the hills of the Japanese army. Why?Because they know that the spy company is a sharp knife, if it is bent here, what will the head of the team think?
"Yes, company commander." The four platoon leaders responded one after another.

"Check the weapons and ammunition right away. If it's missing, adjust it. Can't let the brothers go to the battlefield with a firestick." Liu Houming said in a deep voice.

With a slight sound, soon, the officers and soldiers of the special service company completed the inventory of weapons and ammunition.

"Every platoon reports the situation." Liu Houming said in a low voice.

"The first platoon has completed the inventory, which can meet the needs of the operation." The first platoon leader responded in a low voice.

"The second platoon has completed the inventory, which can meet the needs of the operation." In the dark, the second platoon leader also responded.

"The third platoon has completed the inventory, and there is still a shortage of ammunition, especially small grenade shells." The third platoon leader responded truthfully.

"The fourth platoon has completed the inventory and can meet the needs of the operation." The fourth platoon leader responded.

When Liu Houming heard this, he naturally knew that it was part of the ammunition that was lost when the third platoon had the friction with the Japanese army just now, so he said: "For the other platoons, give the third platoon some ammunition! After all, the third platoon also exchanged fire with the little devils just now. It’s already good to be able to get out of the body.”

In the secret service company, who is so stupid that he dare not listen to the orders of Liu Houming and Liu Lianchang?So, soon the officers and soldiers of the secret service company began another round of actions.

"Report to the company commander, the first row is ready for battle."

"Report to the company commander, the second platoon is ready for combat."

"Report to the company commander, the third platoon is ready for battle."

"Report to the company commander, the fourth platoon is ready for battle."

Hearing these reports, a look of satisfaction finally flashed across Liu Houming's face, and he ordered: "Everyone, march to the outer positions of the Japanese army in the north!"

In the dark night, more than 200 officers and soldiers began to move rustlingly, and moved towards the outlying positions of the Japanese army with a little light.


To be honest, the Japanese defenders tonight had a very hard time. About four or ten minutes ago, they had just fallen asleep, and one of their positions was attacked by the damn Chinese troops on the opposite side, and now they couldn't sleep for a while.

Fortunately, the commanders of the Japanese army are wise-they are familiar with "Sun Tzu's Art of War", and of course they know that this is the enemy's strategy to exhaust the enemy, so they use shifts to be on duty, surrounded by mountains, every hour Only about a quarter of the troops are defending.

"Mr. Jersey, tell me, is it possible for us to go back alive after this battle?" On the top of the mountain, a Japanese soldier on duty asked his comrades around him.

The Japanese soldier called "Jersey" said: "Mr. Yelu, except for our troops stationed at Nantianpu, which still has some rules, many other troops have been disrupted. We can hold on to the reinforcements. Is it? That's the big question."

The soldier named "Wild Deer" replied: "It seems that we have to be buried here. No matter, our suicide note has been written anyway. As long as we die in battle, our suicide note will be sent We're home."

Against the backdrop of the burning flames, the two young Japanese soldiers seemed to be filled with emotion.

This burning fire was originally a kind of protection for the position, because it could enable them to see if the enemy was sneaking up to the position.

However, at this moment, this kind of fire seems not to be protection, but exposure.

The burning fire illuminated everything around, as if exposing everything to the night, which has become a guiding light for the officers and soldiers of the secret service company in the dark!
"The grenade is ready!"

Taking advantage of the moonlight and the faint light not far away, the platoon leaders of the Secret Service Company of the First Guard Regiment were gesturing with their subordinates respectively.

With a slight sound, the grenadiers of the officers and soldiers of the secret service company were ready to launch at any time!
If it was winter and there were no cicadas and frogs, perhaps the Japanese army would have noticed the changes around here, but at this time it was still the tail left by the end of summer, and the cicadas and frogs rang out at night, as if playing a song A beautiful piece of music.

Everything was paving the way for the secret service company. Liu Houming knew that the attack was about to start. After 10 minutes, it was the agreed time to launch the attack. At that time, the Japanese army would definitely be "surprised".


Ten minutes passed in a flash, as if a lover blinked his eyes lightly.

"It's time, let's do it!" The platoon leaders of each platoon gave combat orders almost at the same time.

So, under the encouragement of the grenadier, small shells drew beautiful arcs in the air, and smashed hard towards the direction where the flames ignited.





Intensive explosions sounded in the positions of the Japanese army, and many Japanese soldiers who were not so lucky died in the bombardment of the small artillery shells.

Severed arms and legs splashed everywhere, and screams and explosions rang out.

"Enemy attack!!!"

"Enemy attack!!!"

The grassroots officers of the Japanese army were shouting hysterically, for fear that they hadn't woken up these officers and soldiers who had just woken up from their sleep but hadn't recovered.

With hysterical shouts and sharp whistles, there is a tense fighting atmosphere everywhere.

But in general, the Japanese army responded very quickly. Although the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Division were composed of retired soldiers and elite reserve soldiers during the temporary expansion, they have long since been fighting for several months. A certain combat power has been formed, and the response is quick.

The officers and soldiers of the Japanese army knew that they had been attacked, and they had no idea how many troops these damned enemies had come.

These Japanese officers and soldiers ran to their combat positions one after another, either holding heavy machine guns, or setting up light machine guns, or loading rifle bullets.

However, facing the officers and soldiers of the secret service company who had been prepared for a long time, they are destined to suffer a big loss!


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Qidian book friend Legge Shen for the 600-point reward!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from starting point book friend Taihao, Level [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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