War of Resistance

Chapter 988 The Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 988 The Battle of Nantianpu ([-])
Tanaka Shengdao's method is also very simple, that is, he needs reinforcements from his superiors, but there must be a reasonable reason for reinforcements.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Tanaka Shengdao finally came up with a reason: he met the absolute main force of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone and needed the support of the Division Headquarters.

Therefore, Tanaka Shengdao did not hesitate any longer, and immediately asked the communication soldier to report this information to Matsuura Junrokuro who was in the thunder drum.

It has reached this point. In many cases, Junrokuro Matsuura's work and rest time is not difficult to control by himself, especially when there is an emergency battle report.

This time was no exception, Matsuura Junrokuro was also woken up by the emergency battle report.

Junrokuro Matsuura is no stranger to the unit number of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone. , and severely damaged a part of the [-]st Division, how could it be unfamiliar?

Ever since, Matsuura Junrokuro decided to strengthen the strength of the troops in Nantianpu.

However, there is a very real problem - that is the pressure from all directions, all the troops are asking for support, where are the troops to rescue?

Therefore, Matsuura Junrokuro set his sights on the group of officers who were going to take off at Jiujiang Airport to go to the front line, as well as the group of military supplies that were going to support the front line.

These reinforcements all have one thing in common, that is, they must be transported by air drop.

Yes, it can be described in two simple words in the "eat chicken" game - airdrop!
Now that he has decided to invest in these officers and military supplies, Junrokuro Matsuura will not wait here foolishly. He has decided to select a team of 800 soldiers to support Nantianpu.

Yes, these more than 800 soldiers are just waiting for the officers who were airdropped!
If these more than 200 officers can be deployed here, except for some officers who will immediately supplement the soldiers on the spot, the other officers will have to go to Leiminggu Liu immediately.

After all, Lei Minggu Liu is the real frontline combat command center!

In order to ensure the security of Nantianpu's defenders and ensure that Nantianpu can be in his own hands, Matsuura Junrokuro made a very bold decision: that is, to drop all the officers and military supplies airdropped by planes in the Nantianpu area!
You know, this decision can no longer be described as bold, it is simply crazy!If there is a little carelessness, the two hundred officers and this batch of military supplies will fall into the enemy's hands.

Not to mention anything else, this is definitely a huge blow to the Japanese defenders in Nantianpu!

But at this time, does Junrokuro Matsuura have any other choices?It seems that there is no better choice!

According to Matsuura Junrokuro's vision, these two hundred officers plus eight hundred soldiers, plus the supplies of weapons and equipment dropped by air, are completely enough.

So, without even thinking about it, Matsuura Junrokuro reported directly to Jiujiang, saying that all the officers and supplies would be sent to Nantianpu.

In Jiujiang, when he learned of Matsuura Junrokuro's needs, Okamura Neiji immediately decided that "all the needs of the frontline troops shall prevail."

After all, at this moment, nothing is more important than the needs of the frontline troops, because only they know what is going on on the frontline.


The camera turns to Jiujiang Airport.

Under the night, before the rooster crowed at dawn, piles of Japanese officers with paratrooper bags on their backs and pistols on their waists began to board the transport plane.

Several other planes are also constantly loading and unloading grenadier shells and machine gun bullets, [-] rifles, crooked light machine guns and other weapons and ammunition, but heavy machine guns are rarely seen because they are used in assault operations. Needs, not the needs of defensive operations.

This is the first batch of air-dropped supplies, and the next batch of air-dropped supplies may not be just these things, it may also be mortar shells or other things.

In short, this airdrop is mainly based on these things.

As the person in charge of the airport, Nakashou Yamamoto must keep an eye on the front line of the airport. He can't let this operation be an accident.

"Whether Commander Matsuura can come back alive depends on his luck..." Saying that, General Nakatoshi Yamamoto let out a long sigh.

While General Nakatoshi Yamamoto was still feeling emotional, a Japanese officer ran up to him and said: "General Yamamoto, Mr. Funaji Lang from the military headquarters called, and he said that according to the deployment of Commander Neiji Okamura According to the latest needs of the front-line combat troops, this time the direction of the airdrop is temporarily changed to the direction of Nantianpu, please do it!"

After hearing this, Nakatoshi Yamamoto said: "Call Funaji Lang Zhongzuo immediately, and you tell him that I have received the order and will execute it immediately!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese officer stood at attention and bowed his head in response.

After the Japanese officer who came to report left, Nakashou Yamamoto immediately ordered another officer: "Mr. Xiaojing! Order the pilots to gather immediately!"

"Yes!" The officer called "Xiaojing-kun" responded.

Soon, these Japanese pilots assembled.

Looking at the dozens of pilots in front of him, Osamu Yamamoto was very proud, and he said: "Everyone, you are all heroes of the empire. It stands to reason that you have already moved to the place where you can contribute to the empire at this moment, but due to the temporary mission There has been a change, so I summoned you together."

These Japanese pilots had already rested a long time ago, and they looked energetic as they listened to the commander's lecture.

"Receiving the latest combat order from the No.11 Army Headquarters, General Ningji Okamura asked us to temporarily change the airdrop location to Nantianpu. Remember, it is Nantianpu, not Leimingguliu! You will be in the military immediately. On the map, mark this place name! To ensure that the mission can be completed smoothly and live up to the expectations of General Neiji Okamura!" Yamamoto's tone can be described as sonorous and forceful, which makes people feel convinced and followed him.


A uniform response sound resounded through the empty airport, making people feel excited and full of fighting spirit.

Not these Japanese pilots.The kind of people who just promise but don't work, and soon they are scribbling there.

It took only 15 minutes to board the plane again, which shows how well-trained these Japanese pilots are.

The planes at Jiujiang Airport were ready to take off, but at the No. [-] highland position outside Nantianpu, the morale of the Japanese soldiers was not as high as it was here.

Since the officers and soldiers of the Special Agent Company of the First Guard Regiment withdrew, all that was left to the Japanese troops was a mess all over the ground. Their own battle casualties reached [-] people, while the opponent left only one corpse and a Czech light gun. machine gun.

This could not but make Captain Ozawa Namizuo feel a heartfelt insult—he has fought a lot of battles, but he has never tried to be as useless as he is now.

There was burning pain on his face, and the shame from his heart made Ozawa Langwei have the urge to "thank the emperor by killing himself", but he held back: because he knew that his suicide at this time would not help anything , all he can do is to inform Captain Tanaka of the Sacred Way Alliance of this news!

PS: Make up for last night's update.

(End of this chapter)

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