War of Resistance

Chapter 995 The Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 995 The Battle of Nantianpu ([-])
Xu Sangou and other officers and soldiers were arranged, and Zhang Tianhai also began to continue to observe the enemy.

Perhaps because his heart was bored, Zhang Tianhai actually felt a little itchy. He said to Xu Xun behind him: "Xiao Xu, take my sniper rifle, and let the guards come up to a row. I want to accompany these people." Little devil playing."

When Xu Xun heard it, he naturally knew what Zhang Tianhai wanted to do. When he thought of the crazy things the leader was going to do, his legs went weak: "Tuan...Tuan, are you joking? At this time, Do you still want to play this kind of game? If something goes wrong, deputy head Guo will not have to skin me?"

Zhang Tianhai glanced at Xu Xun, and said angrily: "What's the matter? Is Guo Qiliang the guy who has the final say in the first guard group, or is it I, Zhang Yulin, who have the final say? You listen carefully to me now, and you are called the executive now." If the task is not completed well, I will take your skin off."

As soon as Zhang Tianhai's words came out, Xu Xun had no choice but to go to get Zhang Tianhai's [-]-cap sniper rifle with a bitter face——Deputy leader Guo is not easy to mess with, but this regiment The boss is the one who is talking now. As for whether he will be picked up by Deputy Head Guo, let's talk about it later!
Not long after, Xu Xun came with a sniper rifle, and asked for a platoon from the guard company along the way, and it was the platoon that was "the most capable" in Xu Sangou's words, the first platoon.

"Okay, Xiao Xu, you just listen to me about this matter, and you still have to worry about doing things. Compared with Wang Liang and Liu Houming, you are far behind." Zhang Tianhai didn't have any face at this time. No more, just say so.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun blushed, he naturally knew what Tuan Zuo was talking about.Isn't that smart enough?

Zhang Tianhai has always acted vigorously and resolutely when he did things, and he would leave as soon as he said.

No, after adjusting the sniper rifle, he took a row of guards to touch the enemy's position.

Zhang Tianhai dodged and hid behind a big tree. He was going to rely on this big tree as a cover to attack the Japanese army, while his guard platoon was scattered around, and everything was to protect the safety of the regiment leader. .

In terms of security, it seems that apart from the guard company, there is no other company that is so professional.

As for the secret service company, it is a sharp spear for attack, not the solid shield of the guard company, and the purpose is different.

That's right, this time Zhang Tianhai did have a hint of "Even if I'm not free, I'll have to cause you some trouble".

When Zhang Tianhai hid behind this big tree, he had roughly calculated the distance to Nantianpu Village, which was about 600 meters.

The distance of 600 meters, whether it is far or near, happens to be the controllable range of the Sanba Dagai. Why is it a controllable range?The reason is very simple, that is because the effective shooting range of Sanba Dagai is 460 meters. After exceeding 460 meters, the bullets will flutter and it will be difficult to hit the target.

Choosing this distance, Zhang Tianhai is betting that these little devils don't have that good marksmanship, and it's impossible for them to find him in the first time among so many figures lined up by the guards.

As for the range of 600 meters, Zhang Tianhai is still confident. After all, it is not like he has never tried to hit a target at this distance.

Lie on the ground, and then find the target. Zhang Tianhai did everything in an orderly manner. After he was ready, he began to grab a handful of sand next to him, and then began to measure the wind speed.

Sniping, this is an art, not only requires the sniper to have excellent marksmanship and excellent skills, but also requires the sniper to calculate the distance of the ballistic drop and the deflection effect of the wind speed on the ballistic trajectory, and also take into account the movement of the target speed.

"Distance, 600 meters; wind speed, level two, northwesterly wind..." Zhang Tianhai kept muttering to himself, and in his sniper scope, a Japanese soldier hiding behind a machine gun was staring at Looking forward, he firmly believed that his steel helmet could save his life.

Zhang Tianhai kept measuring the wind speed and adjusting the muzzle of his gun.

Finally, at the moment when his heartbeat synchronized with the rifle, Zhang Tianhai lightly pulled the trigger.


A 6.5mm bullet burst out from the muzzle of Sanba Dagai, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

The ultra-long distance finally caused the bullets to continuously and slowly fall, and then slowly drift in the breeze.


The bullet hit the Japanese soldier on the bridge of the nose, and a round blood hole immediately appeared. Blood continued to emerge from the wound, and then dripped on the ground. The Japanese machine gunner fell to the ground slowly!
"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!!"

As the machine gunner fell to the ground, sharp whistles also sounded in the Japanese camp. They knew that in this case, it was very likely that the enemy had come over!

As the sharp whistle sounded, more Japanese troops rushed forward.

However, they didn't realize that the appearance of more people would only give the damn sniper on the opposite side more targets.

Sure enough, with several consecutive gunshots, several Japanese soldiers fell to the ground.

Sure enough, the bullets hit the nail on the head.

At this time, the Japanese commander also felt that something was wrong: the enemy did not see a single one, but several officers and soldiers of his own side fell down in succession, which clearly meant that there were snipers!
"Hidden!! Hidden!!"

The commander of the Japanese army was shouting, and the officers and soldiers under him also quickly found cover to hide.

It's a pity that in this scene, Zhang Tianhai could only sigh in dismay: Isn't it because of the need to change the damn bullet?The ammunition capacity of these [-] caps is too small, only five rounds, how can this be played?If it had the ammunition capacity of the [-]-type sniper rifle, the little devil on the opposite side would have to fall even more.

"Sure enough, time is efficiency! It would be great if the little devil's rifle could hold more bullets." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

However, it doesn't matter.

He, Zhang Tianhai, couldn't believe it anymore. How could these little devils on the opposite side really not show their heads?Even if they reveal a steel helmet, he still has a chance, doesn't he?
However, this idea is really bold. A rifle like Sanba Dagai, not to mention the effective range of more than 140 meters, it is already very good to say that it can penetrate the steel helmet under normal circumstances.

"It's a cloudy day to beat a child. If you are idle, you are idle. Why don't you try?" Zhang Tianhai said to himself, people who didn't know thought he was crazy.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai found a Japanese military helmet, which was a head hiding behind the bunker, but not very well.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai immediately decided to use this head to boil the pot.


While Zhang Tianhai was having a great time playing, Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, the commander of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army who was in the middle of the thunderous drums, was going to be very worried.

According to the reply from the No.11 Army Command, in the morning, the more than 200 officers and a large amount of military supplies had already been delivered to Nantianpu.However, Nantianpu has been saying that they have not received anything about airdropped supplies.

In the words of Tanaka Shengdao, there is no ghost, let alone more than 200 people and military supplies.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 1500 point coin reward from the starting point book friend Suifengren R! !
Thanks to the book friends Li Geshen from the starting point and the ninth level Taihao for their rewards of 100 points each.

(End of this chapter)

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