War of Resistance

Chapter 998 The Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 998 The Battle of Nantianpu ([-])

Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of indecisive person, he made a decisive decision immediately: "The artillery battalion, aim at the Japanese Army Joint Unit in Nantianpu, and continue to bombard me! Five rounds!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!!" Zhao Chengge, the artillery battalion commander next to him, responded.

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the surrounding artillery officers and soldiers started to move, either loading or carrying shells, busy.

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, Zhao Chengge waved the flag and shouted: "Turn down the muzzle by one degree, fire five rounds in succession! Get ready!!!"

After a burst of busy jingling, Zhao Chengge finally waved the flag: "Fire!!!"





A burst of artillery sounded, and more than a dozen shells flew through the air and smashed hard behind Nantianpu.

As the explosions sounded continuously, the screams of the Japanese army came and went, so cruel.

It was not only the Japanese army that panicked, but also the national army that had rushed to the first line of defense of the Japanese army.

"Where did the artillery fire? Where did the artillery fire?!" The commander of the first battalion, Lu Shaojie, cursed angrily, because based on his feeling, these shells were fired from his own position.

"Battalion Commander, it seems that they came from our artillery position..." The soldier next to him poked Lu Shaojie and motioned him to look behind him.

As a result, it turned out that it was true that shells were bombing Nantianpu from their own positions. Although they hadn't hit them now, they still felt shuddering.

"Battalion Commander, what should we do now? Continue to fight?" The soldiers next to him flinched a little.

But is Lu Shaojie really that stupid?Not necessarily!He is very clear: Can Zhao Chengge have the guts?Dare to launch artillery shells at the front line that is fighting without authorization?Not necessarily!
This can only be the handwriting of Tuan Zuo, and only Tuan Zuo has the courage to dare to fire at the enemy and our troops who are still fighting!
Since it was written by the head of the regiment, then he must have his reasons for doing so—but the biggest possibility is that the regiment has already made plans to take down Nantianpu as soon as possible at all costs. If he retreats at this time, Lu Shaojie will have to Ten heads, that's not enough for the Tuan Zuo to shoot!

"Fight! You must fight! If anyone retreats without authorization, I will kill him! Damn it!!" Lu Shaojie was already looking fierce at this time, he had already fought to this extent, and there was still a reason to retreat ?What's more, their strength is not inferior to the Japanese army!
Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who just waits for a fighter to appear, even if there is no fighter, he still wants to make one.

"Order the cavalry battalion, prepare to go into battle!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seats!!" Xu Xun responded.

But when he heard the order for the cavalry battalion to go into battle, Li Yinglun, the deputy commander next to him, became a little less calm. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Tuan Zuo, this order is probably inappropriate, isn't it? But it’s all paddy fields, and it’s been raining recently, so our war horses can’t gallop here, right?”

"I didn't let them fight on horseback. The guys in their hands are quite strong. Even if they go to the first cavalry company, the strength of the second and third cavalry companies alone can withstand the attack of a Japanese squadron, right? "Zhang Tianhai said very calmly, "I want them to threaten the Japanese flank!"

"I understand what you mean. No wonder Li Zongren and Chief Li thought highly of you. Now I understand, your brain is not ordinary." Li Yinglun smiled wryly.

"Look at it! War is an art. It depends on how to play it. The reason why I asked you to help with logistics. The first one is to let you know about our regiment, and the other one is to let you see , How did the first regiment of our security guards fight?" Zhang Tianhai's face was filled with confidence, and this kind of confidence in the face of war is something that most people of this era cannot see on their faces.

"Okay, then this battle, I want to see how you fight." Li Yinglun smiled.

Not long after, Wang Yongcheng, the commander of the cavalry battalion, arrived.

"Reporting regiment, Wang Yongcheng, commander of the cavalry battalion, has been ordered to report to you!" Wang Yong set up a salute.

"Okay, I won't say much else. The task of your battalion now is to rush to the rear flank of the Japanese army in Nantianpu as quickly as possible, and launch a diversionary attack on them." Zhang Tianhai said seriously, "In addition It should be noted that there are paddy fields everywhere here, you don’t need to ride horses to charge, you just need to perform the task of containment, and you don’t need me to teach you how to use your horses, right?”

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Wang Yongcheng responded first, then changed the topic, and said: "For this matter, please rest assured Tuan Zuo, the cavalry battalion will definitely live up to your expectations. In addition, our horses It is the best tool for carrying supporting weapons and equipment such as heavy machine guns."

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said: "Well, you just need to understand this. In order to perform this mission well, I will also give you my guard company. If you, Wang Yongcheng, fail to complete the mission, I will only ask you!"

"Yes! Group seat!!" Wang Yong set up a salute and promised with a strong oath.

"Adjutant Xu, pass on my order to let Company Commander Xu Sangou obey Wang Yongcheng and Battalion Commander Wang to carry out his mission! If there is any disobedience and disobedience, we will be dealt with by military law!" Zhang Tianhai's words were very severe. After all, in his opinion, this kid Xu Sangou is currently This period of time is honest, but I am still afraid that this kid will lose the chain at a critical moment.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.


Sure enough, just as Zhang Tianhai expected, after hearing this extremely stern order, Xu Sangou was in high spirits—he didn’t even have any other thoughts. To be shot.

Xu Sangou is also very aware of Tuan Zuo's temper. This is the principle that Tuan Zuo has adhered to since he came to the Songhu battlefield: he will do what he says, and if he says he will be shot, he will never show mercy.

So, just like that, more than 200 people from Xu Sangou's guard company, plus more than 400 people from the cavalry battalion, set off for what Zhang Tianhai called the "side rear wing".

As for the definition of this "side and rear wing", it can only be found by Wang Yongcheng himself, and it is enough to find the general direction.


Then turn the camera back to Nantianpu in the fierce battle.

As the main battle party, the national army is naturally aggressive, and the first-level firepower is not weak, and there is a firepower reinforcement squad, so naturally it did not suffer too much.

But as the defenders of the Japanese army, their Japanese army has a hard time. For example, they can no longer withstand the attack of the national army.

Although the Japanese army already has the heart to defend Nantianpu, there is no way. They lack the backbone, and they are resisting like a piece of loose sand. They seem to have reached the point where they don't even know where the enemy is. I'm playing with my intuition.

Xiaolu Sanmaru is an ordinary soldier of the Japanese army. As a soldier at the lowest level, he feels more than a little frightened by the changes these days-it is said that the captain of the regiment has been killed, and the entire headquarters has not been killed. Alright, what else is there to do?

But the scene in front of him made him believe that - his teammates were indeed resisting.


PS: Accidentally got promoted again.

Sorry for the late update.

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends for rewarding 200 points each for the end of the wind and the red bean paste!

(End of this chapter)

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