Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 802 Re-entering the Forbidden Area of ​​the Demon Sect

Chapter 802 Re-entering the Forbidden Area of ​​the Demon Sect
Liu Li, who first knew the sea, listened to Yu Wan's mention of her dream when she crossed the catastrophe, first showing surprise, and then showing a scene of disbelief.

Speaking of all their monks, no matter how low they are, they are all in the realm of Nascent Soul Transformation God, and they are all qualified to cross the Thunder Tribulation.

But when they crossed the catastrophe, they never got the closeness and voice of God like Yu Wan, didn't they? !
Yu Wan questioned them like this, and they had no way of telling her the answer, so they could only analyze to her the general meaning of their guess...

"If you say that the ones that are most related to the Dao of Heaven are the five fragments of boundary monuments! According to what you said, the meaning of Dao's words that day, to put it bluntly, came for them. Why don't you ask how many of them are there?" , What do you mean by this Tiandao?" Liuli groped with her chin on one hand, while pondering what Daoming thought in her heart.

"That's right, master, you forgot, not only the five fragments, but also the essence of the sun and the moon!
They are all gifted by God to the master at that time every time you advance and refine!Master Baobuqi asked Ye if this one can speak, it is easy to communicate, maybe it can know a thing or two! "

"Yes, Ye, you are one of the essences of heaven, earth, sun and moon, can you perceive the meaning of the words of heaven?" Yu Wan asked Ye as if grasping at straws.

Seeing that everyone put their spiritual consciousness on his sun, Ye saw that his heart was trembling.

He turned into a ray of golden light and jumped down from the sun, came to the crowd, turned into a phantom figure, hesitant to speak but stopped saying:
"Actually... In fact, when you were in a coma, Heavenly Dao gave me a secret after waiting for you for a long time.

It's just that what is this secret, the deity only knows that there is such a thing, and what is said in detail, it is indeed sealed in the deity's consciousness, and he can only wait for the right time to break the seal and know.

But when is the right time, this matter... It's really beyond the control of this deity.Therefore, there is only so much that this deity can tell you. "

When Yu Wan heard it, she frowned. Is it the right time? !
The answer Tiandao gave her last time was also the same. I really don't know what it is that needs Tiandao to play tricks like this? !

Yu Wan was puzzled, and the demon cultivators in the Sea of ​​Consciousness couldn't figure it out.

On the other hand, Master Hongguang, who had been watching the excitement for a long time, said to Yu Wan once in a rare way:
"Amitabha, since God has arranged, we will meet each other in the end, so why bother with the donor, it is said that the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, and worrying too much at this time is just adding trouble."

"That's right, I'm the one who made a fool of himself, and it's more important to save the master right now."

After listening to everyone's persuasion, Yu Wan retracted and explored the meaning of Tiandaoye's words.

She raised her hand and took out Master's Soul Stone again. Looking at it like this again this time, Yu Wan's brows, which could not be stretched at all, frowned even more.

Compared with the last time I saw Master's soul stone, the green wood aura on the soul stone was a little weaker.

It seems that Master's situation is getting worse and worse, he must be rescued as soon as possible!

Yu Wan stopped chatting with them, and after putting away Li Mubai's Soul Stone, he even sped up and went straight to Jinxi City...

Yu Wan stopped talking here and said nothing more. Ye, who was hesitant to speak in the sea of ​​knowledge just now, felt that Yu Wan would not ask this question any more, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, he just lied, Tiandao left him an order, and when he heard this news, even if he was the power condensed by the power of Rihua, he had already survived in Yu Wan's small world after all. After such a long time, having this kind of emotion is not because he has a contractual relationship with Yu Wan, but it can be said to be a kind of tacit understanding!An idea that he sincerely recognized the existence of Yu Wan's Small World.

Therefore, from time to time, he would choose to help Yu Wan when he was in trouble.

The reason why he concealed it this time and didn't bluntly say that Dao Tiandao gave him the news about the integration of the fragments of the boundary marker into a boundary marker was because Yu Wan had to pay a huge price!

And this price is not only related to the whole small world, it will even affect Yu Wan's own life and death!

He didn't want Yu Wan to know that she was about to face that kind of crushing and uncertain scene...

Fortunately, they interrupted the conversation, and he didn't have to worry too much about the lie. As for when he could tell Yu Wan... Ye Zhi fell into deep thought, thinking that it would be better to wait until Yu Wan's cultivation reached the Mahayana stage. For greater protection, let's talk to her in detail...

Now, let's avoid talking about this situation.

Yu Wan speeded up here for half a day, and finally arrived at Jinxi City.

This time she did not enter the city, but went straight to the southernmost ice wall of Jinxi City.

Today, after Yu Wan crossed the ice wall this time, it was very easy to enter the black isolation barrier of the demonic poisonous mist.

She sneaked all the way in stealth, and even after passing the demon spirit poison, Yu Wan did not choose the teleportation array guarded by the demon cultivators, and forcibly broke into the resident square of the demon abyss forest.

With her speed, she could fly to the station within an hour.But this time when she entered the Demon Abyss, her destination was not the forest at all, but the forbidden area near the sea in the south of the Demon Sect's territory, where she entered the Demon Spirit Poison Pool and where her master was trapped.

With Yu Wan's strength during the tribulation period, she basically didn't meet any monks who were higher than her, but she passed by the Nascent Soul monks and the occasional few cultivators who turned into gods and demons from time to time.

Fortunately, not only is Yu Wan's cultivation higher than theirs, but her spiritual sense is even higher than their existence, so it's easy to avoid them.

Flying from the Moyuan Forest to the forbidden area of ​​the Mozong, calculating the time, there were nearly three hours of high-speed flight, Yu Wan still chose to go underground in stealth, but this time he went back to the forbidden area, which made Yu Wan frown Get up!
The barrier below was unexpectedly stronger than the barrier she broke into before, with twice the resistance.

Especially the magic breath above is extremely rich and pure, this magic breath made Yu Wan subconsciously think of the magic cave in the Moyuan Forest.

Could it be that they strengthened the isolation barrier below because she destroyed their demon poison pool last time?

Seeing this, Yu Wan directly cast spells. With her current strength, she is still very confident in trying to break through the blocking formation below again.

"Buzz!" sounded!
Yu Wan directly hit the multicolored pattern formed in her hand on the barrier surrounded by black air, only to hear a buzzing sound, and instantly a round hole of light and shadow appeared in the black devil air below, Yu Wan was not vague at all, just dodged , people entered the enchantment.

And it took Yu Wan a quarter of an hour longer to break the formation than the last time. It can be seen that the power of this formation is indeed much stronger, but Moxiu never expected that Yu Wan's cultivation base is even more powerful. The synchronous counterattack was strengthened, allowing her to enter again.

(End of this chapter)

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