Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 820 Knowing the situation in the sea

Chapter 820 Knowing the situation in the sea
Apart from taking some time to meditate, her master doesn't need other things for the time being. After Yu Wan was overly worried, she saw that not far away, the same sick seedling was sealed by the formation master who was trapped in the prisoner dragon formation by Liuli. Persevere.

At this time, sitting next to Feng Zhi was Master Zhendao's Master Hong Guang, who was sitting curled up beside him, chanting sutras and chanting Buddha.

It's just that when Yu Wan saw Master Hongguang's cultivation, she couldn't help being a little surprised. The cultivation of Master Hongguang who reshaped his real body fell to the stage of foundation building. I didn't expect to see you again now. His cultivation has grown very fast, and he has already advanced It has reached the mid-term strength of Jindan.

According to Hongguang's advancement speed, he will soon advance to the Nascent Soul Realm. Once he enters the Nascent Soul Realm, the mage can leave her sea of ​​consciousness and travel outside on his own.

"Amitabha, the mage has been promoted very quickly recently, how is it? Do you feel any discomfort?" Yu Wan walked up to Hong Guang and asked him a Buddhist ritual.

Only then did Master Hongguang stop the sound of chanting, slowly opened his eyes, looked up at Yu Wan, and nodded slightly in return:
"Amitabha, thank you benefactor for your concern. Since the five fragments of the benefactor's contract, the spiritual energy here has suddenly skyrocketed. It is also cheaper for the poor monk. He has absorbed the spiritual energy and recovered quickly. I would like to thank the benefactor for his generosity."

"Master, you are polite. By the way, is there any gain from the mage's investigation of the magician in front of me?"

Originally, Yu Wan put Feng Zhi into his sea of ​​consciousness because he wanted Liuli to investigate his sea of ​​consciousness.

After all, Feng Zhi this person, Yu Wan has heard from that Zhao Su, and when he was underground in the Moyuan Forest, that this person needs to go to set up formations to strengthen their isolation barrier.

Allowing him to take over the establishment of the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sect and the formation defense barrier of the top-secret realm, it can be seen how important the role Feng Zhi plays in the Demon Sect!In this case, it is natural that he can know a lot about the secret deployment of the Demon Sect, or things that are not known to outsiders.

It's just that Yu Wan asked Liuli to investigate at the beginning, why now Master Hongguang is guarding and investigating by Feng Zhi's side?

Seeing this, Yu Wan had a vague guess in her heart. It might be like Xie Rin and the others back then. In order to avoid being seriously injured and comatose, the consciousness was spied on. Live that most important information situation.

Once an outsider touches it, it will be a scene of self-explosion of consciousness.

In terms of formations, Liuli is indeed inferior to Master Hongguang, and it is probably because of this that Liuli let Master Hongguang, who has cultivated to the advanced Dao Jindan realm, to break the barrier formation in the Sea of ​​Consciousness...

Being questioned bluntly by Yu Wan, Master Hong Guang didn't feel that he was overreaching, but looked at Yu Wan very frankly and said:
"This person's sea of ​​consciousness has indeed set up an extremely precise formation. His consciousness is very strange. To be precise, it is his specially protected memory consciousness, which is very difficult to decipher.

That part of his important spiritual formation actually has the power to absorb the divine soul and external aura!This is what Liuli Benefactor can understand best. "

"It's really good. Originally, I took advantage of his unconsciousness, and he was seriously injured and his life was hanging by a thread. I thought that this magic cultivator's spiritual defense power should be the weakest right now.

But I didn't expect that when I probed into his sea of ​​consciousness... the other areas are fine, but one of them has been set up with a defensive barrier!
Then I tried to pull out a touch of my consciousness to get close to his enchantment, but I didn't expect that as soon as I touched that enchantment, a skeleton demon soul sprang out from the enchantment, and in a flash, it devoured my body. Consciousness!Let me know the sea, and I can't help being stung.

Unexpectedly, after devouring my wisp of divine consciousness, the skeleton devil soul actually chased after most of my divine consciousness that stayed in his sea of ​​consciousness. Fortunately, I evacuated in time, otherwise he would really be eaten by him Clean it up! "

Liu Li frowned and recalled the situation of the introspection back then, not only that, but his side was filled with righteous indignation as he narrated, his eyes flashed with a hint of palpitation.

"Is there really such a wicked way?" Yu Wan asked with seriousness and curiosity when she heard it.

"Isn't that right! Anyway, my consciousness has returned to the state of fusion. This guy is in a life-threatening state. His consciousness should not have the ability to resist me, but the formation in his mind, It's really tight! If you don't pay attention, you will be swallowed by it.

As a last resort, I asked Master Hongguang to investigate the formation in his sea of ​​consciousness to see if there is a way to break the formation.

Speaking of which, what is it that he wants to hide with the secret divine sense in his mind?To set up such a powerful formation defense? At the end of Liuli's speech, she couldn't help touching her chin, and became more and more curious about the secret of this divine consciousness in Feng Zhihai.

"The mage has cracked that formation?"

Liuli's words also aroused Yu Wan's curiosity, and she asked Master Hongguang about it.

Master Hongguang shook his head and said:
"This formation... the cultivation of the poor monk's spiritual consciousness can only detect his principles, and the poor monk has just recovered to the cultivation base of the golden core, so he has no aura and mana at all to maintain and resist the enchantment in his sea of ​​consciousness. The backlash. Therefore, he has not broken his Sea Consciousness Formation yet."

These two people who were more transparent than Yu Wan did not break the formation, which made Yu Wan even more curious.

"How about... let me try it too."

After Yu Wan finished speaking, he planned to cast spell luck, and mobilized his early Mahayana spiritual consciousness to probe into this obsessed sea of ​​consciousness, but was stopped by Hong Guang and shouted:
"Don't worry, benefactor Yu, the poor monk has already injected the powerful Vajra Soul Locking Formation in his sea of ​​consciousness!

This formation needs to be cast for 49 days to kill the magic energy on his formation!

The reason why this formation is so strong is because the magic energy in his formation is different!This demonic aura is too fierce and powerful, unlike the own of a cultivator of his level, it should have been obtained from somewhere, and he added it to the formation, which formed his protective barrier up.

That's why the poor monk set up an exorcism formation to kill his special devil energy.

If Master Yu is not in a hurry, he can wait another 49 days to explore his sea of ​​consciousness. "

Hearing what Master Hongguang said, Yu Wan couldn't help frowning, why is it so troublesome?

Looking at that letter, the face is ashen, and the lips are purple. Do you really doubt that this guy can survive until the 49th?

Seemingly understanding Yu Wan's eyes, Liuli said directly:

"Don't worry, master, although he is seriously injured, he looks like he is going to die, but he can still breathe.

What's more, even if his demon cultivator is seriously injured and wants to die, Ao Yuan will help him through the demon energy, so he won't die for a while. "

After being pointed out, Ao Yuan half-opened one eye with interest, snorted speechlessly, and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind and fall into a light sleep.

Strange to say, I don't know what happened recently, Ao Yuan's sleepiness became more and more obvious, and he couldn't cheer up at all.

And the most obvious feeling of all this started when Yu Wan contracted the fifth boundary marker fragment...

Perhaps it was because the fifth fragment strengthened the breath of spiritual energy in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it had an even more suppressive effect on him.

It made him feel more and more sleepy as the dragon soul was weak all over his body, and Ao Yuan always fell into a light sleep state from time to time.

Since Master Hongguang set up the exorcism formation, Yu Wan is not in a hurry to know about his knowledge of the sea at this time, so this letter is handed over to Master Hongguang of Liuli to solve it.

During this period of time, I have been running around, and it is rare to have time to meditate. Yu Wan is not in a hurry to enter the meditative state, and turned to everything in the sea of ​​consciousness, and once again came to a spiritual glance...

It's just that after Yu Wan's scan, not only did she find that in her sea of ​​consciousness, many things in the world had unknowingly spawned, and these creatures were growing more and more.

Although the creatures that she has seen and heard, except for the earliest batch, see you now, there are also strange animals and plants that she has never heard of or seen, and they are derived together? !But they are still in the initial ecological state.

Among these derivative creatures, human beings are the only ones, which makes Yu Wan a little puzzled.

No, there really is a human being!
Yu Wan's spiritual sense locked on to that person, and saw his figure, appearing and disappearing in a lush forest full of towering trees, fighting to the death with a dryad in the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing that person, Yu Wan almost forgot his existence, and felt a little ashamed of Rong Lie, her apprentice who worshiped her wholeheartedly.

Rong Lie fought against the vine-grown tree demon alone, and saw that although his moves had no special tricks, they were also tricky and ruthless.

However, looking at the blood on his body, it was obvious that it was still quite difficult for him to deal with this tree demon whose cultivation level was much higher than his.

At this time, he was struggling to escape, wanting to rush out of this lush forest and go straight to the Western Flame Mountains...

Yu Wan no longer probed with his consciousness, and everything in the sea of ​​consciousness was covered by Yu Wan's consciousness, so, even though thousands of miles away, Yu Wan's consciousness only moved in a blink of an eye, and he appeared invisibly between Rong Lie and him. The sky above the dryad battle hovered quietly.

She wants to see this kid, how will he get out of the predicament that this high-level monster is attacking him?
(End of this chapter)

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