Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 825 39 Thunder Tribulation is Coming

Chapter 825 The Three Nine Thunder Tribulations Are Coming
"Boom... Crack! Crack! Crack!"

While Yu Wan was checking on Chi Jue's situation, several loud bangs of lightning and thunder had already exploded in the east of the sky, and the rolling thunder resounded in this space...

Yu Wan glanced at Chi Jue again, there was fire aura in the lava pool here, and he was a fire monster, so it was suitable for Chi Jue to be warmed up here.

So Yu Wan directly cast an isolation barrier to protect the lava cave here, lest other monsters come back to harass him after she leaves.


Just after Chijue's calamity, after seeing that there was no thunder calamity here, Rong Lie, who was warned by Yu Wan to stand by, still followed secretly out of curiosity.

It's just that he didn't dare to get too close, and seeing his master flying into the lava cave, he also followed.

But when he came over, he saw that the person who had just crossed the six or nine thunder tribulations was actually his master's bloody red fox beast? !

This made Rong Lie very puzzled.

Since her master's demon beast crossed the catastrophe, why did she not quite understand why the thunder catastrophe started when she first saw the master's appearance?
Although Rong Lie had doubts, it was not easy to ask at the moment, but when everyone came to him, he called Yu Wan politely.

And just as Yu Wan was about to fly away and head to the east, she was suddenly called by Rong Lie, and for a moment she forgot about the existence of this kid, and said solemnly to him:
"This deity will take you out of this space. However, you have stayed here for nearly 900 years. Once you leave this space, you must be prepared to trigger a thunder disaster! Especially if you have been suppressed for too long, you are afraid of thunder." It will be even more severe, are you ready?"

Being warned by Yu Wan with such a serious face, Rong Lie was both excited and a little nervous, but after so many years of training, he still has quite high confidence in himself!
His eyes lit up, and the anticipation in his eyes was unceremoniously expressed, and he said to Yu Wan:

"Master, don't worry! The three-nine thunder tribulation is no problem for this disciple."

Seeing his sonorous and forceful answer, everyone can hear the excitement in his words.

Seeing this, the corners of Yu Wan's lips twitched slightly, and there was a rare softness in his eyes, and he nodded and said to him:
"Well, that's good! If you can't deal with a three-nine thunder calamity, you are not worthy of being a disciple of this deity, so this deity will send you out."

"Boom... Crack! Crack!"

Another two thunderbolts exploded in the east, and within a short time, the monster that crossed the catastrophe had already suffered five thunderbolts.

However, Yu Wan sensed that the thunder cloud above had not dissipated, so he could still endure the next thunderstorm...

Seeing this, Yu Wan didn't stay any longer, and immediately raised her arm, and with the colorful spiritual energy in her sleeve, she illusioned Rong Lie out of the small world of Consciousness Sea, and made him appear in her cave.

And her Dharma Body, which was originally sitting curled up, slowly opened her eyes at this moment, and she saw Rong Lie in front of her who was still in a daze after the scene was changed for a moment.

Seeing that he was looking around her cave in a daze in astonishment, not sure where it was, at this time the sky above them, although it was still clear, but Yu Wan had already faintly felt the surrounding aura surge, and the thunder catastrophe was about to come, Couldn't help but silently remind this kid:

"You follow the deity, your thunder calamity is coming."

While talking, Yu Wan got up and got off the stone bed, and then left the cave.

Rong Lie came back to his senses, and followed Yu Wan out of her cave.

At that time, he still came to the peak of his master with those Buddhist monks and nuns, but after the master arranged for the group of Buddhist monks and fended off the group of monsters who had contracted to recognize the master, he was the only one left. .

Master even threw him, who came to her Jianquan Peak for the first time, and didn't stay for an hour to familiarize himself with the familiar environment, so he was thrown into the monster space again.

This time he came out of Master's cave, except for the square in front of the cave, which he still had a vague impression of, other places he was not familiar with at all.

Therefore, Yu Wanfei led the way, and Rong Lie obediently followed behind, following his master...

And the place where Yu Wan brought Rong Lie here was the large and small spiritual springs on the top of Jianquan Peak.

"Here, the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring here is rich. You have the dual spiritual roots of gold and earth. Although the water spiritual energy here conflicts with your earth spiritual energy, after you have successfully overcome the tribulation, the spiritual spring water in this small pond is the most suitable for nourishing you. For the restoration of the dharma body, you can go through the disaster here." Yu Wan turned to face Rong Lie, and said solemnly to him.

This God seemed to be echoing Yu Wan's words, and saw that the originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and within a short while, black clouds began to gather everywhere.

The dark clouds gathered more and more, and they would rub against each other from time to time. I saw the dazzling silver-white arc interspersed in the dark clouds, spreading like spider silk, and climbing along with the sound of thunder and explosions...

Rong Lie also felt the turbulent aura around him, and knew that he was indeed approaching a catastrophe.

He didn't need to say anything more to Yu Wan, and after nodding to Yu Wan in response, he flew directly to the stone platform by the Xiaolingquan pool and sat curled up, and cast spells to prepare for the array to deal with Lei Jie's attack on him harm.

Seeing that Rong Lie was preparing to cross the catastrophe, Yu Wan no longer stayed on the top of the mountain.

Yu Wan is not very worried about Rong Lie's thunder robbery here. This is her mountain, and there are no outsiders except those monsters. No one will disturb him. She didn't even set up a barrier, and people flew down up the hill.

This is just three or nine days of thunder in the Nascent Soul Realm. When Rong Lie entered her sea of ​​consciousness, he was thrown to the isolated island first, and he was struck by lightning every day.

After undergoing that kind of body tempering, if Rong Lie couldn't resist the thunder of the Nascent Soul Realm, he would basically be useless.

Besides, in terms of his posture against the tree demon, Yu Wan is still quite optimistic about Rong Lie, and believes that he will have no problem resisting the three thunder tribulations.

Thunderclouds gathered above, and Yu Wan didn't disturb Dahuang and Blood Mantis, the group of contracted beasts that were active outside the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

She returned to her cave again, continued to sit cross-legged, and her consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness again.

At this time, she was more attentive and concerned about that monster who was going through the ninety-nine thunder disaster... Long Claw Huai!

"Boom... bang!"

As soon as Yu Wan came in, she heard the thick pillar of sky thunder strike hard!

And the place where she appeared at this time was a large stretch of forest in the east that was covered with ancient trees for half a day.

Right in the middle of the forest, not to mention the thick black smoke, there was a deep circular pit more than ten feet wide.

The scorched earth in the pit was pitch black, and sparks of firewood still flickered from time to time. It looked like it was going through a destructive fire.

The dark clouds above have begun to become thinner and thinner, and they are retreating in all directions.
Looking at this phenomenon, one can tell that the Dragon Claw Huaiqiong who was struck by lightning has just completed the tribulation.

"You're back. This fellow, Joan, was horribly hacked. His Dharma body was sent flying all over the place. I don't know if he can survive it?"

When Liuli was in Qiongdu Tribulation, she flew over to observe in advance.

Yu Wan appeared near him, and he flashed to Yu Wan's side and said worriedly.

To be honest, Liuli saw that under the deep pit, the broken branch that was still being burned by the sparks was not the trunk of the vegetation in this forest...

The tree demons in the forest, no matter how cultivated they are, can't stand this kind of thunder, and they will be blasted into dust long ago.

And the black charcoal that can still maintain the burning state is really the broken branch of Qiong's dragon claw locust tree...

Seeing this scene, Liuli couldn't help worrying about Qiong, and just about to fly into the deep smoke to investigate Qiong's situation, when she saw Yu Wan appearing here, she couldn't help talking to her in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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