Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 827 Tempering 2 Fragments

Chapter 827 Tempering Two Fragments
When Liuli heard that Yu Wan had made a decision, he asked again:
"Then how do you plan to refine this fragment? Do you plan to temper it in the sea of ​​consciousness? Or temper it outside the sea of ​​consciousness?"

It's not that Yu Wan hasn't thought about this problem. Although the five elements in the Sea of ​​Consciousness are rich in aura, in the final analysis, it is also formed by the power of the five elements in these five fragments.

No matter what, speaking of it, they are still the same power...

This uses the power of the same source to smelt and forge their bodies. This method is not sure that it will work in the evening.

Besides, in the final analysis, the boundary markers belong to the boundary markers of the entire continent beyond the sea of ​​consciousness. No matter how developed her small world of the sea of ​​consciousness is, it is still not mature enough.

Even her own body is in the comprehension world where the Dao of Heaven is located, so how could she forge the real boundary marker between the sky and the blue sky in her sea of ​​consciousness world among the heaven and the earth.

If this boundary monument is really to be forged through fusion, it has to be done in the real world...

"I think it's more reasonable to forge it outside the sea of ​​consciousness. Anyway, this is the boundary marker of the great world outside the sea of ​​consciousness. It should be forged in its own world to help it perceive the aura of heaven and earth. That's right." Yu Wan said as she got up, dragging the two smallest fragments in one hand.

"Well, what you said is also reasonable, so when do you plan to temper it?" Liu Li answered after listening, thinking for a while, nodding.

"Just now."

After Yu Wan finished speaking, she didn't delay anymore, and at the same time as the spirit returned to her place, she also imagined the two fragments that had been floating on her palm out of the sea of ​​consciousness, floating in front of her dharma body.

At this time, Liuli also flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness...

Seeing Yu Wan and Liuli leaving the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ye, who has been shining brightly above the Sea of ​​Consciousness, has been paying close attention to the two of them since Yu Wan talked about tempering fragments just now.

Because he knew that if Yu Wan really wanted to integrate the five fragments into a complete boundary marker, the price he would have to pay would be too high.

He just wanted to interrupt Yu Wan's thoughts aloud, but after hearing that she was only trying to smelt the two boundary marker fragments, Ye, who had the power of the sun, didn't say much to dissuade her.

As long as Yu Wan didn't temper five pieces together, there shouldn't be any big trouble for her to try it, so he didn't dissuade her anymore, just wait and see what happens...

As soon as this side came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, Liuli said to Yu Wan with a little worry:

"After all, you want to temper the fragments of the boundary monument. I don't feel at ease. I'll protect you from the sidelines. If you are backlashed, at least I can interrupt in time to reduce your damage." Liu Li said, away from Yu Yu. Said while floating two zhang away.

"Alright, so I can feel more at ease."

Although Yu Wan had such a plan, it was the first time that no one had ever experienced it before or since. It would be a lie to say that she was not nervous. Liuli was guarding her, which gave her a lot of courage and comfort.

And Yu Wan shifted her gaze to the two fragments in front of her again, seeing them close together, and the power of the five elements around her was shining brightly.

There is also that ignorant ideology, because they have a contractual relationship with Yu Wan, they seem to have vaguely guessed what Yu Wan is about to do.

The bodies of the two fragments even vibrated tremblingly with some uneasiness. Along with the flickering state of their aura, Yu Wan also knew telepathically...they were afraid.

Seeing them like this, Yu Wan didn't know what to say, even though they didn't have a complete spiritual consciousness, but they were like an embryo in October, not life, but life.

But they were originally a complete body, and now they are in a deformed state...

They have existed alone for hundreds of thousands of years since the complete boundary markers were broken.

Logically speaking, a few of them shouldn't be here today, they still stay in ideology, right? !

In terms of age, I'm afraid all of them will become ten thousand year stone demons long ago, right? !
The reason why a mature body of consciousness has not been formed, does that mean that by integrating all of them, it is possible to give the fragments a complete spiritual consciousness that can think independently and have room for growth to speak human words?
For Yu Wan's argument, one is that the situation is indeed the case, and the other is that she still feels guilty when she sees their trembling bodies trembling and resisting. This reason can somewhat relieve the guilt caused by her next behavior .

As Yu Wan nodded slightly, her eyes fixed on the fragments gradually became focused and firm, and she completely withdrew her momentary soft-hearted and vacillating emotions.

At the same time, Yu Wan's hands formed a colorful enchantment cover, on which was added a Buddhist soul-locking array, and the sun and moon essence that blessed power was on the enchantment cover, covering her and the two fragments together.

She even opened the Buddha's eyes and severed the connection within the sea of ​​consciousness.

Doing all this is to cut off for a while, the fragments escaped uncontrollably out of her control range, so they simply cut off their retreat.

I saw Yu Wan turned her wrist again, and the Blue Bird Smelting Furnace appeared in the palm of her hand and was suspended.

It had been a long time since she had used the Blue Bird Furnace to forge magical artifacts, and this time she used it to try to temper these two boundary marker fragments.

In order not to let the two boundary marker fragments escape, she also shot out two spirit energy to trap them in a separate spirit ball.

Following Yu Wan's spell casting, a stream of spiritual energy was poured into the blue bird refining furnace, only to hear a "beep", and a sharp phoenix cry sounded!

I saw an illusory blue bird like a phoenix flying out of the blue bird refining furnace, flying out of the furnace!
And it kept hovering at the furnace mouth of the furnace, and finally plunged into the furnace, accompanied by a "buzz" sound like a bronze bell being struck, when the power of the blue bird was released...

The Jade Bird Furnace was successfully activated by Yu Wan!
When the refining furnace was activated, the open flame of the cauldron "boomed" this time, and a scarlet hot flame evaporated from the bottom of the furnace, igniting the refining furnace.

With a wave of her hand, Yu Wan controlled the two spirit balls, and directly threw the two boundary marker fragments into the mouth of the Jade Bird Smelting Furnace.

In this step, she has not yet felt the strong resistance of the fragments.

But she already felt that they were more restless and agitated, and they didn't explode their power immediately.

Because Yu Wan didn't have the confidence and confidence to succeed, after putting the fragments into the furnace, she directly increased the output of aura, and used the combined aura of all her powers to add a colorful furnace cover to the furnace.

Yu Wan did this series of actions quickly and accurately!
She never hesitated!

To temper and melt the fragments of the boundary monument, the firepower of the Jade Bird Smelting Furnace alone cannot destroy the original organization of the fragments, and an additional fire source is needed.

Yu Wandang even mobilized the fire aura in his body, especially transformed the power of the five elements into this five-color glazed pure fire to bless it.

This Liuli Jinghuo was said by Tang Po at the beginning, it is a rare kind of fire for refining weapons or alchemists in the world.

When the glass fire is extracted from the elixir and tempered spirit ore, its fire is a powerful firepower, but this kind of fire has a very gentle and compatible effect.

The aura fire needed for alchemy refining, Liuli Jinghuo can be converted into the same kind of firepower in the increasing fire aura according to the properties of medicine and spirit ore, which helps to better stabilize the medicine and properties.

Fire seeds such as Liuli Jinghuo are not available to everyone.

It is closer to the monks with the power of the five elements, but the monks with the spiritual root of the five elements are often unable to control the use of the glazed fire and maintain their firepower because of their poor aptitude and cultivation.

Therefore, Liuli Jinghuo has also become a scarce thing.

Now the Liuli Jinghuo under the Jade Bird Smelting Furnace is burning fiercely, not to mention the fire, and it is outputting continuously, just to increase the firepower while melting the fragments, and at the same time use the power of the five elements to stabilize the two fragments conscious resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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