Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 829 Unrest

Chapter 829 Unrest
Although Yu Wan didn't make much progress in refining the boundary monument fragments.

But being able to solidify and liquefy them and obliterate their immature and unstable consciousness bodies, so that she will not cause trouble for her to forge the fragments again in the future, is still something to be happy about for Yu Wan. thing.

It's just that every time Yu Wan refines the fragments, he basically consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

Therefore, every time she smelts a piece, she has to stop and recover for two or three months, and then learn from the previous experience again and continue to smelt the boundary monument fragments.

And the more Yu Wan tempered, the more she discovered that the smelting time of the first two small fragments was the shortest, and it only took a few days.

But for the next three pieces, the bigger the piece, the harder it is to temper, and it takes the longest time!
Even for the largest piece, after an intermission to restore all the aura in the dantian, it is necessary to temper the fragments again.

Before she knew it, Yu Wan had been in retreat in her cave for nearly three years.

During these three years, many things happened in the outside world...

Rong Lie, who had crossed the tribulation Yuanying and the third nine thunder tribulations before, passed the thunder tribulation very easily. Not to mention, it was also because he had been suppressed for hundreds of years in Yu Wan's small world and could not save it. As soon as the Sanjiu Thunder Tribulation passed, his cultivation level jumped directly from the late stage of Jindan to the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

Rong Lie was promoted successfully, and he wanted to announce the good news to Yu Wan.

But because Yu Wan was afraid that she would temper the fragments of the boundary markers to generate a powerful force that would spread.

She directly covered her own cave with an isolation barrier, so that outsiders could not easily interfere, and at the same time, she wanted to lock the backlash power in this cave.

He didn't see his master Yu Wan, so he went back to the Lingquan water to adjust his breath and recuperate.

Rong Lie was brought back suddenly by Yu Wan, and he hadn't been formally enrolled in the sect to become a formal disciple. After he recovered from his self-cultivation, he met the colorful elk.

And the colorful elk is Yu Wan's contracted beast, all disciples of Xuantianzong knew it, and he led them to the mission hall of Yushi Peak, reported to the disciple's registration place, and after receiving the sect's identity card, the whole Xuantianzong also exploded pot.

No one would have thought that Yu Wan Xianzun, the master of Jianquan Peak in Xuanjian Peak, would suddenly have an apprentice in the Nascent Soul Realm? !

For a moment, Rong Lie caught everyone's attention, eyes full of envy!Seeing Rong Lie, who had a violent temper and occasionally played tricks, felt a little embarrassed.

Later, Rong Lie didn't stay long enough for May, so I don't know if he had practiced fighting monsters in Yu Wan's knowledge of the sea?

Anyway, he couldn't stay any longer, so he posted a note to Yu Wan's Dongfu, and he went out to practice. He felt that he needed to go through practice to break through the strength of the late Nascent Soul who was close to the door again.

He didn't hesitate at all, and simply chose to leave the sect to practice.

Apart from Rong Lie, who has changed the most, in the past three years, besides the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Rhubarb is still practicing in seclusion;
Liuli was still with Yu Wan in the cave, and the two of them were doing research together on how to integrate the liquefied fragments into a complete boundary marker? !
Later, no matter how bad the two of their ideas were, Yu Wan tried them all, but it still didn't work...

From Yu Wan's point of view, she always felt that something was missing when merging the broken jade, which prevented her from completely merging them together.

But Yu Wan didn't have a clue what was missing.

However, in the past three years, compared with Yu Wan's situation here, Chi Jue, who had survived six or nine thunder calamities in the lava cave in the sea of ​​consciousness, has come to life.

It took him three years to stabilize his cultivation, and when he came out of the lava cave, his cultivation had actually advanced to the middle stage of transforming gods.

When he returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Bamboo House, he didn't see Liuli and the others, only Master Hongguang who was meditating and Ao Yuan who had been in a dormant state.

Chi Jue couldn't get in touch with Yu Wan, he wanted to fly out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but because Yu Wan had to concentrate on tempering the fragments of the boundary marker and prevent the fragments from getting into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, she closed all connections with the Sea of ​​Consciousness early on.

Without Yu Wan's permission, his authority to freely enter and exit the sea of ​​consciousness was also restricted. In desperation, he had no choice but to continue to meditate obediently in the sea of ​​consciousness.

As for the Dragon Claw Huaiqiong who crossed the catastrophe at the same time, he was not so lucky to wake up early, and now he is still staying in the deep pit to recuperate.

The only difference is that the deep pit that was destroyed and scorched black at the beginning was covered with lush grass after three years, and there was no black soil anymore.

Even the branches and leaves of the Sophora japonica itself are growing luxuriantly, and Qiong's body is actually ten times thicker than the previous branches.

It's just that even though Longzhaohuai recovered well, I don't know if the injury was too serious?Haven't woken up yet.

As for Ye of the Essence of the Sun, in the past three years, he watched Yu Wan bring the fragments of the boundary markers one by one out of the small world of the Sea of ​​Consciousness to be smelted.

He also asked Yu Wan how it was going?
Because after Yu Wan closed the Sea of ​​Consciousness connection, even he couldn't read the situation in the outside world.

Ye could only use Yu Wan's spiritual sense to enter the small world and move the fragments, and take the opportunity to ask him what he was worried about.

Fortunately, through Yu Wan's brief introduction, I realized that Yu Wan only liquefied the fragments of the boundary marker, but still couldn't fuse them...

Hearing this news, Ye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But if you think about it, without the most important "thing" mentioned by Tiandao, Yu Wan would naturally not be able to successfully fuse the liquid fragments.

As for the so-called "thing"... I'm afraid it's a difficult choice for Yu Wan...

And Ye didn't point out the words that Tiandao left him for a long time, and asked him to relay them to Yu Wan. He also hoped that such a dilemma would not come so early!
Not only for Yu Wan, but also for them who have been with Yu Wan for thousands of years, it is also a difficult choice...

This matter, as long as the sky doesn't fall, Ye will procrastinate as long as he can, even if Yu Wan is trying his best to find the answer, but he chooses to remain silent...

On Jianquan Peak, Yu Wan and a group of monsters have been in the past three years, and it is rare for them to cultivate their bodies and minds.

But the outside world is not so peaceful...

There are more and more chaotic battles in the monster forest, because a passage to the Buddha's world was found there.

People in the realm of comprehension want to guard that passageway, but the monks in Moyuan are naturally unwilling!
They were the first to intervene in the Buddha Realm, and then the monks in the Cultivation Realm got a share of the intervention, which is not something that the monks in Moyuan territory like to hear.

In particular, this passageway is still connected to the place where the Shiva Gate of the Buddha Realm is located!
That is the base camp where their Shiva Sect and the Demon Sect cooperated. How could the Demon Cultivators allow the monks in the cultivation world to come and go directly to the land they guarded.

Both sides were wary of each other, and both unconsciously sent more people to guard it. Even the monks in the Moyuan territory frequently sent people to the monster forest to sneak attack and assassinate the cultivators guarding there.

Such reckless actions are simply provoking the major sects in the cultivation world, as well as all the monks in the cultivation world.

So much so that in the past three years, there have been frequent conflicts in the monster forest.

The demon cultivators who were disturbed also moved out together. This is their territory, but they were terribly disturbed by both immortals and demons.

So in the Monster Beast Forest, it was originally a battle between immortals and demons, but gradually evolved into a three-legged confrontation. The continuous increase of manpower to fight is all for the passage leading to the Buddha's world.

Fortunately, it is the boundary of the realm of comprehension, and there are many cultivators. The exit of the monster forest is still guarded by monks from the five major sects and high-ranking monks.

The rest is to continue to search for the demon cultivator in the monster forest to carry out the action of exterminating the demon.

For a time, the monster forest was full of wars.

In addition, because of the news brought back by Yu Wan last time and the hint given by Lord Tian Dao, Jian Xiu, the suzerain of Xuantian Sect, has notified the great event of Yuanmo's awakening through the necessary contact methods between them. The remaining suzerains of the major sects were asked to send people to Xuantianzong to discuss it.

Although before because of the fragments of the boundary monument, the various sects had a suspicion because of their selfishness.

But in the fight against the monks in the Moyuan territory, coupled with the frequent invasion of the Moyuan monks in my cultivation world, it is naturally impossible for the several sects to stand by and watch their own battles.

It was rare that Jianxiu took the initiative to contact, and everyone sent representatives from various sects to discuss countermeasures.

By the way, I also want to take this opportunity to ask Jian Xiu clearly about the boundary marker fragments that Yu Wan frequently obtained.

After several major sects gathered in the main hall of Jianxiu's Xuantian Peak, Jianxiu was also unequivocal and directly stated that after Yu Wan got the fragments of the boundary marker, he was dreamed by the way of heaven once, and from it he glimpsed a trace of astronomy.

Jian Xiu directly relayed the original words of Heavenly Dao that Yu Wan had told him, and relayed them to the people of each sect verbatim.

In addition to the awakening of Yuanmo and its approximate location in the territory of Moyuan, it also shows that their time is running out!
Even about the fragments of the boundary markers, it was Tiandao who chose Yu Wan to let her frequently discover and obtain the fragments of the boundary markers, and to inform them one by one.

Therefore, once Jian Xiu's words were released, he also used this to inform the people of all sects that Yu Wan is not only the one who should be protected by my Xuantian Sect, but also the one who should be protected by all the monks in our entire cultivation world!

It's just that although Jianxiu knew that Yu Wan had found the three boundary monument fragments, he did not tell the other sects that Yu Wan had actually collected all five fragments.

He knew that after all they were not monks of Xuantian Sect, even if he wanted monks from other sects to stop being selfish and greedy to protect Yu Wan, it would be unrealistic.

As long as they can't guess the specific number of fragments, it will be convenient for them to have luck and hope, and they won't always fix their eyes on Yu Wan alone, thus missing other fragments.

Even though Yu Wan is a cultivator now, Jian Xiu is still worried about her safety. After all, there are people outside!
He had to find a way to reduce Yu Wan's potential danger.

What Jianxiu meant, some monks from other sects were a little surprised, while some scoffed at it.

Just as Jianxiu thought, facing Moxiu, the few of them can share the same hatred!

But regarding the fragments of the boundary markers, everyone has their own ideas.

Some people even think that Jianxiu is cheap and good-looking!

None of their major sects had ever owned a fragment of the boundary monument. When the three that came out were all found by Yu Wan of Xuantianzong, it was self-evident how everyone felt.

Didn't expect Jian Xiu to ask them to guard Yu Wan together? !

It's simply unreasonable!

What happened last time in the eastern waters of the Xuankong Temple was unknown to others, but Zou Tao of the Yanyang Sect saw the five fragments floating around Yu Wan's body clearly.

He later found out that Yu Wan had gone to the territory of Moyuan, so he followed suit.

It's just that Yu Wan later rescued the master and returned to the sect. It's unknown what happened to Zou Tao afterwards.

But when he was in Donghuai Village, when he was leaving, Zou Tao entrusted the disciples who returned to Yanyangzong with a phonogram stone, and asked them to hand it over to the sect.

Naturally, it explained that when he was on the bottom of the sea, he saw the four fragments all over Yu Wan's body, and he guessed that the bottom of the Donghuai seabed, where the colorful light glowed, might be the first one. Five boundary markers were broken.

So, in fact, apart from Yu Wan's advancement to the seabed, it is possible that Yu Wan has already obtained five boundary marker fragments!

Actually five? !

This news shocked the senior management of Yanyang Sect in an instant, but they came here to attend the meeting, and to verify whether Zou Tao's news was true? !
Although the representative of the Yanyang Sect didn't see Yu Wan, they can roughly guess from the calm meaning conveyed by Jian Xiu... Zou Tao's words may be true...

When it comes to protecting Yu Wan during the tribulation period, the other sects roughly understand what Jian Xiu means.

It may not be that they really want to protect Yu Wan, but since Yu Wan is away from home, it is true not to take the initiative to trouble her!
This is what everyone thinks and just listen to it. After all, Yu Wan's cultivation level is already there, so how else do I need to protect her? !

They are more curious about the news of Yuanmo, as well as the time issue mentioned by Tiandao.

And such a plausible answer is simply a case of blind guessing.

Logically speaking, no one should pay special attention to it.

But because of these things, Jian Xiu, the master of Xuantian Sect, used secret methods to notify the sect masters and sent them to find out the situation...

It all shows that these things are not child's play, this is a big deal!
Naturally, none of the representatives of the various sects who came here felt that this was an unreasonable situation.

After learning about the situation from Jian Xiu, they all went back to the sect together.

He even talked about what Yu Wan met in Moyuan, the forbidden area in the south of Mozong; and the mysterious magic cave in the forest in the east of Moyuan; Its specific location and situation images are all from Jianxiu, leaving a copy of the images one by one, and taking them back to the Zongmen.

Afterwards, the five major sects, including Xuantian Sect, also sent people to infiltrate these areas within the territory of the Demon Abyss for in-depth investigations in the past three years.

Moyuan monks naturally also discovered that the monks in the cultivation world are also infiltrating into their territory, and this is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more frictions and battles between the two sides.

These tense battles did not spread to the entire Jianquan Peak at all.

Big Yellow Blood Mantis, the group of monsters, and their master Yu Wan, everyone should retreat and practice, continue to practice in retreat, and refine the fragments of the boundary markers, continue to refine them...

(End of this chapter)

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