Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 841 The stubborn slaughtering blade

Chapter 841 The stubborn slaughtering blade
Just as the demon energy slowly receded to the center of Li Mubai's eyebrows, the coercion of the demon soul's Mahayana period also faded away little by little at the same time.

At this moment, under unknown circumstances, Zhining Xianzun and Guangqing were all locked in the center of Li Mubai's eyebrows.

That is the place where the devilish energy is the strongest, and all the devilish energy gathers there, until all the devilish energy is inhaled, leaving only a jet-black sharp sword with a length of [-] centimeters, suspended horizontally at a distance from Li One centimeter between Mu Bai's eyebrows.

"A magic weapon?! It's a magic weapon!"

Seeing this sharp sword, Elder Yuanmei couldn't help frowning!
The sharp sword in her hand was clenched even more. This sudden change made them tense up again.

The demon soul just let out a miserable roar. Could it be that his remnant soul was rescued by this magic weapon and sucked into it? !
But it's not right, as long as it's inhaled, he shouldn't be making such a desperate scream...

But in fact, it sounds more like being swallowed by this magic weapon.

If this is the case, this magic weapon is far more powerful than that demon soul, and it will make the three of them fearful.

Seeing that Elder Guangqing and Elder Yuanmei were wary of the magic blade again, they knew that their nerves were not let down by the magic blade that helped them just now.

It's just that the direction the magic blade came from seemed to be Yu Wan's position...

The three of them frowned tacitly and looked in Yu Wan's direction, waiting for her to give an explanation...

As for the Demon Slayer Blade suspended between Li Mubai's brows, this was the first time Yu Wan showed it in front of everyone without any defense.

After completely absorbing the half-remnant demon soul into its sword body, its mission is considered complete.

Just when the three elders were very wary of it, with a sound of "Whoosh!", it turned into a black afterimage, pointed at Yu Wan with the tip of the sword, and flew towards it...

This scene frightened Zhining Xianzun and the others!
Although it is guessed that the magic weapon was probably shot by Yu Wan, it was still a magic weapon, and I haven't figured out the situation yet, but I saw that magic weapon was shot at Yu Wan!

Doesn't matter if this magic weapon was shot out by Yu Wan?
But after all, it is a magic blade that contains strong magic energy, so they can't let it be taken lightly!
Seeing the Demon Slayer Blade flying towards Yu Wan, Immortal Zhi Ning made a move!
He also shot the sharp sword in an arc in an arc, trying to miss the Demon Slayer Blade!
But Demon Slayer noticed the sound of breaking wind from shooting at it from behind, it was going to fly back to its master, but it didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway.

This time it pissed it off!
Immediately, the Devil-Slayer Blade misplaced to avoid the sharp sword chasing it behind, and at the same time buffered an upward flight, turned its head, pointed the tip of its sword at Zhining Immortal Venerable who was attacking it, and shot it!
Everything happened too fast, from the time Yu Wan threw the Demon-Slaying Blade to devour the demon soul, to when the Demon-Slaying Blade returned after absorbing the surrounding devil energy, it took only a few breaths of effort.

Before Yu Wan could explain everything, Immortal Zhi Ning's move completely enraged Tu Moren!
When he saw Tu Moren, who was wild and unwilling to suffer, turned his head to attack Immortal Zhi Ning, Yu Wan immediately roared:
"Devil Slayer Blade! Stop!"

"Woo! Hum..."

The Demon-Slaying Blade, which was suddenly stopped by Yu Wan, made bursts of rushing sounds, followed by a sudden stop buzzing sound!
When Yu Wan looked over, the blade of Tumoren had stopped within five millimeters of Zhining Immortal's neck.

And Immortal Zhi Ning lowered his eyes, staring at the black magic weapon that could almost cut his neck, while his face was tense and ugly, he was even more astonished in his heart.

He never thought that this sharp sword could explode at such an astonishing speed!Even with his spiritual sense, he couldn't easily capture its trajectory, and he was threatened by a magic weapon!

Fortunately, that girl stopped it in time, otherwise he would really have split his head today.


Yu Wan quickly flew over and stood in front of Immortal Zhining. The Demon Slayer Blade seemed to be still fighting angrily. Here comes the buzz.

Seeing this, Yu Wan was also terrified!
She has seen the demon-slayer blade never die when chasing and killing the enemy, but now this is the elder of the sect!
Now is not the time to be stubborn and playful...

Reluctantly, Yu Wan had no choice but to do it herself, luckily raised her hand, grasped the hilt of the Demon Slayer Blade, and wanted to take the Demon Blade back into her hand.

But this guy was still so angry that he froze, unwilling to move at all!Still maintaining the movement of hanging on Zhining Xianzun's neck.

Yu Wan was also getting angry at the moment, and reprimanded it sharply:
"Be honest! The elder is also ignorant of the situation. He thought you were going to hurt your master, so he had no choice but to stop you. It's almost done!"

After she stared and cursed at the Demon Slaying Blade, she raised her eyes and saw Immortal Zhi Ning who was squinting at her, she couldn't help laughing and said:
"Hey, that Second Elder, it has a temperament that can't be hurt, and its nature is not bad, so what, your boss doesn't remember the villain's mistakes, so don't be angry with this sharp weapon."


After being controlled by Yu Wan with the coercion of his spiritual sense, the Demon Slayer Blade was immediately hidden behind his back to block it.

Hearing his master scolding it for being ignorant, it quit, and directly vibrated the sword body and made a buzzing sound to protest.

Without the lifeblood suppressed by the sword on Zhi Ning's neck, the others felt much more relaxed, and began to look at Yu Wan very seriously.

Even the Immortal Guangqing and Immortal Yuanmei, who had witnessed the rapid changes just now, also flew up to Immortal Zhining, asked him about his situation, and looked at Yu Wan with strange eyes. Come.

Suddenly, Yu Wan, who was stared at Mao by the three elders, had to laugh with her to relieve the pressure. When she was about to explain why she had a heaven-defying magic weapon, Immortal Zhi Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and said preemptively:

"Put out your hand."

Hearing Zhining Immortal Venerable examine her back and forth for a long time, he finally choked out this sentence? !

Yu Wan thought that Immortal Zhi Ning wanted to see the Demon Slayer Blade in her hand, but the Demon Slayer Blade was too unstable at the moment.

Even though it was held tightly in her hand, it made a rebellious buzzing sound and resisted if it didn't go well.

In order to reduce the conflict, Yu Wan did not take out the right hand holding the Demon Slayer Blade, but raised his left hand instead.

Immortal Zhi Ning didn't speak, but just glanced at Yu Wan calmly, and finally his eyes fell behind her outstretched hand. He also raised his right hand to check Yu Wan's wrist for pulse.

Seeing his action, Yu Wan originally planned to stop, but seeing this action, Yu Wan roughly understood what Immortal Zhi Ning was going to do, so she chose to let him probe his pulse quietly.

Immortal Zhi Ning inspected Yu Wan's meridian breath and found that there was not even a trace of magic energy in Yu Wan's body!

He originally thought that Yu Wan was a monk who was hiding both spirits and demons.

But the result was beyond his guess, which made him frown, turned to look at Yu Wan, and asked in a deep voice:
"You're not a demon cultivator? But why can you control such a powerful magic weapon?!"

"This matter...it's a long story, but as for the specific reason, the disciples don't really know it?
But one thing is for sure, the disciple was just greedy for cheap at the beginning, so he accidentally signed the contract with the Demon Slayer Blade that hadn't aroused its magic power yet.

If there is really anything that can make a disciple, a cultivator of immortals, contract this magic weapon, it should be because it is also the nemesis of magic cultivators!
It is also because it is both righteous and evil, and it may also be because of a sympathy with the disciple, so it is fortunate to contract it.

As for its ability to devour demon energy and magic power, the elder must have seen it when it devoured that demon soul just now. It really absorbed all the demon energy in the temple. "

When talking about the Demon Slayer Blade, Yu Wan gave a general explanation.

Several elders witnessed the scene where the magic blade absorbed the remnant soul just now, especially the remnant soul's hysterical and unwilling roar at the end, which shows how desperate the remnant soul was at that time.

Now after hearing Yu Wan's explanation, Yuanmei Immortal revered, and asked Yu Wan:
"You are amazing girl, but you are too unreasonable! Since you have a sharp weapon that can absorb demon souls, why didn't you take it out earlier? Let us old guys fight with him for a while !"

Well, when Yu Wan heard this, the implication of the third elder's words was that she was still hiding what she was doing in Yu Wan.

"Ahem, Third Elder, don't blame that girl, this magic weapon is not an ordinary magic weapon, it is a sacred object passed down from the Demon Sect... Demon Slayer Blade.

This Demon Slaying Blade has always been a sacred weapon enshrined by the Demon Sect.If it wasn't for being brought out by the people of the Demon Sect, and unintentionally contracted by the girl in front of him!The power of this magic weapon alone is a disaster for my cultivation world.

Fortunately, the sacred object of the Demon Sect fell into the hands of this girl through a contract, and it was considered a serious blow to the Demon Sect.

And this magic weapon is rarely shown by this girl, even the younger generation has only seen its true face twice.

This girl was very careful in doing things, and would not easily expose the Demon-Slayer Blade to others. She showed it this time, and she probably shot it out of desperation in order to save her master from absorbing the demon soul.

After all, I don't know how many of you think about her possessing such a powerful magic weapon, is it good or bad?Otherwise, she would not easily show herself in front of the elders. "

The one who spoke out to support Yu Wan was Jian Xiu, who was knocked into the air by the demon soul. He clutched his stomach, and seeing his posture, he must have just been hit hard by the remnant soul.

The pain in his stomach has not been relieved yet.

At this moment, he had slowly climbed up from the ground, and explained to Immortal Zhining with a coughing sound.

Hearing Jian Xiu's support, Yu Wan looked over at Jian Xiu, looked at him gratefully to Jian Xiu, nodded and admitted:
"It's true, there were concerns about not bringing out the Demon-Slaying Blade before, but at the same time, it was also because the disciples and elders, all of them were sealed by the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and they didn't summon the Magical Artifact to follow them.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for the disciple to summon the magic weapon to enter in the struggle in the sea of ​​seal sticking knowledge and the formation of the formation. "

"In this case, forget it, but it is a magic weapon after all, when you use it, be careful!"

After knowing the general situation, Immortal Zhi Ning said to Yu Wan with a warning.

After all, this is still a monster. If it is not controlled, it will be the people in their cultivation world who will suffer.

"Yes! The disciple has made a contract with it to recognize its master, and the spirit of the weapon has just been born, and its temper is like a child. Although it is eager to protect the master, the disciple will discipline it well." Yu Wan immediately promised.

"Well, that's fine."

"By the way, did you read the magic cultivator's Sea of ​​Consciousness Fragment?"

After explaining about the Demon Slaying Blade, Immortal Zhi Ning turned to ask about the critical situation of Yu Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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