Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 844 Demon Lord Liao Yan and Demon Lord Liao Yue

Chapter 844 Demon Lord Liao Yan and Demon Lord Liao Yue

When Yu Wan flew to the Monster Beast Forest, she didn't know that the Demon Sect's arrest operation for her also started.

The news about Yu Wan's cultivation that Liao Shao, the head of the Demon Sect, was still in the early stages of crossing the catastrophe.

He didn't know that when Yu Wan was refining the fragments of the boundary monument, his cultivation had already advanced to the middle stage.

Therefore, Liao Shao felt that it was more than enough to send two demon cultivators in the late stage of crossing the tribulation to catch Yu Wan.

And these two elders are also members of the Liao family, they are the third elder Liao Yan Mozun and the fourth elder Liao Yue Mozun.

When they were invited out of the mountain this time, they were still very reluctant.

But later I heard that the sacred object of the Liao family, the Demon-Slaying Blade, was contracted by that female cultivator Yu Wan.

In addition, it is the order of Liao Yuan, the ancestor of the devil:
As long as you don't kill him, you can capture Yu Wan alive and come back.

Afterwards, I heard a lot about Yu Wan's astonishing actions...

To say that with the aptitude of the Five Elements Spiritual Root, she can not only cultivate smoothly, but also advance to a higher level, and she is always faster than ordinary people? !

Then came this Yu Wan, who discovered and got the fragment of the boundary marker that everyone in the cultivation world wanted;
She also broke into the modron they opened every 500 years, and came out safe and sound;
She even killed several of their Demon Sect Elders, and destroyed their Demon Poison Pond and Lion Gate Prison, etc...

The two elders, even though their temperaments have been tempered for thousands of years, no matter how calm they are, they put on a posture of being a master.

But after listening to it now, they only think that this female cultivator is simply lawless, even bullying too much!

At the same time, he secretly scolded the Demon Sect for raising a bunch of trash!
To actually let a rising star who is nothing more than a baby compared to them be tossed like this, it is simply embarrassing, sweeping away the face of their demon sect!
Liao Shao, who was severely criticized by the two elders, had to bow his head obediently and bear it silently.

Of course Liao Shao is not angry at being so angry, but what can he do? There is a 2-year difference in bone age between him and Yu Wan, but now Yu Wan's cultivation base only took 2000 years. He surpassed him against the sky and became a monk in the early stage of crossing the tribulation.

As for him, as the master of a sect, his cultivation base is still struggling in the realm of integration.

This person can piss people off more than others!

Regardless of whether the two elders looked down on him, or scolded Moxiu who sent people to guard the forbidden area, they failed to kill her on their own territory, and even let her escape to heaven!

The two elders were angry, but naturally they would not be left behind when they should understand the situation.

After Liao Shao told about Yu Wan's deeds in detail, the two became really interested in Yu Wan, the chosen one.

They want to see, what kind of superhuman powers does this female cultivator have, and she can escape from their demon sect again and again? !

Those who had a general understanding of Yu Wan's situation did not delay any longer. According to the information provided about Yu Wan's recent situation, the latest news was that she had returned to the sect three years ago, and now she has been retreating in the Xuantianzong Jianquan Peak.

So the two stopped stopping, and went straight to Xuantianzong...

But after Yu Wan left the customs, he went straight to the main hall of Xuantian Peak, and did not walk around in the Xuantian Sect. Even those demon cultivators who sneaked in secretly did not get any first-hand information, and Yu Wan did not do anything when he left the main hall. After staying, the person went straight to the monster forest in the west.

It was this misplaced time. By the time Liao Yanmozun and the others arrived at Xuantianzong, Yu Wan had already flown away by the time they contacted the support person through the secret method.

And the respondent was actually a female cultivator full of aura, without any demonic entanglement. At this time, she was facing a sound transmission stone, explaining to Demon Lord Liao Yan and the others...

The Nascent Soul female cultivator did not expect someone from the Mozong to contact her again so soon. When she heard that they were inquiring about Yu Wan's situation, she unceremoniously told the two of them about Yu Wan's leaping out of the sect. .

But, where will Yu Wan go?She didn't know either.

But looking at the direction Yu Wan flew straight to the west, the female cultivator roughly guessed that Yu Wan might have gone to the Monster Forest.

After all, it's not the most lively place right now.

The two of them didn't stay there until late at night, and both were a little depressed, but knowing her whereabouts was not a loss.

The two of them didn't linger around Xuantianzong any longer, and they flew straight in the direction of Yu Wan...

"The rest of the night is really restless. Think about it, when you and I were in the early days of the tribulation, how could she run around like this? She didn't have to cultivate for a hundred years.

Heh... she is fine, I heard that she has just been in Transcendence Tribulation for more than ten years, but after returning to the sect, she still does not meditate to stabilize her cultivation, and still runs out like this non-stop?Could it be that the cultivators in the realm of comprehension now have such an easy time when they first ascended to the Tribulation Stage? "

Mozun Liao Yue flew west to chase after Yu Wan, and at the same time complained speechlessly to Mozun Liao Yan beside him.

"Hmph, the person who can be hailed as the Chosen One can be an ordinary person?! But no matter how hard she is, she must never be allowed to escape this time." Hearing Liao Yue's words, Liao Yan's eyes widened. Can't help squinting straight ahead, said in a deep voice.

Just thinking of something, he continued:
"It's strange to say, you and I have dripped blood on the Demon Slayer, the holy weapon of the Demon Sect, why do you say that neither you nor the Demon Cultivator contracted to recognize the Demon Blade?

Why is it that a female cultivator who cultivates five-element aura is able to contract the sacred object? "

This was something Liao Yan couldn't figure out, and it was also the most unbalanced thing in his heart!
For their demon cultivators, especially the members of the Liao family, the Demon Slayer Blade is really a magic weapon that they flock to!
None of them ever had the desire to occupy it and take it for themselves.

What's ridiculous is that no one from the Liao family of such a big demon sect can get into the eyes of that magic weapon, but this guy chose a contract with a cultivator? !

This is not only a slap in the face of the Liao clan who sincerely enshrined it, but also this magic blade is also a sharp weapon specially designed to defeat the entire magic cultivator.

Although Liao Yan was really angry and cursed Liao Shao and those demon cultivators who chased and killed Yu Wan as useless, but at the same time he roughly guessed why they were all defeated by Yu Wan.

Mostly because Yu Wan used the Demon Slayer Blade!

Compared with Yu Wan, the real danger was this unknown Demon Slayer Blade.

I'm afraid that if the two of them want to bring Yu Wan back alive this time, they are doomed to have to pass the Demon Slaying Blade first...

This is also what Liao Yan is most worried about, they have to think of a perfect plan!

Not only can Yu Wan go with them obediently, but also won't let Yu Wan dare to use the Demon Slayer Blade to deal with them.

Facing Mozun Liao Yan's question about the relationship between Yu Wan and Tu Moren, Mozun Liao Yue of the Liao family frowned slightly, and fell into a moment of contemplation...

But no matter how much he thought about it, he still couldn't figure it out, why did the magic weapon fall in love with that female cultivator? !

Abandoning many of their demon cultivators with strong and pure demon energy, but choosing her? !
After contemplating for a while, Liao Yue also had no clue, so he couldn't help but boldly guess and doubt:

"The Demon-Slaying Blade is a magic weapon. Its power is filled with a lot of magic energy. While it can attack aura, it can also absorb magic energy to nourish itself! It can restrain monks and our demon cultivators at the same time.

But those who can contract to recognize it as the owner, according to your and my natal magic weapon, must have the aura that matches the magic weapon!

Therefore, the deity guessed, that female cultivator...maybe it should be a demon cultivator!It's just that it's hidden too deep, and no one has ever discovered it? "

This is the most likely situation Liao Yue thinks, and only this reason can convince him.

Otherwise, he couldn't figure out why Tu Moren chose to recognize the master that night? !
Hearing Liao Yue say this, it's not that Liao Yan didn't doubt this idea, in fact, he also thought so in his heart.

But Yu Wan hadn't heard that she had used demonic energy. If it was a demonic cultivator, wouldn't it have been undetected for more than 2000 years?And she can still go in and out of Xuantianzong safely from time to time?
Liao Yan didn't think Xuantianzong would be such a waste!

Even now, they sent people to infiltrate Xuantianzong's internal coordinator, all of them were monks who didn't have a trace of magic energy to execute them.

The Mozong was so careful, because they were afraid that the black magic cultivator's demonic energy would be detected by their formations or some magic tools, so they reached an agreement with the monks for mutual benefit as an internal response.

But if Yu Wan has demonic energy, unless she has a more concealed way to cover up her breath, otherwise even if she can stabilize herself, the gratifying demonic slaying blade will probably not work in an environment without demonic energy. Maybe something so easy to control will always cause problems.

Both of them couldn't figure out the reason, so they let it go for the time being. When they saw Yu Wan in person, wouldn't they know if she was a demon cultivator?
Mozun Liao Yan still expressed his worries, saying:

"Yu Wan has a demon-slaying blade, which may be the reason why she can escape from the Demon Sect every time. You and I are dealing with her alone this time. To be honest, she is not terrible. I am afraid that what you and I will face then is The demon-slaying blade contracted in her hand!
Besides, this is the boundary of the realm of comprehension, and it is even more difficult to catch her.For the sake of you and me, this deity thinks that you and I should not confront her head-on, and if we let her come to us by herself, what do you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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