Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 851 Master Hongguang's Last Reminiscence

Chapter 851 Master Hongguang's Last Reminiscence
Li Luo was agitated by this good news, her emotions rose and fell like a leap over a mountain, and finally she fell back to calm.

After seeing her back to normal, Yu Wan said to her:

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness to meditate first. The Sea of ​​Consciousness has changed a lot, and it will benefit you a lot in recovering your remnant soul. Don't delay."

"Yes, Li Luo takes orders." Li Luo responded.

After the two talked, Li Luo followed the pendant and flew into the center of Yu Wan's eyebrows, and with a "buzz", she was revealed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

And in the sea of ​​consciousness, the concentration of spiritual energy increased again, even in the state of her soul body, her sensing power was very obvious.

"Master, this is..."

Li Luo looked around in disbelief, and when he hesitated to ask Yu Wan, before she could ask her everything, Yu Wan appeared from within with his spiritual sense, and answered her words:
"You can also feel that the spiritual energy of the five elements is getting stronger and stronger here. It is the result of I have collected all five boundary marker fragments and kept them in the space. Well, now is not the time to worry about this, you come with me."

After Yu Wan finished speaking, she greeted Li Luo, who was still in a daze, and flew with her to the place not far from the bamboo house, which was the place where Master Hong Guang practiced.

"Amitabha, the benefactor Yu is here."

Hong Guang, who was originally sitting quietly, clasped his hands together, looked at Yu Wan calmly, and saw Li Luo behind her in a state of soul and body, and roughly guessed Yu Wan's reason for coming.

"Master." Yu Wan called softly, not wanting to delay the time, and said directly to Hong Guang again:

"This time I came to see Master, one is to ask for something, and the other is to fulfill the Master's wish, and I hope the Master will not feel presumptuous."

"Benefactor Yu is polite and speaks directly."

"Well, one is to let the mage pass on the master's experience and experience in reshaping the real body. After all, I have never experienced the process of reshaping the real body, so I don't know the key points and dangers.

Afterwards, Li Luo wants to reshape her real body like a sorcerer, so I thought of bringing her to learn from you in advance, so as to reduce unnecessary detours and worries. " Yu Wan explained.

In fact, if Yu Wan didn't say anything, he would also tell her or Liuli about the whole process of his reshaping his real body in detail, so that they could convey it to Li Luo, after all, this was what he had promised to Yu Wan.

"Don't worry, benefactor, the poor monk will clarify this matter with benefactor Li Luo later." Master Hong Guang said calmly.

"Yu Wan is here, thank you Master for your generosity and help." He said with a smile on his face while performing a Buddha ceremony to Master Hong Guang.

"Li Luo thanked Master."

My master personally came to thank Hongguang for his own affairs, Li Luo was not a fool, so naturally she put away her excitement, and then bowed her head respectfully and said thanks.

"The two benefactors are very polite."

"One more thing is the promise made to the mage back then. Now that the mage's strength has reached the Nascent Soul realm, naturally he no longer needs to be confined in the small world of my Sea of ​​Consciousness.

I came here today just to inquire about the mage. Is it to come out of the sea of ​​consciousness here in the realm of cultivation?Or follow me into the cliff passage three days later, and then go out to the sea of ​​consciousness after arriving at the holy place of Buddha Dharma in the Buddha Realm? "Yu Wan directly asked about the second thing she cared about.

Hong Guang had heard from Yu Wan about the passage on the cliff in the forest of monsters, but he was not clear about the recent incident that the fairy and the devil chose to cooperate because of the abnormal change of the white smoke at the cliff.

But when Yu Wan mentioned the small world, he lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then made a decision in his heart, then raised his eyes to Yu Wan and said:

"The poor monk thought about it for a while, and decided to stay in the realm of comprehension. After all, the poor monk here really wants to travel for a while, to see what has changed from hundreds of thousands of years ago? As for the Buddha's world, let's say Nowadays, there are quite a few places where there are channel teleportation arrays, if the poor monk wants to travel into the Buddha's world, he should find an entrance to enter by himself."

Seeing what Master Hongguang said, Yu Wan nodded and said:

"Well, that's fine. I will enter the cliff in three days. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. After you and Li Luo Daomingsu really understand it, I will release you, Master, today."

"Amitabha, thank you benefactor for your help in the past thousand years. Don't worry, the poor monk will keep the secrets here.

Even if the poor monk encounters an accident in the future, he will blew up his soul and will not reveal the secrets in the donor's sea of ​​knowledge, which can be regarded as living up to the donor's kindness in rebuilding the poor monk.In the future, if the donor is inconvenient, the poor monk will respond to his request. "

Master Hongguang couldn't tell what he felt, he had stayed here for a thousand years, and now he was about to leave, so it was inevitable that he felt a little complicated.

But he did not forget to promise Yu Wan again, although he made a vow to Yu Wan, but these words of his are indeed sincere from the bottom of his heart.

Yu Wan was very gratified to get Master Hongguang's promise again.

She became Master Hongguang's love, and she also made a wish to him, wishing him a smooth life in the future, and also hoping that they will meet again in the future.

After talking between the two, Liuli is the one who is most reluctant to part with Master Hongguang.

Speaking of which, Hong Guang can be regarded as Liuli's teacher in the formation. He has learned a lot of strange and difficult formation techniques from Hong Guang, so he is naturally grateful to Master Hong Guang.

Liuli also knew that Hong Guang would leave here one day, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Hong Guang was deeply impressed by Liuli's comprehension of formations, and gave him a copy of "Shaking the Dragon's Burial Sutra" before leaving. Every formation in it is amazing and eye-catching, including the formations he used before. The King Kong Soul Locking Formation, and the weakened version of the Prisoning Formation derived from Yinxi Xianzun's Five Elements Prisoning Formation.

Liuli couldn't be more happy when she got this book of "Shaking the Dragon's Burial Sutra".Instead, a multicolored round bead floated out of him, exuding the spiritual power of the five elements, and pushed him to Master Hongguang, saying:
"This is a small bead taken from my own body, and it should be considered as a return gift for you to give me this formation. Although you are a golden spirit root, when you cast spells and form formations, there will always be a lack of other spiritual energy injections. It happens to be my body. It is full of five spirits.

Therefore, after giving you this bead, you can inject it into the formation with the help of the five elements above.

If the aura is exhausted, you can set up a spirit gathering array for it, and it will automatically absorb the aura of the five elements into the beads, and then continue to use it. "

Hearing what Liuli said, Master Hongguang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Liuli to be so generous. He was naturally not hypocritical. He immediately raised his hand and put the bead in the palm of his hand. The warm light emanating from the jade multicolored beads couldn't help but smile, and looked at Liuli with rare softness and thanked him.

Afterwards, Master Hongguang explained in detail to Li Luo, who was in a soul state, the issues that should be paid attention to when shaping his real body, even including the formation that helped him shape his real body, and asked Liuli to listen to it. At that time, even if he was gone, there would still be Liuli who would cast spells for Liluo to help her reborn...

Seeing the three of them talking for the last time, Yu Wan didn't want to disturb her. After she looked away, her consciousness returned to her place and left the sea of ​​consciousness.

Yu Wan opened her eyes, thinking of sending Hong Guang out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness today, it is naturally impossible to put him in Xuantianzong's residence.

This is the Monster Beast Forest, and besides the big head's five sects, there are also many small families, small sects and casual cultivators stationed in this large formation on the side of the cultivation world.

Yu Wan got up and got out of the bed, and went out of the place where Xuantianzong was stationed. After sweeping her consciousness, she found the location of the place where monks who were mixed with fish and dragons were stationed, and found that they were relatively far away from this cliff passage. She deliberately hid her breath , and went straight there...

(End of this chapter)

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