Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 867

Chapter 867 Destroying the Tribulation Cultivator ([-])
"Cough cough cough..."

Yu Wan, who was hit on the barrier, stood up again with the sound of coughing, and now she couldn't help but to check the injury lightly.

Because the male cultivator in front of him had already pulled out his sword, and let Qin Fei, who had ruined the golden core like the wretched man, fall to the ground.

His sinister eyes, even with a playful look like a cat catching a mouse, locked on Yu Wan's body, just like Yu Wan who was injured, like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, but it was just a bluff It's just a human being, and has no ability to hurt others.

And Yu Wan's life, in his opinion, was already in his pocket, that's why for a moment he wanted to tease Yu Wan with a blunt knife.

It's just that although Yu Wan was seriously injured, it is inevitable to raise her vigilance, but it doesn't mean that she will lose the ability to fight against this male cultivator who has been hiding behind to reap the benefits !

If you underestimate the enemy, you will only suffer big losses!

With a sound of "Hoo!", Yu Wan turned the sword flower in her hand, and this male cultivator was left. If he was dealt with, everything would be peaceful.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Yu Wan raising his arms to kill the male cultivator in front of him with a vertical slash of colorful sword energy!

Seeing that Yu Wan in his hand actually made the first move again, the male cultivator's eyes became extremely sinister.

He avoided Yu Wan's vertical chopping sword energy, because he really sensed that when the wave of sword energy swept by, Yu Wan's sword force was not affected by her serious injury at all. The face hurts.

It seems that he was overjoyed too early, the female cultivator in front of him is really a monster who is dead but not stiff, she is really difficult to deal with!
After Yu Wan waved a sword to interfere, she raised her sword and chased after her sword. When the male cultivator dodged her attack, her spiritual sense was already stronger than the male cultivator, so she released the divine consciousness attack instantly, And with a twist of his wrist, a stabbing sword thrust out, aiming at the head on the neck that he was avoiding sideways, and harvested it!
When the male cultivator was avoiding it, he suddenly felt that the space where he was in was as uncomfortable as being crushed by a mountain, which made him unable to stabilize his figure, and even oppressed so much that he had the illusion that a blood in his body was about to burst out.

The blue veins on his forehead, and his eyes were covered with red blood in an instant, all of which showed how embarrassed he was under the coercion of Yu Wan's Mahayana period.

He was attacked by the divine consciousness first, subconsciously channeled the aura in his body and poured the spiritual energy into the sword body, and directly set up the sword to resist the pressure of Yu Wan's spiritual consciousness!
But at this moment, Yu Wan pierced through the void with a stabbing sword that was as fast as the wind, and it had already arrived at the male cultivator's neck!

Yu Wan's speed was so fast, this close stabbing sword could have pierced the throat with a single sword, and cut off the male cultivator's head neatly!

But I didn't expect that Yu Wan's sword point had already stabbed the male cultivator's neck unceremoniously, but he couldn't advance half of the sword, and even the moment the sword point collided with his neck, Yu Wan clearly heard a very uncomfortable feeling. Harmonious voice:

This sound was as clear as two metals colliding lightly, it was not the muffled sound of a sharp weapon cutting flesh at all!
Even though Nanxiu was holding his breath to resist, he was secretly happy when he felt that the head on his neck was still there.

On the other hand, Yu Wan's face showed a cracked look!

Good guy, the person in front of me is still a self-cultivator!

And his dharma body is really like an iron wall, indestructible!

She knew very well how powerful the stabbing sword was just now, if it was less than [-]%, [-]% of the power was output.

But the tip of the five-star sword in Yu Wan's hand couldn't make any progress.

Doesn't that mean her sword can't hurt him? !

Thinking of this, Yu Wan was really depressed, she never thought that this person would be a self-cultivator...

A sword missed, so Yu Wan could only fly back and stay away for the time being, but she still didn't lose a bit of the pressure of the male cultivator's spiritual sense, and continued to output.

It seems that when the weakness of this male cultivator's body is not found, the output of her spiritual energy will not hurt him much.

But when he saw his own spiritual sense oppressing the attack, he really struggled to resist it.

Seeing this, Yu Wan's eyes could not help but brighten, and he had a plan in mind.

Since physical attacks are useless, then destroy him mentally!

Thinking of it and doing it, Yu Wan didn't delay any longer, and put away the five-star sword directly, and at the same time, the knuckles in his hand kept flying and making tactic.


Accompanied by a buzzing sound, a circular pattern of five colors less than half a foot wide was formed.

Needless to say, this pattern is exactly the scaled-down version of the Prisoner Dragon Trapped Formation. Yu Wan intends to draw the Trapped Formation in his hands and put it directly on the place where the male cultivator who is still struggling to resist the coercion is standing in a levitation position. I want to trap him in his Dharmakaya, and then slowly deal with him.

The male cultivator couldn't help being shocked when he saw the pattern in Yu Wan's hand!
The coercion of the spiritual sense in front of him can't get him out of trouble, and the female cultivator actually casts spells again to deal with him!

This can't help but make his bloodshot red eyes show a hint of panic!

"Wait... wait! Fellow Daoist, if you have something to say... say it!"

Just when Yu Wan was about to throw the formation at him, the male cultivator gritted his teeth even if he wanted to speak, so he called out with all his might, trying to interrupt Yu Wan's movements.

Yu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, and she didn't listen to his nonsense at all. When she was severely injured before, the look of the person in front of her was not friendly, so she naturally couldn't feel any sympathy.

In addition, Qinglongjiao said that this land is completely respected by the strong, and everything will change in an instant. They have been fighting for such a long time, if they attract fishermen, she will have to spend more effort to deal with them.

So Yu Wan directly ignored the male cultivator's request, and mercilessly shot the reduced version of the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation at the male cultivator's feet.

When the disc pattern touched the bottom of his feet, there was a sudden "buzz", and the small version of the prison dragon formation wrapped the male cultivator alone.


When the male cultivator saw that Yu Wan ignored him at all, and even activated the pattern to trap him completely, when he wanted to yell at her, but at this moment, his actual situation did not allow him to waste his energy in swearing.

He even really felt the pressure on the top of his head. Just when he saw Yu Wan's cold eyes, the power of his divine sense attack increased again, making him even more depressed and uncomfortable when he put up his sword to resist.

Seeing that he was controlled by the prisoner dragon formation, Yu Wan directly imagined golden needles that had not been used for a long time. Ten golden needles as thin as hair were lined up in front of Yu Wan. Inject a touch of her divine sense into her body, and perform the Xinjin technique. After infusing golden aura, just listen:

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The ten golden needles turned into afterimages of golden light, and the afterimages trailed like threads in the hands, entangled and flew continuously, facing the male cultivator's vajra indestructible Dharma body, piercing all over, even his buttocks, groin and In the area of ​​the mermaid vest line in the abdomen, none of the golden needles controlled by Yu Wan fell, and they were stabbed all over...

"Ding ding ding..."

The gold needles kept flying and probing, and the afterimages of golden light became more and more entangled like silkworm chrysalis, but Yu Wan's response was still the sound of ruthless ding-ding and hitting, and there was no pleasant "pop" into the flesh. The voice rang out.

(End of this chapter)

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