Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 874

Chapter 874

The three Mahayana monks who were suspicious of each other knew from each other's answers that this was not their fault.

Especially Kunling Immortal Venerable was suspicious about this fourth person who had no trace or rumors, who is he?
This unknown monk made all three of them look serious.

No one wanted to have such a powerful threat by his side, Immortal Hu Li directly sacrificed the roulette wheel in his hand.

The appearance of this roulette is a one-foot-square nanmu square board, but inside there is an extra layer of compass that rotates in a circle, and the entire roulette is even more tediously carved with pictures and texts.

Hu Li suspended the roulette in front of him, and injected a spirit energy into it, instantly activating the operation of the roulette!
I saw that the compass in the center started to rotate counterclockwise, as if something was rushing away from everything around me, and then reversed and reversed!

Hu Li, on the other hand, concentrated on releasing his consciousness and sensing the changes in the surrounding aura. When the time flow in this space was reversed, the aura seemed to be flowing in slow motion. He found that even if the aura around him was replayed in slow motion, the aura would disappear. The speed seemed to be unaffected by the speed of time flow back under his control, and it rushed underground and southeast quickly!

This phenomenon surprised Hu Xin!
Hu Li knew that the aura he saw in the slow motion was actually affected by his reverse time.

If it hadn't been affected, he wouldn't have been able to capture the direction in which the aura disappeared at that moment.

This made him startled, and at the same time, his eyes narrowed even more. Who on earth has the ability to swallow such a terrifying aura in an instant? !

Apart from Hu Li, the three Mahayana monks who began to seriously investigate the whereabouts of the aura, Yin Yin and Kun Ling were also using secret methods to find out the trace of the fourth person that made them all afraid.

And after Hu Li made a discovery with the help of the roulette, he, who had not left his cave for thousands of years, immediately put away the roulette, and with another dodge, he disappeared in place and headed straight to the southeast where the spiritual energy poured in. heading towards...

Not only did Immortal Huli leave just now, but Yinyin and Immortal Kunling also went straight to the cave where Yu Wan and the others were in after going through secret investigations...

Just when the three bosses found Yu Wan and the others according to the direction of the surge before the aura disappeared, and came forward one after another, the Zhenyu Shimen had already been opened by Liuli, and Yu Wan even took advantage of Liuli to move the stone gate. In a flash, the whole person escaped from the spirit-gathering formation, and rushed into the stone gate with a dash.

Just after Yu Wan rushed into the stone gate, the spirit gathering array lost the crazy absorption of Yu Wan's knowledge of the sea, and the surrounding spiritual energy slowed down again, and the stone gate regained its original heavy gravity. Speaking of it, it is heavier than resisting ten mountains.

Just when Yu Wan left the spirit-gathering array, Liuli's baby face turned red, and when she felt the Shimen on his shoulders getting heavier and heavier, she knew that Shimen's ability to absorb spiritual energy had recovered again.

Seeing this, when Yu Wan flew into the stone gate, he immediately turned into an afterimage and rushed into the stone gate, only to hear a loud "bang" and the stone gate closed tightly again.

The turmoil caused by the loud noise at the Shimen Gate was directly transmitted to Immortal Zhu Luo at the entrance of the cave, and the three Mahayana monks who came to investigate.

Zhu Luo noticed the movement in the cave, and originally thought of a person who would jump in, but just as she was about to fly in, the gap reached the entrance of the cave, and suddenly three figures appeared.

Especially felt that the cultivation bases of these three people were all above her strength in the later stages of the tribulation, so she didn't dare to act rashly, and kept hiding her aura like a dead thing, guarding not far from the entrance of the cave.

Huli, Yinyin, and Kunling Xianzun who originally chased after the direction of the surge of spiritual energy, because of the isolation effect of the tunnel itself, as well as Zhu Luo and Qin Fei before, set up an invisibility knot at the entrance of the cave. Boundary barrier.

Even though they grasped the general direction, they didn't have a specific location, so their spiritual consciousness has been lingering near the entrance of the cave.

But when Liuli lowered the stone gate and made a heaven-shaking sound like a giant dragon turning over, even though the tunnel could block the detection of the spiritual sense, it could no longer hide the hidden place of the cave entrance.

Soon, the three of them came to the entrance of the cave guarded by Zhu Luo, and the sound of the loud noise was transmitted from the entrance of the cave.

As for the enchantment set up by Zhu Luoxianzun, the three of them found something strange because of the locking, and were soon broken by the three of them.

As soon as the entrance of the cave came out, the three of them were all focused on the entrance of the cave, and they didn't pay attention to Zhu Luo Xianzun who was holding his breath not far from the cave.

Zhu Luo knew that he was no match for them, so if they faced each other head-on, it would still be one against three.

Seeing that the three Mahayana monks rushed straight into the cave without carefully checking her surroundings, she roughly guessed the reason why they were in such a hurry.

Zhu Luo was also worried about the safety of Yu Wan and Liuli who were in the cave, and the cave had the effect of isolating the spiritual consciousness.

So, Zhu Luo didn't even think about it, when the three of them flew into the cave, she kept invisible and followed behind to support...

"How could this be? Why is there a stone gate here?!"

Huli Immortal Venerable who arrived at Shimen first, based on the terrain they flew from, knew that this was the place below their five-color soil cultivation site!

But they had never discovered that there was such a stone door below, which made him mutter with a frown.

"No wonder you can't find it. There is no formation in this cave, but it can unexpectedly shield the characteristics of your and my spiritual consciousness. It is really not easy to find out.

Also, there is more than one person here, and the residual smell is still very strong, I am afraid that someone has just entered this stone gate. "

Kunling Xianzun's five senses are very keen, and when he came to Shimen in a flash, it was not Shimen that attracted him first, but the remaining aura of Yu Wan and Liuli.

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly smash this door and go in to see who is playing tricks here!"

After the violent Yin Yin Xianzun yelled such a sentence, he didn't say anything else, he used [-]% of his aura power to bombard the stone gate!
"Buzz... bang!"

Yin Yin's [-]% force attacked Shimen, and Shimen unceremoniously launched a counterattack force at him. Caught off guard, Yin Yin's whole body was blown away by the force of Shimen's backlash. The distance was too close for the future He was defending, and his whole body directly hit the cave wall, a mouthful of bright red blood spattered out immediately, slipped to the ground again and coughed fiercely.

"not good!"

Not only the cathode was affected by the backlash, but also Kun Ling and Hu Li, who were closest to him, were also inevitably affected. Fortunately, their reaction was fast enough.

The two of them formed a defensive barrier with luck, and flew behind them to release their force. They were only hit, but they didn't suffer heavy injuries like the cathode, and ended up vomiting blood.

And Zhu Luo followed closely, before seeing the situation inside clearly, she was the first to feel an invisible wave of air attacking her. Fortunately, she had been cautiously moving forward. Flying back in time to evacuate, Zhu Luo was not affected by the force of backlash, nor was her breath destroyed and leaked out.

(End of this chapter)

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