Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 883 Toxin Death Qi

Chapter 883 Toxin Death Qi
"Mozun! Are you okay?!"

Liao Yue who evacuated in time took advantage of the rocks and dust in the water to block his vision, and immediately flew to Mozun Liao Yan's side.

"Ahem, it's okay, let's go!" Liao Yan said immediately with a cough.

Liao Yue comprehended:
"it is good!"

At this time, Liao Yan's internal organs were all shaken all over, he could clearly feel the force of his chest and lungs being affected by this blow, it really hurt the blood vessels in his heart, and every time he took a breath, a dull pain spread all over his body. whole body.

Such a serious injury made him feel deeply that if they stayed any longer, the serious injury might not be able to stop them for a while.

The two of them knew that they were invincible, and while the dust was flying around, they used their fastest speed to go straight to the waters of black magic below!

After all, the demonic energy there is wanton, it is their natural refuge, and it is also a forbidden place for this group of spiritual practitioners.

They hoped that this water area, which could be polluted by demonic energy, would stop the pursuit of these high-ranking monks.

Just when Liao Yue and Liao Yan turned into a black afterimage and entered the water below, the three Huli Immortal Venerable who noticed their movements also flew through the water covered by dust at the same time, only seeing the two demon cultivators Afterimages entered the rising magic energy.

Seeing this, the three of them stamped their feet slightly and looked down, "What should we do? Chase or not?" Asked Immortal Yin Yin, frowning.

Immortal Kunling didn't answer, he was waiting for Immortal Huli's decision.

And Hu Li looked at the rising devil energy below, and the speed was getting faster and faster, his eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice:


With the rising speed of the devilish energy here, something must have happened inside to make the devilish energy grow here and spread.

Even if he doesn't like the devilish atmosphere here, the problem here really needs to be solved.

After Hu Li spoke, he sent out the compass that he was holding in his hand, and instantly enlarged it to emit a white illusory semi-circle covering the surface of the compass.

The cover is revealed!
After Hu Li dodged into the body of the white mask and jumped on top of the compass, he saw the compass turned into an afterimage and submerged into the demonic energy below.

Seeing this, Immortal Yin Yin and Immortal Kunling behind them also set up their protective measures to protect their Dharma body, and followed Huli Immortal Zun with a dodge and merged into the water below.

The reef forest here suddenly lost the oppressive feeling of several high-ranking monks, so Liuli and Qinglongjiao, who were hiding in the invisibility enchantment in the corner, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief after seeing all this.

"Scared to death, they just disappeared?!"

Qinglongjiao's slack, he couldn't help talking more, but he didn't dare to say this question aloud, because he still asked about Liuli through sound transmission from his spiritual sense.

"It should be, just to be on the safe side, you and I should wait before acting." Liu Li frowned and stared at the bottom and sent back to him.

He was so cautious because he was afraid that the three big bosses, Huli, would put on a show just to deceive them.

After all, the original goal of the three people came to them!
But now instead of catching them, they are chasing after Moxiu? !No matter how you look at it, there is a problem.

In Yu Wan's state, Liuli didn't dare to risk exposing himself. At this moment, he didn't even dare to release the invisibility barrier. He could only judge those people with his naked eyes. Will he come back again?
"No, what are you waiting for? Take this opportunity and let's take this girl and leave here. We really have to wait for them to come out. It's only a matter of time before they find us! If we run now, we might be able to escape their pursuit! "

Qinglongjiao was a little worried, and his tone of voice transmission revealed his anxiety.

Liuli didn't reply, but just stared at the situation below without moving her eyes, where the magic energy was climbing faster and faster!

And after the three of Hu Li entered the water below, apart from a few air bubbles bursting out, there was no turmoil of the battle between immortals and demons at all.

This deepened Liuli's suspicion, and made him dare not act rashly to remove the barrier and escape from here.

Seeing that there was no movement below, Liuli turned around and came to Yu Wan's left leg, which was the place where the black poisonous insect had bitten him, and there was no rush to deal with it.

He directly rolled up Yu Wan's left trouser leg, and the whole calf had turned black and purple.

When Liuli saw this, his face was dignified. He mobilized the wood aura in his body, raised his right hand and stroked Yu Wan's calf, and tried to inject wood aura from the holes that looked like poisonous snakes, hoping to purify everything The wood aura to dispel the toxin and dead energy left in Yu Wan's body by the black poisonous insect.

The Qinglongjiao on the side was still annoyed that Liuli was not in a hurry to escape, and just about to retort and urge him to do something, when he saw that when others had already exported spiritual energy to heal Yu Wan, he was suppressed by him if he wanted to come out bald Going back, I had to stay aside, not disturbing his treatment of Yu Wan and helping him guard the surrounding situation.

But after a cup of tea, Liuli stopped with a blank face.

"How? Can this girl wake up?!"

Seeing that Liuli withdrew his hand, Qinglongjiao immediately asked softly.

Liuli shook his head, this was a little trickier than he imagined.

"This toxin is very hard to get rid of." He couldn't help saying sullenly.

Not only could the toxin in Yu Wan's calf not be removed, but when he sensed Yu Wan's body with his spiritual sense, he discovered that the toxin was extremely tight!

Is it really like what Yu Wan said before, that he can actually absorb his wood spirit energy? !

Not only did he fail to get rid of the toxin, but he consumed a lot of wood spirit energy!
This discovery made Liuli's pale complexion, which had consumed aura, even more ugly.

"Then what should I do? I can't just let her die like this, can I? Jiao can feel the dead air emanating from her now!"

Qinglongjiao heard what Liuli said, and looked at Yu Wan's blackened calf, even the black toxin was still spreading upwards like a dead breath!

In just a short while, the feeling of the black dead flesh under the skin has already crossed Yu Wan's knees and reached her thighs.

Look at that toxin posture, it is running towards Yu Wan's whole body!

This can't help but make Qinglong Jiao anxiously arch his python-sized dragon body back and forth, and said with a worried face.

"The toxin has entered into Ah Wan's blood vessels, and has already spread throughout the whole body, but the skin and flesh are not as fast as the blood vessels. The black toxin looks like it is still on the legs, but it has actually penetrated the whole body. Otherwise, her body would not be rigid. gone."

Liuli looked at the unconscious Yu Wan with a complicated expression and explained.

"Although this toxin absorbs the spiritual energy of the five elements, fortunately, the Buddha bones in her body have the power of the Buddha's seal, which temporarily counteracted the toxin, and did not completely turn Yu Wan into a poisonous person.

The toxin of this poisonous insect is really powerful!This is also the first time I have encountered it. You and I are both spiritual practitioners. If you input spiritual energy to assist Ah Wan, you are actually providing nutrients for the toxin.

I don't have a better way, and I can only rely on Ah Wan herself to see if she can resist it. "

What Liuli said was a little discouraged, but he really had no better way.

His help is simply a disservice!Originally, it was impossible for Yu Wan's calf toxin to spread across his knees so quickly.

It was all injected by his wood spirit energy. After being ingested by the toxin, it not only stimulated and increased the activity of the toxin, but even accelerated the corrosion of the toxin in Yu Wan's body.

When Liuli felt something was wrong, he stopped immediately and stopped injecting wood spirit into Yu Wan's wound.

Just when Yu Wan fell into a coma, and when Liuli and Qinglongjiao were helpless for her, at this moment, there was movement in Yu Wan's sea of ​​consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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