Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 885 Finding Yu Wan's Consciousness

Chapter 885 Finding Yu Wan's Consciousness
After Ye and Qiong heard this, both of them looked heavy, but compared to Huaiqiong, the dragon claw, Ye's eyes flickered undetectably. At this time, Qiong and Chijue, who were anxious, had no time to care about Ye's expression. Naturally, he didn't notice the flickering look on his face.

Ye's eyes darkened and he said:
"Since you are not disturbed by that breath, those monsters can't continue to kill each other like this. Do your best to stop them as much as you can. Although you know that it's okay to rely on the two of you to stop the outbreak of the beast tide. It’s a drop in the bucket, but like you said, it’s better than doing nothing.”

After listening to Joan, she felt that Ye's words were fine, but what he said only included him and Chi Jue, not Ye himself.

"What about you? Aren't you going to stop them together?" Thinking of this, Joan couldn't help blurting out.

Ye raised his eyes to look at Joan, his eyes were dim, and after a moment of silence, he withdrew his eyes.

"Yu Wan is the master of this space. Since neither you nor I can completely solve the aura outside, why not try to wake up Yu Wan's conscious body that fell into a deep sleep. I have a way to enter the deepest conscious body of a person , as long as she can get in touch with her consciousness, maybe there is a chance to wake up Yu Wan.

It's just that when I enter Yu Wan's conscious body, I can't be disrupted in the process of casting spells, otherwise in the end, not only will I not be able to wake up Yu Wan, but I will also fall into a coma!And Yu Wan's coma state will increase exponentially.

This approach is very risky, and the success rate is not necessarily high. If Yu Wan can't accept my approach, the backlash against me will also double. "

"You have a way to wake up the master?!"

Hearing Ye's words, Chi Jue's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed excitedly.

"This method is not [-]% successful. Yu Wan's cultivation base is not low. If her consciousness body desperately resists foreign invaders, I will not be able to get close.

Fortunately, she is familiar with my Rihua power, maybe with this contractual relationship, I just hope she will not resist my consciousness.Only by being close to her consciousness can I have a chance to wake her up. Seeing that Chi Jue was so excited, Ye still explained.

"Okay, okay, then you should give it a try quickly. Don't worry, just leave those outside to me and Joan. You should wake up the master quickly!"

Chi Jue's mind is full of thoughts of waking Yu Wan up, and now Ye has a way, don't care if it works or not, let him try first.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Ye didn't say anything more. After finishing speaking, his phantom turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of Qiong and Chijue.

Seeing Ye disappear, Chi Jue and Qiong looked at each other, but it was Chi Jue who spoke first:

"Let's go, the pot is exploding outside, before Ye wakes up the master, try to reduce the unnecessary casualties of those unlucky bastards."


Joan didn't object, and after responding, the two also turned into afterimages and disappeared in place, rushing to the small world outside the barrier, even killing monsters unconsciously, they released their spiritual sense and blood pressure to frighten them at the same time , to stun them with a spell.

And right now, whether it's Chijue and the others within the sea of ​​consciousness, or Liuli and Qinglongjiao outside the sea of ​​consciousness, they are all worrying about Yu Wan. The conscious body seems to have fallen into a bottomless black hole, lying flat and suspended, without any sound around.

At this time, Ye returned to the sun where he was hidden behind the clouds, where his essence was.

It is not easy for Ye to find Yu Wan's consciousness.

It can be said that the entire small world of Sea of ​​Consciousness is actually the habitat of Yu Wan's ideology, and she can be everywhere.

And Yu Wan's sea of ​​consciousness is also surprisingly big, it is not easy for Ye to find her consciousness body.

However, Ye can act as the sun rising from the day in this small world of the sea of ​​consciousness. Compared with the moon, he is still a spiritual essence of the sun. He can hang high through the sun, and when the sun shines on the earth, the Every corner, to find the hiding place of Yu Wan's consciousness.

Because of the difference between day and night, Ye couldn't completely cover the entire small world at once, and could only explore half and half of the past.

When Ye turned his own power of the sun into sunlight and waved it out with his sleeves, the others sat quietly in the sun wheel, with their eyes closed, sensing the feedback given to him by each beam of light.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and a day and night investigation was over, and Ye did not gain any consciousness of the night.

He didn't give up, did he feel that he had missed some corners that he hadn't explored?

It's like caves and lush forests that the sun can't touch, or areas in the deep sea, etc. This time, he deliberately focused on these places that are suitable for shelters and explored the past...

This meticulous investigation has really detected the existence of something different from other perceptions at a place where the mountain range meets the sea.

There is a hole like an abyss, every time he goes to such a hidden place, even if Ye's sunlight can't directly shine there, he will take out a ray of sunlight and turn it into the power of the sun, and follow his consciousness control to go deep into the hole. insider.

Every time his power of the sun can penetrate inside without any effort, the results all tell him that Yu Wan's consciousness is not in these places.

But this abyss is different!
His ray of sun power turned into a ray of white light and probed into the bottom of the abyss hole. When he went down to a depth of several feet and did not see the bottom, he was blocked!

And that barrier didn't have any formations, it was just out of thin air that made him unable to penetrate further with his spiritual sense.

Seeing this, Ye jumped out of the sun hanging high above, and headed straight for the entrance of the abyss.

When Ye entered the bottom of this abyss, poured his luck into the pure power of the sun, spread little by little the entire invisible interface that blocked him, and planned to probe into the situation of Yu Wan below the interface, Ye found that he could see to everything in the black hole below.

It was pitch black there, and it was a very deep cave. If you want to see the bottom, you have to go down to a depth of several tens of feet.

But during his investigation, he didn't see the existence of Yu Wan's consciousness!
Although his spiritual sense can perceive and probe, his conscious body cannot penetrate through it, and is firmly blocked on that interface.

Ye withdrew his hand. He, who was already illusory, had spent too much original energy to search for Yu Wan before, making his consciousness more transparent.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he has no time to take care of his illusory state. He frowned slightly, his face showing a pensive look. The weirdness here also shows that Yu Wan's consciousness that fell into a deep sleep must be in the Nothing left here!

After confirming the existence of Yu Wan's conscious body, how to get close to Yu Wan and wake her up has become the problem Ye needs to solve at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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