Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 890

Chapter 890

While Yu Wan was meditating and cultivating the dharma body, Liuli's spiritual sense probed the past, and seeing that the poisonous gas around Yu Wan's body had dissipated, not to mention that the dharma body's condition became more and more stable, he asked Yu Wan directly in the barrier :

"Ah Wan, you scared me to death, how is the situation now?"

Yu Wan, who closed her eyes and released the Mizuki Spiritual Qi, was swimming to heal her whole body. When Liuli's question came to her ears, she slowly opened her eyes and felt her dharma body.

"I'm fine. The flesh and blood of the dharma body was torn too hard, and I still need a while to recuperate. Wait for me to recover."

Yu Wan didn't speak, but raised her eyes to look in Liuli's direction, and spoke to him weakly through voice transmission with her spiritual sense.

Liuli couldn't help but frowned slightly. He still had to take into account the uneasy situation they were in at the moment, but Yu Wan's situation really shouldn't be rushed. In the end, he only pursed his lips, his eyes darkened, and he couldn't help but look back. said a sentence:
"Okay, then you can calm down and recover."

After finishing speaking, he cast his eyes and consciousness on the devilish energy that was still climbing upwards below.

And after Yu Wan went through two rounds of Mizuki Reiki to warm and repair her torn meridians and flesh, her complexion has gradually returned to pinkish red.As long as she goes through another round of Great Zhou Tian's restoration, her Dharma Body will also have [-]% to [-]% immunity.

Right now, it was just a time to recover and recover, but when Yu Wan was concentrating on recovery, there was a crisp sound of "click", and a crack appeared in the golden core in her body!
Surprised by this scene, Yu Wan suddenly opened his eyes!

In the next moment, she looked inside the dantian with her spiritual sense, and saw that the golden core in her Nascent Soul had been continuously increasing and densely cracked from bottom to top, and cracked on the top of the golden core, and the speed of spreading was extremely fast. .

And when Yu Wan wanted to stop it, the cracks like spider silk had already covered the entire golden core, and the five-element spiritual energy in the golden core was swaying brightly, bursting out from the cracks and shining brightly towards the surroundings!
And the strong light that penetrated directly centered on Yu Wan, shooting from her body to the surrounding sea area.

The situation here in Yu Wan changed again, which shocked Liuli and Qinglongjiao who were resisting the demonic energy below!
"This... is this spiritual energy leaking?!"

Qinglongjiao immediately turned around to look at the aura that erupted from Yu Wan, and said worriedly.

Liuli felt the power of the Five Elements spiritual energy spreading out behind him, but it didn't dissipate completely, and was still circling around Yu Wan. He wasn't sure if Yu Wan's situation was good or bad?There is a faint worry in my heart.

The demonic energy below was originally climbing upwards at a constant speed, but because of the sudden expansion of Yu Wan's spiritual energy, it broke through the invisibility barrier set by Liuli, this pure energy is for them Said to be the aura of nemesis, it even stimulated the perception of magic energy!
The devilish energy that was originally climbing in patches changed in an instant from being like a devil's soul to frowning thick black afterimages. They rushed up one by one at a faster speed, and went straight to Liuli who was guarding Yu Wan on the outside. Come with Qinglongjiao!

This scene instantly brought back the consciousness of Liuli and Qinglongjiao. One person and one dragon mobilized the spiritual energy in their bodies one after another. Stay in the middle.

At the moment when the colored glaze's defensive barrier was formed, it was as if a pot exploded on their side, only to hear countless "bang bang bang" sounds from the devilish energy hitting the bowl.

After each burst of magic energy strikes and disappears, a new afterimage attack of magic energy immediately hits, which is overwhelming and continuous without end.

The best way to respond to such a violent demonic attack is to evacuate here quickly!

After all, even the monks in the Mahayana period are a little afraid of the magic power here. With the cultivation of Liuli and Qinglongjiao, it is no problem to resist it for a while, but I don't know if Yu Wan's current situation can survive when they can't bear it. Return to normal when you live?
Obviously, Yu Wan at this time is not suitable for moving at all...

Even though Liuli and Qinglongjiao knew that their condition was not good at this moment, they didn't say anything to urge Yu Wan. At this moment, neither of them could be distracted!Both the man and the dragon had dignified expressions, and they constantly mobilized the spiritual energy in their bodies to maintain the defensive barrier formed by the joint efforts of the two of them.


Just as Liuli and the others were fighting against the demonic energy, the cracked golden core in Yu Wan's body could no longer bear it, and it immediately shattered!


The golden core shattered, causing Yu Wan's dharma body to spurt out a mouthful of blood immediately!The little Nascent Soul in the dantian also turned pale and weak, and the little Nascent Soul who closed his eyes and endured all this was the same as the main body, spurting out a mouthful of blood!
Just after the golden core shattered, the aura that had been leaking from the spider silk cracks on the golden core did not dissipate with the shattering of the golden core. Instead, all the auras of the five elements formed a hurricane from slow to fast. Keep spinning!And directly absorbed and gathered into a multicolored spirit ball in the dantian of the little Yuanying.

This spirit ball not only absorbed the spirit energy leaked out from Yu Wan's surroundings, but also absorbed it back!Even by the way, the aura contained in the vicinity of the hidden reef forest was absorbed and filled into the aura ball without rejecting anyone who came.

The huge spiritual energy fluctuations stirred the sea water in this sea area, directly forming a giant water vortex in the deep sea.

Even Liuli and Qinglongjiao, which resisted the devil energy, were also affected by this inexplicable force.It made them unable to maintain the state of the big bowl of the enchantment. After being affected by the shock wave, the two of them staggered and cut off the output of spiritual energy. The enchantment was stirred by the high-speed rotating vortex and shattered in response.

This change made Liuli and Qinglong Jiao realize that there was a sudden change in Yu Wan's place, and the strength and coercion of this aura's backflow were constantly rising!It shows that Yu Wan is returning to a strong state, and I can even feel the explosive power and speed of Yu Wan's five elements, which is actually stronger than before!
At the time of this sudden change, the two of them were affected and had no time to take care of others. After the barrier shattered, Liuli and Qinglongjiao mobilized their auras to bless their Dharma bodies, resisting the aftermath and preventing themselves from being harmed by the demonic energy.

And the crazy demonic energy that came from the desperate collision was also disrupted by the stirring of this high-speed water area!
The magic energy closest to Yu Wan's eruption was wiped out instantly by the impact of the five elements' spiritual energy!Afterwards, the afterimages of the demonic energy that were still climbing up were stirred by the water vortex of the giant ship one after another, and followed the direction of the vortex water flow, and were directly thrown more than ten feet away.

As for Yu Wan's spiritual energy absorption process, it took only a dozen breaths of time before all the sudden changes slowly receded and calmed down.


A sound like an ancient bell striking, burst out from Yu Wan's body again with golden light and Buddha power!

After returning to calm, Yu Wan's cultivation has advanced to the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of the tribulation.

And this last golden light Buddha power is exactly the relic that he exchanged with Master Hongguang as a reward for reshaping his real body.

This relic has been placed in the dantian of Xiao Yuanying by Yu Wan, and placed in a warm place with the golden elixir.

The promotion this time directly made her golden core break and then stand up!
It was just to be gathered into a new golden elixir spirit ball. When absorbing the power of the five elements to condense into a new golden elixir, the relic from the tribulation period was unexpectedly fused together by the spirit ball as a carrier!
This steady stream of spiritual energy was injected into the relic, allowing this Buddha relic with the power of the five elements to directly advance to become Yu Wan's current golden elixir.

This time, when Yu Wan's spiritual energy was mobilized again, there was no need to deliberately bless it, the power of the five elements actually carried a golden light Buddha power on it.

The sudden advancement of her cultivation made Yu Wan, who was originally adjusting her breath and nurturing her body, find that her strength had recovered to [-]% when she felt the condition of her dharma body. Much higher than the previous state of her heyday.

It's not safe here. The demonic energy that had been swept away gradually calmed down as the vortex in the sea area gradually calmed down. After they stabilized the demonic energy one by one, they faced Yu Wan and the three of them again and continued to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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