Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 893 The goal is Yu Wan

Chapter 893 The goal is Yu Wan

After the beast roar subsided, the layers of devilish energy that had trapped them retreated like a torrent at this moment.

Without the cover of the dark demonic energy, the consciousness can be released successfully. The impact of the scene in front of him is too strong, making Yu Wan, who is close together with five people and one dragon, shudder.

This place no longer has the smell of the deep sea water of the hidden reef forest before, and even a drop of sea water cannot be felt.

This is a huge karst cave, but the karst cave here is filled with thick magic energy.

Especially in front of them, countless demon souls with different shapes and only afterimages appeared, facing the six of them densely.

And the only thing in common among these demonic soul bodies that are steaming with demonic energy is that they all have a pair of ice-blue eyes inlaid on the body of the black demonic soul!

Those pair of blue eyes were staring at Yu Wan and the others with such a direct and excited gaze of staring at prey. The dark atmosphere around them made people feel very uncomfortable, eerie and treacherous!
"Hehehe, it really deserves to be a gift from the primordial demon ancestor! It really pulled them all into the devil's lair."

The one who said this with a triumphant smile was the Demon Lord Liao Yue who Hu Li Xianzun and the others were chasing at that time.

Standing beside him was Mozun Liao Yan who fled into the deep sea demonic energy together with him. The two of them were hovering and flying from behind the group of monsters, and stopped in front of the most powerful monster.

Looking at their positions, Yu Wan couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly.

Moxiu has always been respected by strength.And Liao Yan and Liao Yue, who were in the tribulation stage, dared to stand in front of a monster that could take down Hu Li and the three Mahayana stage, and they were difficult to deal with? !

How offensive this scene is in the world of monks!
It really gives people the feeling that the master and the servant are putting the cart before the horse. Even judging from the attitudes of the two of them, it can't be seen that they have half a respect for the powerful monster.

And the monsters, since they were brought here, they did not immediately let the group of monsters attack them, but waited for Liao Yan and the others to arrive.

By the way, Liao Yue also mentioned the gift from Yuanmomozu!Could this gift be the group of monsters in front of me? !

All these abnormal situations made Yu Wan suspect that the many demon souls here might be obeying the most powerful monster!And this powerful monster may be under the control of Demon Lord Liao Yan and the others!

In contrast, the reason why the low-cultivation Liao Yan Mozun can control the high-strength monsters is that the primordial demon ancestors benefited, or Liao Yan and the others have some top-secret methods to suppress the monsters.

Just when Yu Wan frowned and was distracted from thinking, Mozun Liao Yan's eyes locked on Yu Wan.

They started from the cliff and entered the cave, because they wanted the female cultivator in front of them, this is the person the demon ancestor wanted.

It's all right now, she was dragged to them without any effort by this monstrous monster, how could she be allowed to escape.

"It's that female cultivator, it really didn't take much effort!"

Liao Yue naturally also noticed Yu Wan, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he said with a hint of eager joy in his tone.

"Well, it's her! Heh, now that we're back here, we can't let her escape, otherwise it won't be easy for you and me to go back!"

Liao Yan's dark eyes locked on Yu Wan, and he said in a vigilant tone.

"Don't worry, I'm not sure about the three old men, but it's okay to deal with her. I will definitely not let her run away this time."

"Well, just keep an eye on her, it's best to make a quick decision." Liao Yan said solemnly.

Here, Liao Yan and Liao Yue put their targets on Yu Wan, and even the plans they said did not shy away from Hu Li and Yu Wan at all.

Hu Li didn't expect this female cultivator to be valued by the demon cultivator?Who is she? !
All three of them glanced at Yu Wan with scrutiny, but the focus of this meeting was not on her, they were more on guard against the demon cultivators and monsters in front of them.

"Ah Wan, they are coming after you!"

When Liuli heard the conversation, she couldn't help frowning and said Yu Wan through voice transmission from her spiritual sense.

"Well, I know, since I'm the target, it's easy to handle! It's just that Qinglongjiao and you two should return to my Sea of ​​Consciousness. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you for a while. Anyway, they want to capture me alive, and you may not care about it. If it doesn't work out, it will become a handle to hold me back!

Don't worry, I'm really not sure that I can match that blue-eyed monster with my cultivation, but it's still no problem to escape.But before I run, I have to bring you with me no matter what. "Yu Wan quickly said her plan.

Speaking of before, I didn't know that I would be the target of the demon cultivator, so Yu Wan didn't mind putting Qinglong Jiao and the others outside to defend against the enemy together.

After all, when they really fought, when she wanted to support, at least she could spare a moment.

Now that she knows their plan, I'm afraid these monsters won't give her any chance to breathe.

Liu Li is fine, even if Qinglong Jiao transforms into a god and becomes a dragon, his cultivation is really going to match that monster, the difference in strength is too big, he is afraid that he will not be able to survive from that monster.

If you don't take them into the sea of ​​consciousness now, you can escape for a while.

Based on Yu Wan's perception of herself, she felt that a confrontation with pure strength would always be worse.But her spiritual sense is strong, if she uses her spiritual sense to attack and increase her horsepower to escape, she should be able to escape this gloomy cave.

She explored this cave with her spiritual sense, and it is indeed no longer the sea area. The water pressure of the blue sea water does not exist on the top of the cave, but it is under the deep ground that is soaked with black soil and contains demonic energy.Moreover, this underground cave with a radius of hundreds of miles is the purest and thickest cave magic energy.

After hearing Yu Wan's plan, Liuli and Qinglongjiao hesitated for a moment, they didn't want to be a coward, but they felt that what Yu Wan said was right, they would not be afraid of running out of firewood if they kept the green hills.

Just when they were distracted and tangled, Liao Yan raised his right hand, pointed at Yu Wan and gave orders:

"Except for that female cultivator, don't leave anyone alive!"



Following Liao Yan's words, the demon souls who had been staring at Yu Wan and the others with the look of black demon souls immediately let out fanatical and bloodthirsty roars.

At the same time, following the commanding roar of the strongest monster's soul, apart from anything else, one by one with icy blue volley pupils, like ghosts and ghosts opening the fangs of evil spirits, went straight to Yu Wan They come!

"Quick! Don't hesitate any longer, hurry up and enter the Sea of ​​Consciousness!"

The battle was about to break out, and Yu Wan was lucky enough to maintain the enchantment cover. Even if the two of them were the sound transmission Qinglongjiao, she still shouted at the two of them in an urgent tone.

Seeing the monster rushing in front of him, Liu Li pursed his lips tightly, raised his hand and pulled the Qinglong Jiao who had been resisting entering the sea of ​​consciousness, and then the two of them turned into an afterimage, and went straight to Yu Wan. entered and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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