Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 898 Mermaid monster is a Zen recipe? !

Chapter 898 Mermaid monster is a Zen recipe? !

With the help of that black bead, Liao Yue's sudden increase in physique and cultivation was not without price!

He made the determination to kill the fish and kill the net. Anyway, it is a gamble, so it is better to hold the fate in his own hands!
And when he swallowed the beads, he was ready to consume his own life energy to get the power he wanted.

When the power is exhausted, even if he can live, his demon body life is close to withering.

Kun Ling saw his power soar!His cultivation has even surpassed him, so he dare not underestimate him at all.

He raised his sword and waved it, and a burst of fierce sword energy directly hit Liao Yue who was still mutating.

Just listen to the loud bang of "bang"!
Not only did this sword energy not hurt Liao Yue at all, it was even bounced off by the devilish energy around him.

"court death!"

Liao Yue received Kunling's sword, and his evolution was coming to an end, his eyes locked on Kunling's place, and after he let out a low, beast-like curse, the whole body, like a beast, turned into a The afterimage bounced up and flew towards Kunling...

Naturally, Kunling wouldn't just wait on the spot, but when he sensed Liao Yue's movement, he dodged and shifted quickly to avoid it.

But Liao Yue's attack speed was extremely fast. Even if Kun Ling avoided him, his inertial impact speed would not decrease. He immediately changed his direction with luck, and with the strength of his feet on the cave wall, he diverted to pursue Kun Ling again.

Kun Ling saw Liao Yue chasing him again!The sword energy in his hand retreated while facing Liao Yue who was chasing him, and continued to intercept the attack!

Liao Yue also dodged left and right to avoid the sword energy thrown by Kunling. His physique had become twice as thick as ordinary people, and he was even more like a monkey-like animal with four limbs galloping and flying, chasing Kunling.

The two chase after each other while consuming spiritual energy and demonic energy. It's hard to see who has the upper hand at the moment?
And Yu Wan's five-star sword's sword qi was caught by the mermaid monster from time to time.

Seeing this, Yu Wan couldn't help frowning!
The power of this mermaid monster is not small, half of her aura has been consumed, and not only did he not consume much magic energy, but now that the monster has received a lot of her sword energy, he chased her even more excitedly!

This made Yu Wan also worried, and there was no way to go on like this.

"Hey...it's late!"

Yu Wan was dodging the mermaid monster in the front, and the mermaid's beast roar sounded in his ears again!
It's just that the roar of the beast this time vaguely called her name? !

Amidst the sound of explosions and chaotic battles, Yu Wan couldn't hear clearly. She thought she heard it wrong, but she wasn't sure.

"Hey... Yu... late!"

While the mermaid shot out a demonic energy from the palm of her hand to cut off Yu Wan's path ahead, she let out a beast roar in her mouth, and this beast roar called out her name!
He really didn't expect that Yu Wan's speed was even faster than him!
If it weren't for Yu Wan's nimble dodge fast enough, he wouldn't be chasing her so hard.

As soon as the roar of the beast came out this time, Yu Wan was cut off again. The moment she stomped her feet, she heard clearly that the mermaid monster called out her name!

The mermaid also took the opportunity to fly to Yu Wan's side, and shot out a wave of magic energy, covering him and Yu Wan in a magic ball.

This time, he was not as tense as before. At this tense moment, he just flicked his fish tail and floated in front of Yu Wan.

Yu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, she was fully alert, the five-star sword in her hand was turned by her sword, and she leaned in front of her in a defensive posture.

Seeing the sudden influx of devilish energy around her, she directly covered herself with a golden bell cover of Dharma to prevent the invasion of devilish energy.

However, the surging devil energy did not put pressure on her, but instead surrounded her with the mermaid monster. The mermaid was right in front of her, but this time he did not attack him.

From her battle with the mermaid monster to the present, his series of abnormal actions have confused Yu Wan very much. I don't quite understand what he wants to convey?She's clearly a mortal enemy, but still has a hand in her?
Yu Wan, who didn't understand, didn't dare to take it lightly!

Just when Yu Wan condensed the golden bell cover of Dharma, the icy blue eyes of the mermaid monster flashed a blue light, and in his low growl, he called out a person's name again:


This time it was Yu Wan's turn to look unbelievable and reveal a hint of surprise!He even asked uncertainly:
"Zen formula?! You are talking about Zen formula!"


The pronunciation of the mermaid monster is very slow, and it is extremely difficult for him to speak clearly.

He was afraid that Yu Wan would not understand what he meant, so he pointed at himself with his sharp claws.

At this moment, Yu Wan instantly understood what he meant.He just asked in disbelief:

"You said you are Zen Fang?! But how did you become like this?"

In Yu Wan's memory, Zen Fang is the most appreciated disciple of the younger generation of Mount Putuo in the Buddha's world. Back then, he went through the Buddhist relic pagoda forest with them. How could he become like this now? !


Zen Fang, who turned the beast into a monster, only nodded slightly, and let out a low roar, which was regarded as an acknowledgment of his identity.

But he couldn't explain in detail why he became like this, and he couldn't even transmit his spiritual consciousness, so he could only express it with a simple pronunciation of a low growl.

At this moment, there are still frequent explosions around them, so they know that the battle is urgent.

This is not the time for the two of them to reminisce about the old days, and she couldn't believe that one of the four great figures in Buddhism, the Zen recipe of the Buddha who is most expected to become a new star, was completely transformed into a pure monster !

Naturally, Yu Wan didn't dare to take it lightly, and asked very cautiously:

"Although I don't know what you have gone through, you are now a monster, and you were the one who dragged us into this devil's lair. You and I are currently hostile. I only ask you, your behavior is like an enemy but not an enemy. , what does it imply?!"


The answer to Yu Wan was still a deep roar, but judging from his shortness of breath, he was very anxious.

Yu Wan couldn't understand what he meant, but Zen Fang cautiously reached out to her golden bell cover...

Seeing this, Yu Wan was shocked!Subconsciously, he swung his sword and slashed at his sharp claws!
It's just that Zen Fang was extremely fast, quickly withdrew his hand, and teleported to the other side of Yu Wan, raised his palm again, and stuck it accurately on her golden bell cover with Buddha power!
"Zi la...Zi zi la..."

Even though Zen Fang did not mobilize the output of demonic energy, when he, who was already a monster, collided with the Buddha's power, the demonic energy and the Buddhist breath were already hostile, and naturally they both immediately confronted each other!

And Zen Fang deliberately suppressed the magic power that was about to erupt in his body, allowing Yu Wan's golden bell cover to spread and invade his magic body from the palm of his hand with the golden light Buddha power in Sanskrit...


Zen Fang, who was willing to be attacked by the power of Buddhism, could see the lines of Sanskrit characters like burnt iron marks with the naked eye, climbing and walking on his body with burnt lines at an extremely fast speed.

And he himself chose to give up the magic resistance, which made him suffer from unprecedented pain!Can't help but let out a muffled hum with a vibrato.

"It's... I don't have much time to stay awake and talk to you, and all of this requires the help of your Buddha power to restore me to the chance to speak out.

This is the most hidden place of the demons. You should leave here as soon as possible. Although this place is hidden, it is still on the periphery. If you are more careful, you can escape unscathed.

And... Also, the target of the demons has always been you!You have to be more careful, the magic power of their demon ancestor...has reached the peak level, almost no one can suppress him.

My Buddha Realm... has been destroyed by the demons. The demon ancestor of the demons has left the customs, and now the worlds of all directions are already in chaos.

Although I don't know what you have that makes that demon ancestor care, but if you are preserved, we monks may still have a glimmer of life. "

Taking advantage of the golden light and Buddhist power, Zen Fang roasted his demon body, temporarily restoring his ability to speak, and immediately spoke to Yu Wan with pain.

After listening to him at the end of the night, some words were confused. She knew that since the Moyuan territory, she saw demon cultivators freely entering and leaving the Buddha Realm through the formation gate, but she didn't know that the Buddha Realm was destroyed into Zen. Seriously, looking at what happened to him, Miaofu and the others were already in a relatively better situation at that time, otherwise they would have been turned into monsters by the demons like Zen Fang!

After Miao Fu separated from her, she planned to go against the Buddha Realm again. If the Buddha Realm described by Zen Fang was true, what would happen to her after she entered the country?

At this moment, Yu Wan can't take care of so much anymore. He still has some doubts about the words of Zen Fang, and the time is so urgent, so he can only ask the key points:

"What do you mean when you said that the Primordial Demon Demon Ancestor is out of customs?!"

(End of this chapter)

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