Chapter 1312 Jindan

This gentleman's residence has actually been abandoned for a long time, or it has been silent for a long time.

The last owner here is Fifth Zi, the eldest son of Zhenjun Yunmao.The clan land was completely destroyed decades ago, although the Gentleman's Court was built in a hidden enchantment far away from the clan land, it was not destroyed.

But because the fifth son replaced the fifth Zi's identity without authorization, Wu Ying has always had a grudge, and the relationship between the two is very tense. It is naturally impossible for Wu Ying to allocate the gentleman's courtyard to the fifth son.

Therefore, it can be said that the fifth son was forcibly ascended, and he has not received an orthodox heir education.Fifth Ying didn't admit it, and other clan elders were just using him, so naturally they didn't mention it.

As the fifth son's only son, Fifth Desheng should have been eligible to enter Junziju in advance, but because of Fifth Ying's ignorant attitude, his move to Junziju to receive the education of heirs was also put on hold.So this yard has really been empty since the fifth purple.

Seeing this, Wu Ying ordered people to seal up the yard for fear of being emotionally disturbed by the scene, and sent people to patrol it every month, and no one was allowed to enter it.Never thought that this trip would save him today.

If they hadn't persisted and asked the other party to settle in Junziju, then they would have thrown themselves into the trap at this time.

"I found it." Looking at the bottles of powerful healing elixir that Ningxia dug out for him, Master Yunmao only took a few glances and put them back, as if he wasn't very interested.

Ningxia looked at the pills that were put back one by one hesitantly, a little strange.Even if these elixirs cannot be called holy medicines for healing, they are also excellent medicines for internal and external injuries. Not to mention healing his wounds, at least they can make up for some losses.Otherwise, the other party may not be able to hold on to what they want.
Do you still need to find a better medicine?

Ningxia reached out to some bottles of medicine pills that she didn't know well. She had never seen this kind of medicine before, so it's possible. Huh?
Ningxia looked at the person who stopped her movement, and the other person's hand was pressed on the back of her hand.Ning Xia also looked up at him.

"Let me look for it, you can't find it."

Ningxia: .
Brother, then why didn't you say it earlier, is this a show for us?This hurts the boat of our friendship.

On the other hand, there was no difference. He took a small rattan basket and poured all the bottles and jars in the box into it. It was very simple and rude——

"Hey——" Ningxia only had time to scream, and the rattan basket into which the pill bottles were thrown mercilessly made a crisp sound of "Qinqin", just like her glass heart at the moment.

Ningxia's heart is hurting, please give these pills that attract thousands of people a little face, can you stop treating them like pickles?

Apparently the other party didn't hear Ningxia's aspirations, and after emptying the box, he held up the exquisitely carved hollow box like a treasure.

... If it is not the story of buying a basket and returning the pearl, then there is a universe inside?
Ning Xia took a closer look and found that the wooden box was hollowed out all around, the inner and outer structures could be seen through at a glance, and there could be no hidden places in the middle.There is one place where this possibility exists, Ning Xia looked thoughtfully at the bottom of the box, it is thin, and it doesn't look like it can hide things.

The other party did not know what to do, and the hollow panel on the top fell off the bottom.Sure enough, what Zhenjun Yunmao was looking for was on the floor.

He placed the entire bottom board on the couch, with his palms hanging in the air as before against the wall, and then a faint trace of the family emblem flashed in the middle of the board.

The room was very quiet, and no one spoke. After an unknown amount of time, there was a crisp "click", as if something had fallen.

Immediately, Zhenjun Yunmao withdrew his hand and picked up the bottom board, something fell off, fell on the soft couch and turned around a few times with a snort.

He picked it up and placed it in his palm.

It turned out to be looking for this thing.Ning Xia looked at the round one in the opponent's palm, the size of a thumb, with a golden glow on the outside, quite delicate.

"This...what is it?" Ning Xia thought for a while but couldn't help asking curiously.

Anyway, she knew so much and saw so many secrets, it was too late to avoid suspicion now.There may not be a chance to know in the future, it is better to ask directly if you are curious.

Zhenjun Yunmao didn't make a sound, just staring at the "golden bead" in his palm.It seems that I have lost my mind since I saw this wooden box. I feel a little heavy and I don't know what I am thinking.

For a long time, the other party clenched his fist, held the bead in his palm, and when he opened it again, he found two very conspicuous gaps on the surface of the bead, splitting the whole bead horizontally.Then with a little force, the bead splits in two.

Looking at Ningxia again, she was surprised, those golden things were only attached to the outer layer, the outer layer like sugar coating was torn apart, and it was found that the exposed middle was no different from ordinary pills.

Immediately, the entire space began to reverberate with a strange fragrance, a smell that could not be emitted by any plant or living thing, accompanied by a puffing aura, it tickles people's hearts.

What kind of rare medicine is this?Ning Xia had never heard of a pill with this characteristic, so he was inevitably a little curious, but if the other party didn't want to answer more, then forget it.Maybe it's someone else's exclusive secret recipe.

It's just that the other party pondered for a long time, looking at the elixir as if he wanted to see a flower.

Zhenjun Yunmao showed a trace of reluctance, it seemed that he was not willing to eat, judging by his nostalgic appearance, there was no story behind it, maybe someone left it for him.

Finally, the other party pulled off the layer of oil coat and swallowed it.

Ning Xia looked at him as if he was really sad, and he didn't dare to say anything, just sat aside, and even slowed down his breathing deliberately, so as not to be annoying.

The effect of the elixir was so good that he couldn't breathe, and after taking it, Ningxia felt that the dead energy on the opponent's body was much less, and the spiritual power on his body stopped collapsing quickly, and spiritual power began to flow around him.

Ning Xia saw that Duo Fang's complexion had improved visibly with the naked eye, the previous dead whiteness faded away, and it became a little more rosy.Not long ago, the lifelessness seemed to be a miraculous panacea for people in the world to recover at the speed of light.

Ning Xia felt strange, seeing that the person had recovered to [-]% to [-]% and was faintly pushing towards a better state, he had to admit that the world of comprehension is really full of wonders.The flesh and bones of the living dead are indeed living in her life now.I didn't expect to be able to witness it with my own eyes today.

Due to the lack of time and inconvenience, the other party did not activate the spiritual power Zhou Tian to recover, but it seems that it is almost the same.Running the spiritual power cycle is just to restore the body to the best condition, and it is really nothing if you don't follow it.

After the end, the other party slowly opened his eyes. At that moment, his deep eyes seemed to be entwined with golden threads, but when he blinked again, they disappeared again, as if it was just her illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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