Chapter 1355
"Father, you still haven't changed at're still so annoying—" The fifth son's voice was filled with a smile, and suddenly there was a burst of ruthlessness in the middle of speaking, as if he was gnashing his teeth.

"You've always been annoying." Zhenjun Yunmao replied with a calm attitude, as if he was just chatting about some household matters.

Of course, the people present at the venue would not really think that these two people were talking about something homely.

They say "hate" and they really do.

Even though they knew it was out of date, everyone still couldn't help being curious about the grievances between this weird pair of father and son.

Everyone knows that Fifth Ying prefers the eldest son, that is, the fifth Zi before he was replaced. The saying that he treats this eldest son like a jewel is still circulating in the world.

In comparison, he was a lot more ordinary to another concubine, but he was also a good father compared to other people who were in charge of giving birth and not caring for them.

It's just that after hearing so many rumors, everyone seems to have never heard of the second son of the fifth family.Before "disappearing", the other party's direct descendants in the fifth family existed like a transparent person. No one had ever seen his "elegance", only heard that he was a person with a soft temper.

Later, when the other party heard that "died early" was involved in the calamity of the altar, he naturally became even more unknown. No one remembered that the fifth family had such a young son from the direct line.Even his two concubine brothers who died young had a wider reputation than him because of some rumors in the inner court.

No one thought that one day everyone would really hear his name and know such a person would be such a scene.

In a sense, he succeeded and truly became famous all over the world.Presumably, for a long time, those "great feats" and shocking things he did will become the most eagerly discussed topics after dinner.

But how did the father and son get into the relationship they have today?Or is this the relationship?

Many people have noticed the quarrel between Fifth Son and Fifth Qingping, which seems to reveal a lot of surprising inside stories.

What on earth made the mild-tempered Fifth Ying hate this son so much?What made the fifth son treat his brother and father like this?

Sure enough, this kind of grievances between rich and powerful families is much more interesting than fighting and blood spattering.The group of lunatics from the Mingyue Sect was restrained, and no matter which side it was from, they were finally able to breathe a little bit.

"I really don't understand..." The two of them actually spoke at the same time and produced such an opening, even the tone of voice was almost the same, just like a template printed out.

Everyone was stunned.He also said that there was hatred... such a tacit understanding?

Ning Xia looked at the expressions of the two, and finally fell on those two pairs of extremely beautiful crystal eyes.

She finally knew where the inexplicable familiarity in front of the two came from.Isn't it just these eyes that are too beautiful?
The first time Ningxia saw this pair of beautiful eyes was in the decaying city of the living dead.In that place filled with the four atmospheres, there is also such a pair of eyes that are in the four places but full of the vitality of a living person.Even if the owner of these eyes is already dead... and he has been dead for many years.

However, people can vaguely see the splendor of his life from his graceful and glazed eyes.Ningxia thought at the time that this person must have been a very heart-wrenching person when he was alive.

The second time Ningxia saw these eyes was at a banquet in southern Xinjiang just now.It was the first time she saw such a person as Daoist Chongzi, and she also heard a lot about the past by the way.At that time, she was more focused on the invitation letter given by the fifth Desheng, and she didn't take this matter to heart.

Until today, when the father and son stood face to face in the same hall, Ning Xia suddenly realized that the three of them, including brother Lingtai whose bones were scattered in the city of the living dead, were all so alike.

It's not that they look alike, but that almost the same light shines out from those extremely similar-shaped eyes.

That kind of proud, weak but stubborn light, the existence of incomparable contradictions.

Fifth Zi died early, and the matter was far away, so she didn't dare to be 100% sure.

But for the two people in front of her, she was sure that the father and son really looked alike, whether it was the outline of the brows or the casual irony revealed at the corners of the eyes and brows.No wonder she felt familiar at first...

Suddenly Ning Xia's expression became a little strange... Don't tell her that Wu Ying hates Wu Ying so much because his son looks too much like him.

She had indeed heard the ridiculous rumors that parents especially hated this child because their child looked too similar to her, giving birth to a sense of crisis of being replaced out of thin air.

But Master Yunmao didn't look like the kind of person who would be so incompetent and furious.Then what is it that makes a father hate his son so much, or a child who looks so much like himself, that he hates him so much that he doesn't even want to look at him more.

Does this mean that there is no father-son relationship in the legend?But how to say that the two are inseparable blood relatives, why did they come to this step.

Could it be because of that Brother Lingtai?Ning Xia pondered, and finally went back and forth after going around here.

Naturally, Fifth Ying didn't hate Fifth Son because of the nonsense things Ningxia thought.

There is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hate without reason.Will the grievances between Fifth Ying and Fifth Son be resolved because of a weak father-son relationship?
It was a dead end from the start.

Fifth Ying hates Fifth Zi, hates his similar eyebrows and eyes, hates his cunning temperament, and hates the familiar feeling revealed from the corners of his eyes and brows.

None of that belonged to him, nor to his beloved wife, but to another woman.A woman who brought him endless humiliation and half-life regrets.

The fifth son is not the brother of the fifth Zi.

But he is still the son of Zhenjun Yunmao.

In this way, the fifth son was not actually born to the main wife, so why did he come under the name of the main wife and became the same son as the fifth Zi?
This starts with the identity of his mother.

His real mother is none other than Fifth Zi's biological mother's sister.

This involves a secret matter from previous years.It was also such an unbearable past that ruined two generations. If the person who made the most decision knew about it, he might regret making such a decision in the first place.

Fifth Ying married very late, and he met his wife, Fifth Zi's biological mother, only after he had conceived a baby.

But his wife was still very young. At that time, the other party was just a female cultivator who had just formed an alchemy for a long time. She had outstanding aptitude and was very popular in the clan.

Her family had placed high hopes on her, but in the end she married off and left the position of Patriarch to her younger brother who was only two years younger than her.

In addition to the youthful younger brother, she also has a younger sister.Unlike her bright and charming elder sister, that child was weak since she was a child, and she was born shy and weak. She has never said a single harsh word since she grew up.

That's a very shy girl... looks so good.

(End of this chapter)

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