Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 1498 Narrative

Chapter 1498 Narrative

The street is obviously not a good place to talk, even in the remote east of the city, the three of them are now sitting in a rare restaurant in the west of the city.

It is said that this is the most popular spiritual restaurant in Sinan City. The tea is the spiritual tea leaves produced by the top-quality spiritual tree.

Every corner of this place exudes the smell of spirit stones, and every breath is the fragrance of resources, Ningxia is almost drunk.

There are no connections and resources in this place, and you can't get in.

Wolf Five is also asking a good friend to ask someone to make an appointment.I originally planned to invite my friends to taste together, but I happened to meet Ningxia the invited people became Ningxia and Cai He.

If it wasn't for Wolf Five, she probably wouldn't have had a chance to come here.First of all, she doesn't have the relationship and connections, and second, she doesn't want to spend so many Lingshi just for a good meal.

Wolf Five invited the two of Ningxia to come here not only for the sake of Ningxia, but also for Cai He's sake.

Although he was calculated and had a hard time about the out of control of the spirit sword, he still almost hurt others after all.Cai He is also innocent, so he should make an apology no matter what.

In addition, Cai He and Ningxia are walking together, which probably has something to do with it. Lang Wu doesn't want Ningxia to make things difficult.After all, dinner was the easiest place to resolve conflicts. As soon as he made up his mind, he invited the two of them to sit in the restaurant that had been booked in advance. Everyone sat down and talked, and slowly eased the shock they had just suffered.

As for the person he promised to, oh, the other person probably wouldn't mind sacrificing for his junior.

Ningxia is much more familiar with Lang Wu than with Cai He. Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, our friendship is still there.

In the other party's place, Ning Xia was more comfortable, speaking and acting more casually, and he seemed to have a good relationship with the host.

"It's a pity this spirit sword, I remember you before... well, it doesn't seem to be this sword?" Ning Xia took a bite of the pastry, feeling a little puzzled.

The expression on Lang Wu's face froze, but his brows and eyes soon relaxed, but he obviously didn't intend to hide the reason and smiled bitterly: "Yes, the previous also know that it will be useless after that. Mr. Qu He gave me another spirit sword. Promise, it's this one."

The spirit sword that had just gone out of control and attacked wildly has been controlled by Lang Wu, and he doesn't know what method he used. Now he is lying on the table honestly as if he is dead, and he can't even feel a trace of spiritual power fluctuations.

In view of the misery suffered by this sword before, Ning Xia also had a slight psychological shadow. When speaking, his eyes would fall on it involuntarily, for fear that it would suddenly riot.This is probably just Ning Xia's psychological effect. Lang Wu dared to take it back and put it on the table to prove that it was fine.

The other party had only spoken half of what he had said, but Ning Xia had already understood what he was saying.Because she has personally experienced what he said, and even participated more than him, so even if the other party only said half of what he said, Ning Xia has already understood it.

that time?Which time could it be?The one that can destroy his spirit sword, presumably refers to the time when he was imprisoned.

Wolf Five once turned around at the critical moment of life and death.If Jiang Dongliu was more cruel, he might have been killed and thrown away.But I don't know why, the other party actually spared Lang Wuyi's life, but just imprisoned him, otherwise Ningxia would not see a living Lang Wu today.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Although he barely saved his life, the experience of being kidnapped and pretending to be a fake is really bad.He didn't know what the unknown guy was trying to do with his identity. The long and hopeless waiting almost drove him crazy, and the fear devoured the tough part of his heart little by little.

When all the dust settled and the man who was greedy for wolf mace found his place of captivity during the liquidation, Lang Wu came back to life.

Although he was impersonated for a short time and did not suffer any injuries, that short period of tormenting limit time still left a deep mark on his heart.

And the spirit sword that accompanied him for many years was also scrapped in an unknown accident, and accompanied by the news that many brothers who were like brothers died in the chaos, his emotions were once very bad, and he could not relax for a long time.

Before he could digest all these changes, they were told to leave the island they had guarded for a long time, and truly return to the vast and boundless continent.

What can Wolf Five do, he can only leave with his companions all the way.And until the end, they didn't see Mrs. Hongji for the last time.

The sword that Elder Qu gave him is actually not bad, and it can be regarded as an excellent spiritual sword on Fuyun Island.However, the place they are in now is Middle Earth, the Land of All Souls, and his progress has far exceeded Elder Qu's expectations for him.

In short, this spirit sword is no longer suitable for him.

The cultivation level of monks is constantly improving, and the level of spirit weapons required by different classes is different. A monk may need to adjust the spirit weapon several times in a lifetime according to his own cultivation level.Therefore, transforming spiritual weapons is also a very rare and common thing for monks.

Lang Wu is now a Golden Core cultivator, and it is normal to want to reforge the Spirit Sword.But I just didn't expect that his luck was really not very good. In the end, it was because of his bad luck.

"Alas..." Lang Wu glanced at the spirit sword on the table with some melancholy, and didn't want to speak anymore.

It was impossible for Lang Wu not to be depressed when two spirit swords met such an inexplicable fate.

What's more, he has an extraordinary respect for Elder Qu, and the sword that the other party specially found for him has been maliciously damaged in this way, and he really can't say how good it is.

Ning Xia could also understand his mood a little bit, and didn't interrupt, the room was surprisingly quiet for a while.

"Dare to ask... Fellow Daoist Jiang, would you mind showing me this spirit sword?" Cai He's voice suddenly came from the space.

Wolf Five was originally named Jiang Hualang, and Wolf Five was just his code name. His real name was Jiang.After leaving Floating Cloud Island, he restored his original name, and he still called himself by his official name and surname to the outside world.

Lang Wu was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Ningxia was also a little surprised, and whispered to the wolf five that Caihe was a child of the Cai family.Although he is only a collateral branch, it is said that he is good at refining weapons, and he can be regarded as a very outstanding disciple in the collateral branch.

His refining level is good, maybe he can find a way... Ningxia is not good either, just talk about Cai He's identity, and then it depends on how Lang Wu chooses.

In fact, Ning Xia felt that it was normal for him to choose to refuse. After all, this spirit sword, even if it is a disabled spirit sword, cannot be handed over to others at will.Especially someone like Cai He who has only known each other for a short time...

(End of this chapter)

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