Chapter 1669
Otherwise, the homeland is hard to leave.In two lifetimes, Ningxia finally realized how nostalgic people have for the homeland where they were born and raised.

Perhaps when people really leave their native land, they will understand how closely related they are to that land.

She was not really born and raised here, and even her soul came from outside the sky, and the southeast border was not actually her real homeland.

But in Ningxia's short previous life, he was born lonely. Although he was not displaced, he never had a real home.She didn't know her real birth, she didn't know where she was born, and she didn't know what kind of mood her unfavorable parents were waiting for her.

For the first time in her life, in this new world, she had her own family—a place she could truly call home.Even if the relatives are shallow due to cultivation, at least there are family members in this world who have the same blood as her and miss her.

And on her way forward, she met the sect who did her best to cultivate her, the teacher who educated her regardless of gains or losses, and many people, either familiar or unfamiliar, who played roles in her not-so-long cultivation career. played a very important role.

To this day, the southeastern frontier has already become an irreplaceable homeland in her heart because of various people and events.There is her home and her past.

The life of a monk is long, the higher the level of cultivation, the longer the life.Ning Xia, who is now a Golden Core cultivator, can probably live for thousands of years without exception, but her family only has a short life, a few decades in a hurry.

Over the years, she only got together with her family a few times in such a hurry, and within two days she had to leave and return to the position where she lost.The closest time she went home, her elder brother had already passed the Juren exam and planned to start the scientific examination.

But in Ningxia's memory, my elder brother still seems to be at the age of fourteen or fifteen, but the boy who used to carry her through the potholed fields, and came back sweating profusely and did not forget to bring her delicious food looked at him. The missing place became a taciturn and steady young man.

And the parents have already survived from the prime of life to the age where they are now full of grandchildren.They really don't need to work hard, but they are no longer young, and they are full of hair.

She seems to be the only one who is standing still in the years, and she will always stay in her teens.And in the short decades to come, as she grows slowly, she will gradually watch her blood relatives age and leave, and finally only strangers will be left in her eyes.

This is probably also a problem that all immortal cultivators of civilian origin must face. There is no difference between "immortals". Before they became immortals, they were forced to learn to cut off the mortal ties.

This is also the reason why so many monks do not go home for more than ten years or even decades after entering the realm of comprehension. They have no "time".Therefore, for most monks and monks, nostalgia for mortal relatives is really a luxury.

But Ningxia has missed too much, she doesn't want to lose even this extravagant nostalgia.

So she had to go back, go home, go back to the place where her blood relatives existed, and watch them go the last way.In this way, it can be regarded as personally understanding the cause and fate...

What's more, she got lost under such circumstances, and didn't even leave a word, which must have made the people over there very anxious.You can't put the people around you in the dark for your own momentary pleasure.

Although Middle Earth is good, it is not more suitable for her than the southeast frontier. After all, she has to go back to the place she should go to.If someone is thinking about it, it's better not to wander around outside.

Looking at Ning Xia's drooping eyes and the tenderness between his brows, Gu Huai knew that he might not need an answer.

Birds will miss home when they are away from the nest for a long time, let alone people?This is also human nature.

It seemed that a long time had passed, and it seemed that it only took a blink of an eye, until the tentacles of the blood vine not far away moved slightly and made a harsh creaking sound, which startled the two of them.

The calculation is almost done, so I can only force it.

Ning Xia and Gu Huai looked at each other, and at the same time they looked at a certain existence circled inside the boundary marker that could not be ignored.

Naturally, they are not really so bored chatting here, but really have no choice.

How could this Yinblood Vine be an ordinary and easy to deal with?Ning Xia, who had confronted it head-on, knew it, and Gu Huai, who also knew a little about it through his notes, knew that this thing is very tricky and difficult to deal with. If they don't completely cut off its back path, none of them will be safe. Get out of here.

Although they have gained temporary peace now, they are also trapped in a certain vicious circle, and they cannot get out of it if they can't find the first day.Even Ningxia, who has a small black box, can't... After all, she has tested it herself.

If they want to live, they have to get out of this weird place.If you leave here, you will be successful if you completely break away from the episode of Yinxuevine hunting.

This is the same principle as Ningxia's struggle for life on the cliff before, but when she was on the cliff just now, her range of activities was unlimited and free.It looks thrilling, but in fact it is extremely maneuverable.

However, the current situation is different. Her range of activities has been reduced to a limit, and she knows nothing about the entire space route.

She should be glad that she wasn't unlucky after all. Gu Huai, who was traveling with her, had been to this place before, so she seemed to have some clues.Otherwise, she would be like a blind man catching black, she could only look around blindly.

If what Gu Huai said is true, then the only exit of this "passage" is under the spiritual source, that is, under this "stream" formed by liquefaction of spiritual power.

Yes, after the "Boundary Monument" was erected, Ningxia discovered that this cave seems to be in the shape of opposite sides. The end is also a large karst cave like the mirror space in the front.

They are now at the mirror milk stone forest at the end where the "boundary monument" is located. The skylight coming in from nowhere makes the magnificent mirror milk stone forest crystal clear, as if they are in a land covered with ice.

The liquefied spiritual power also flows into this side along the channel, forming a small stream, flowing gently through the mirror milk stones clustered on both sides, it seems to be just a very ordinary and calm stream - if they are not If verified by hand.

The area delineated by the boundary marker was not too big or too small, and it happened to envelop a mirror milk stone forest around their Lingyuan pole next to the stone wall, temporarily constructing a fairly safe space for them.

But obviously, the time that this currently considered safe space can be maintained will not be too long.They have no other choice but to fight with their backs——

(End of this chapter)

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