Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 1682 The Meaning of the Sword

Chapter 1682 The Meaning of the Sword



The ear-piercing voice seemed to be warning.

Gu Huai's first reaction was to look in the direction of Ningxia. A spirit sword came just now, could it be that it was calling.But isn't it what you want to go in? What else is there to dissatisfy?
But soon he discovered that it wasn't Qingluan Sword's disturbance at all, it was... from above!
The sound comes from above!
Gu Huai suddenly had a bad feeling, held his breath, and listened attentively.

Even though separated by a thick layer of spiritual liquid, even though separated by a deep distance from the spiritual source, he could still hear... what a spiritual sword was fighting against.

Apart from Qingluan, Ningxia's other two spirit swords are also outside, both of which are used to prevent the blood vine from causing chaos.

At this moment, they are the only ones making noise above.

As for the other...

That familiar and frightening voice, that familiar cold aura, and pervasive coercion, he didn't want to know what was up there.

How did this thing get in?Is Ningxia's "boundary monument" invalid?How to do?Gu Huai's mind turned back and forth, but several thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

The defensive function of the boundary monument is powerful. They thought it would take a while, but they didn't expect to be unable to hold it so soon.It wouldn't be long before the Yinblood Vine could catch up to them, let alone escape, put them in the heavy spiritual liquid, and they might have no choice but to obediently catch them in the end.

Gu Huai made a decisive decision, he couldn't procrastinate any longer, looked at Ningxia who was still wrapped in flames, and made a decision.


Gu Huai's guess was right, the Yinxuevine on top had indeed broken through the protection of the boundary marker and began to stretch inside, which triggered the movement of the heavy sword.

Of course, this breakthrough is still limited.After all, the boundary monument is a high-level magic weapon. It may not be very easy to use for some reasons, but it is not easy to knock down like tofu.

Relying on its special properties, the Yinxuevine can slowly infiltrate the tentacles into segments, and it only needs to reach a certain strength to slowly destroy the boundary marker from the inside.

It did not find the right way at the beginning, so it was naturally blocked.

But after Ningxia and the others got down the spiritual source, didn't the Yinxuevine work hard?Within the range they couldn't see, the Yinblood Vine learned how to let those tentacles pry the boundary marker, as if it had learned without a teacher.

After destroying that layer of soft magic spell a little bit at last, he began to focus on eroding the place stuck in the narrow place a little bit.Once they make a big opening here, the blood vine will be able to completely enter through this hole.

At that time, Ning Xia and Gu Huai did not know the situation outside, if they did not move quickly, it would be a dead end if they were caught by the Yin Xue Vine.

Ordinarily, Chong Huanjian should have been moving from the outside looking at it, and it wouldn't be only now that he reacted and wanted to resist.

But for those unsuitable touch branches, Chong Huanjian didn't react for some reason, not aware of the danger at all.Later, when it was discovered, it was too late to regret.Those tiny twigs are worthy of being the most powerful assistant of the Yinxuevine. With their insignificant bodies, they actually pried the barrier of this boundary marker, and they were about to penetrate it in a short time.

Now even if Chong Huanjian reacted, it was useless, because the root of the disaster had already been planted.He could only watch helplessly as the Yinxuevine broke through the boundary marker little by little and came towards the people inside.

That's how it started.

However, the Chonghuan Sword and Ruzhang Sword were not just for show. After discovering the intention of the Yinxuevine, they guarded the place where it eroded and intercepted it from the root.

Since it is really not an easy task to erode the boundary marker, so far, the Yinblood Vine seems to have only broken the barrier in this place.

For the time being, Chong Huanjian can still hold on.

The battle above was pitch-dark, but the situation of Gu Huai below was a bit strangely calm at the moment.

"You can also feel that the Yinblood Vine can't hold back anymore. If you don't get out of here quickly, the consequences will be disastrous." Gu Huai said to... a sword with "wishful words".

That's right, he was communicating with Qingluanjian.

Because he worked hard for a long time, until the sound of fighting on the top became louder and louder, the flames on Ning Xia's body still did not let go, and they still opened their teeth and claws when touched, Gu Huai had no way to start, and it was impossible to take people away.

No way, the boy put his mind on a certain special object.

When he was in the fifth forbidden area, Gu Huai once had a brief exchange with Ningxia's other sword, Chonghuan, which left a deep impression on him.

When Ningxia lost consciousness, the spiritual weapon that could only be regarded as having fragments of consciousness was always concerned about the safety of its owner, and it even showed more humanity than many people, which is indeed rare and precious.

That sword is spiritually powerful, and it is first-class in terms of strength and loyalty, and it is the spiritual weapon of the best choice.

I don't know how much this Qingluan can do.

Facts have proved... well, not every sword is a heavy weapon, and not every spiritual weapon is willing to communicate.

Like Qingluan Sword, it seems that he doesn't pay attention to people.

It didn't listen to people's words at all, and kept pulling Ningxia.No matter what Gu Huai said, it didn't respond, as if it was really a piece of ordinary iron, without any movement.

Not at all!Gu Huai couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or something else, and he was at a loss for words.

But Gu Huai didn't have much time to procrastinate.

He could clearly feel that the two swords above would not be able to hold back after all, if they didn't move faster, this place would be their burial place.No, maybe it's too late.

Should I go now or not?

Let's go. Gu Huai looked at the girl covered in flames with a complicated expression.If you don't leave, you will be seriously ill, and then there will be tigers and wolves.

Unknowingly, the young man fell into a dilemma.

"Boom——" The voice from above seemed to have collapsed, the sound was not loud, but it hit his heart hard.

It seems that this time——

There is also no choice, just like his past years.

Gu Huai covered his mouth and coughed like a piercing lung, his hands were trembling, and he was covering it tightly, as if this could cover up a certain terrible fact.But the few touches of color flowing from the fingertips still exposed this point.

But at least... he can choose how he dies.

So I still can't escape, this sad fate, Gu Huai smiled wryly, but his eyes turned to Ningxia became firm.

If he could die in such a flame, he would be able to see the light all the way to the underworld if he wanted to——

He just wanted to find a good path, and in his next life, he hoped to walk a safe and healthy path, so that he would not have to suffer from such ups and downs again.

It is so sad.

Gu Huai closed his eyes, and gently hugged the unconscious girl.

The flames all over Ning Xia soared, threatening to devour the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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