Chapter 2127 Keys

There is such a legend in the southeastern border.

It is said that those who live in this land are cursed.

The road to the sky here has long been cut off.Ascension is just an ancient legend recorded in classics.

Many monks living in this land know that this curse originated from their blood ancestors, left over from that magnificent but tragic era, and then passed down from generation to generation.

The glory of the past dissipated, those people and those things were also lost in the years and occasions, and those earth-shattering legendary symbols and tokens disappeared without a trace along with the passing of people... and only this "curse" is like a shadow, engraved in their bones and blood , pierced into the depths of their souls, forcing them to break their pride and move forward.

In the southeast border, there has never been a great power who is truly detached from the five elements.

It's not that they can't, they can't.It is not fate that straddles their way forward, but God's will—literally.

Everyone can say that they have changed their destiny, but since ancient times, few people really dare to say that they have defied the sky.In this world, only by obeying the will of God can we see the way forward, and those who defy the will of God often have no good results, almost without exception.

Everyone knows that cultivating immortals can defy the sky, but they don't know that the end of this road is also the way of heaven.

After all, human beings are still pawns under the sky.But if you think about it carefully, who in the world is not an ant-like existence?Even if there is such a detached existence, it is not known whether it can be called a human being at that time.

Even though the monks in the southeast border had all kinds of ideas and ambitions, they still couldn't reach God's will in the end.In the endless years to come, the monks living in the southeast border never saw the real sky again.

They found that the abundant spiritual power of heaven and earth began to dissipate unknowingly. Although the familiar sky looked the same as they thought, they were missing something very important.So far, there is no real strong man in the southeastern border.

No matter how strong the eagle is, it is estimated that after losing the ability to fly, it will not live as comfortably as poultry.And their descendants also degenerated under the weakened education from generation to generation, and eventually became poultry.This dramatic causal loop does add some comical sense of fate to the monks living in the southeastern border.

People like Daoist Yuanheng are considered special cases.He is smart, talented, and favored by fate. Compared with ordinary people, his practice path seems to be accelerated several times, all condensed into one line, and quickly reached the peak.

In this regard, Ningxia is the one most like him among the students who accepted his preaching and teaching.Famous at a young age, spring breeze all the way, although there are hardships and hardships, but in the end, the dangers will be saved, and the disaster will be auspicious, and we will move towards the bright final point.

So in fact, it can be said that Ningxia is taking a road that seems to be different from it, but in essence it is very similar.Many of Ningxia's choices and spirits were practiced by Lan Lan when she was young, or she still insists on it until now, but the latter has experienced more after all when she is older, and her approach is naturally more subtle.

So the two people are too similar, not in character, but in the core of their essence.

But for Taoist Yuanheng, the first half of his life has already "ended", and the rest can only be called the rest of his life.Probably because he lived too proudly and comfortably in the first half of his life, condensing the glorious course of his entire life, and then took a path of complete decline once he passed that critical point.

He was unwilling and struggled, but in the end he still lost to God's will and time.He gave up on himself, but because he was young, he still harbored some expectations that even he couldn't explain clearly.

Therefore, Daoist Yuanheng never gave up how to break free from the "strings" that manipulated his life.

But such people are still in the minority.Most of them are "losers" who are dying, hit the wall several times, and have already recognized the reality.

When they were in their prime, they were all new stars who were as majestic as Yuan Heng, and they all had a glorious past, but in the end they buried themselves and the past in time because of the teasing of fate.Their bodies are not dead, but their souls are gone. The closed cave will be the place of burial, and the youth and fame will compose their elegy for them.

How many powerful people left this world in obscurity in the end.Presumably, after they found out that they were destined to decline, they also asked heaven and earth in despair why they should treat them like this.

They also thought that such a fate would continue in such a leisurely way until they fell into the embrace of eternity.Unexpectedly, just now, that kind of fate came to an end in a way that no one could have imagined.

The "curse" imposed on them, and a certain string of fate tied to them were completely dispelled.The "big mountain" that was invisible to them disappeared, and no one stopped them from touching the real sky.

In the future, no matter whether it's transforming into a god, getting out of body, or even in the realm of long as they have the ability, these are not dreams.The "curse" that bound them for millions of years came to an end.

They just felt that their bodies had also become... so light.I don't know if it's the looseness of the soul or the relief brought about by the release of suppression, but this feeling is not bad.

This is the truth that everyone was "stunned" when they saw the True Monarchs.

They were really stunned.Can you understand that feeling? I thought I was going to end my life in such a daze, and then suddenly someone told you that you are the heir of XX.It's like a pie from the sky, and you won't feel like winning the jackpot.

Daoist Yuan Heng glanced at the people who seemed to be dreaming subtly, and finally twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly. this what you call a prepared surprise?That was a real surprise.He would be happier if it weren't for this time.

Just now, there was a bang, and almost at the same time, Lan Lan also received a top-secret "message" - from an existence that had probably dissipated at this moment.

In fact, he didn't say anything serious, that person told him...

The core of the banning formation has been destroyed, and the land of Shenling will return to its peak one day.So far, the era of Shenluo has come to an end, and a new era has begun. However, everyone is a branch of Shenluo, and Shenluo will always be passed on along with the blood.God falls forever...


What a headache, how should I tell those people.This is not a small matter, but a major matter related to the entire southeast border, which cannot be ignored by him.

However, if you tell the various factions about this, you will definitely be bombarded by these people. There are too many inside stories involved and it is too complicated. You can already imagine how chaotic the scene will be.

You end up with such a difficult problem.

(End of this chapter)

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