Chapter 236 He Zeng Dreamed (36)

The peaceful days did not last long, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

This was the first time Ningxia had seen death since she was born, and it was a guy who had a lot of connections with him.

The Phoenix Clan is not as invincible as she imagined, there is still a feud in this world, the Dragon Clan.

Dragons, like phoenixes, are creatures with divine blood left in the world.

But they are not as lucky as Phoenix. Their fertility rate is extremely low, and they cannot successfully give birth to a cub for ten thousand years, so the number of clansmen has always been low.

They were born before the phoenix, and they ruled this land, the worthy overlord, until the phoenix appeared in this world.

They never thought that there would be guys with the blood of gods like them in this world, nor would they think about what it would be like to coexist with them.

Their thinking is very simple, this world is the strong prey, and the winner is the king.The victor naturally dominates everything.There cannot be two divine veins in this world at the same time, and one of them must leave the field.

The two clans fought fiercely, and countless clansmen were involved in the war and lost their lives.In the end, the dragon clan with few members could not withstand the internal friction and was defeated, and could only leave the center of the mainland with the only remaining clan members.

Phoenix has since occupied the position of hegemony, sitting for hundreds of millions of years.

They also did not expect that they would eventually repeat the same mistakes of the dragon race, be defeated by humans, and leave the Middle-earth Continent in despair.

Just when they found a place to cultivate and rest, the Dragon Clan, who had been dormant for many years, came to the door, intending to be ashamed and avenge the killing of the clan, and dispatched many elites.

Although they are losers, after so many years of cultivation, the warriors of the dragon race have recovered a lot.And the phoenixes have just retired from the battlefield, except for the seriously injured, they are all old and weak.What can stop it?
Relying on the sacrifice of the blood of the tribe, and using the body as a shield, it was worthy to save the whole tribe.But the dragon clan's guys are stubbornly terrible, too many of their clan died under the hands of the phoenix, and the blood debt can only be washed with blood.

The two sides launched a long tug of war, and both sides harassed and attacked each other from time to time to the location of the enemy.Every once in a while, a big war breaks out, and no one is allowed to.

After all, the Phoenix Clan had some advantages, their civilization was more developed, and they had the support of large-scale spirit formations. The Dragon Clan guys had never been able to take advantage of them.

But this enchantment is not something that can be supported by just any spiritual power, but requires the blessing of blood and flesh and blood containing divinity.

Countless ancestors have devoted themselves to this barrier, and they have to be reinforced and restarted every once in a while, and they also need to be carefully blessed by special clansmen on weekdays.Generations repeat the same tragedy, unable to break free.

It can be said that Ningxia and other birds can live safely, thanks to the sacrifices of countless ancestors.

But now the balance is broken and war breaks out.

The dragons are here again.

If it wasn't for Ningxia being the one being invaded, she would probably be able to evaluate the other party's perseverance in revenge more objectively.

She is also a bird who has attended kindergarten. She is familiar with the past of Longfeng and has some thoughts.

No matter how the people in power beautify, they can't get rid of the bloody background, and they cannot deny the fact that their hegemony is indeed built on the bones of other families.

But when this matter really burned her head, she couldn't help being selfish, resenting the "intruder" who destroyed her life.

Maybe it's because life was too easy.Ningxia was a little apprehensive about the impending situation, worried about gain and loss, for fear that she would say goodbye to this world in her sleep for no reason.

The clansmen in the clan are also in a state of fear all day long, walking in a hurry on the street, even the playboys stopped walking cats and dogs, and huddled at home peacefully.

The atmosphere in the Xi family was just as bad, no, or worse.Because their uncle, who happened to be at the border guard, faced the war head-on.

Because of this, Si Taiwong, who is usually cheerful, has been frowning every day recently, trapping himself in his room and attending only necessary meetings.

The second uncle and the third uncle are in a hurry all day long, the dragon does not see the head and tail, and the cumbersome family affairs fall on Ningxia, the only child who has grown up at present.

Compared with others, Ningxia's pressure is not necessarily less, because her father is fighting on the front line and may sacrifice at any time.

Ningxia didn't dare to think about this possibility, and refused to think about it.It's just that I often wake up in the middle of the night and feel overwhelmed.

The days passed in such a panic and depressed atmosphere.

More and more lists of victims came back from the front, and there were a few howling teams passing by every now and then in the street.At the same time, the front continued to recruit new young men from the rear, and funerals were held every day, and the birds were anxious.

There is still no news from my father, neither a good nor a bad thing.Ningxia and the other birds were helpless and could only wait anxiously for news from their relatives, while praying for an early end to the war.

One day, Ningxia received a letter from the Lu family again.

This time it was not an invitation, but a letter.The words on the letter paper were written in blood and were startling on the white envelope.

Ningxia's heart that had been sealed for many years moved slightly, and she did not immediately ask the servant to throw it away.

She saw that messenger for the first time, the only time in a hundred years.

The guy who delivered the letter was Lu Wei.

She couldn't even recognize it. She couldn't recognize the taciturn and resolute guy in front of her who would be the eloquent "villain" back then.

"Brother, he went to the front line. This is the only thing he left behind. He said that he might not be able to live, and asked me to send it over."

Ningxia fumbled for the envelope with her fingertips, but said nothing.

"Just look at it. What happened back then was not our Lu family's fault, and I don't ask for your forgiveness. But when people are about to die, their words are also good. He said that he might die there, and he wanted to ask you to give him the final word. One chance. Not asking you to forgive him, just wanting to talk to you again."

Ningxia was silent for a moment, and finally opened the letter.

The long-lost font appeared in front of her eyes, so familiar and so unfamiliar.

"Although we have been separated, I don't want to die with you."

Ningxia's fingertips clenched tightly, crumpling the letter paper, making a rustling sound.

There was a dead silence between the two birds.

Lu Wei didn't say anything else, just nodded slightly at her, and made a gesture to leave.

Suddenly I heard the bird behind me mumble: "Tell him to come back alive. If he comes back alive, maybe, maybe..."

Hearing the other party's unfinished intentions, Lu Wei's stiff face showed a gratifying smile, and there was a trace of untraceable loss.But too soon, it's fleeting.

Ningxia couldn't tell what kind of complicated feelings she had in her heart.If it wasn't for this war, she might never have been able to forgive each other for the rest of her life.

But, no if.

Lu Yuehua, you have to come back alive.You will all come back alive.

She has lost so much.

(End of this chapter)

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