Chapter 809 Mutation

Seeing that something was wrong, Liu Zhen, who was already a little guilty, hurried up to talk about others, secretly cursing Cui Ke for not being up to date.

At the same time, I was also worried about whether I had acted too hard, and actually provoked people to backlash.With such a big commotion, all the people present were sensible, if someone accidentally exposed her, she would not be able to escape.

"Ake, calm down. You are too tired, why don't we go back and rest, and I will accompany you to Zhenjun's place later. Don't be willful again."

Although this person was the fuse that caused everything, I have to say that her proposal was too timely.

Zhenjun Chongri also felt that he was too angry and lost his head just now, and he provoked things like this.It's not a good ending for both sides now.

Although he has decided not to take on the responsibility of parenting anymore, Cui Ke is always his granddaughter, and will still be a relative in the future.What should we do if this happens?
Indeed, it is the best way for everyone to go back and calm down.Otherwise, under the anger, they will say something irreparable, and it will be too late.

Zhenjun Chongri snorted coldly and turned slightly sideways, which was a tacit agreement.

"Don't stop me, I have to clarify my words today." Cui Ke's eyes were red, his mood was very unstable, the veins on his neck were all evident, and his spiritual energy was faintly boiling.


"Let her speak. I want to hear what she has to say?" The step that was handed out was pushed back mercilessly, and Zhenjun Chongri would not be in a good mood.

It's not that he didn't notice Cui Ke's abnormal excitement.But this girl has been a quarrelsome since she was a child, she has a straight gut, and she bickered with him a lot when she was a child.How could it not be so angry?
He used to follow her, but in this situation now, he doesn't want to give in like this anymore.

These are the questions he has been thinking about in recent days.Do you really not know how to teach your children?Or maybe he has been delaying the other party all along?

Cui Ying's parent-child talent is mediocre, not a seedling of cultivation.Although he had his father's support, he still couldn't make up for the difference in talent. On the contrary, he was quite talented in the business journey, so he simply took advantage of Cui Ying's little connections to take root in Xunyang City.His parents and children did not inherit his formation talent, and his cultivation talent was mediocre, which became his great regret.

Cui Ying's son also knew a little about his father's thoughts.Later, when she got her eldest daughter, she sent her to Cui Ying's side, and she acted as a filial piety for their husband and wife.After all, the husband and wife also run outside all year round, and they don't have a stable life, and often they may not see each other for several years.

Cui Ke was sent to him not long after he was born, so he naturally loved him as much as he loved him.When I grow up, I will also teach with my heart, and I must have high hopes.It can be said that Zhenjun Chongri poured countless efforts into Cui Ke.

And Cui Ke also grew up healthy and happy. Although she is mediocre in all aspects and cannot be called a proud child, she is better than her father anyway.With the help of Zhenjun Chongri, he will surely be able to go smoothly in the future, at least not so badly.

During this period, Cui Ke never returned to her parents' side, they were the ones who came here to visit him and her.Zhenjun Chongri also asked her, but the child refused, saying that she already had younger siblings in the family, and she was afraid that she would be embarrassed as a foreigner.Cui Ying felt sorry for the child, so she had to treat her better.

A few years ago, Cui Ying broke through the barrier by chance and was successfully promoted to Yuanying Zhenjun, and retreated for a period of time.Then Cui Ke lived alone and did not go back to her parents.

It was at that time that she met Liu Zhen.When Zhenjun Chongri came out, she had already been led astray, and she became extreme and ignorant of etiquette.Those innocuous little tempers before have also deteriorated into infinite death.This change has caused Zhenjun Chongri a lot of headaches, and even today it has made Zhenjun Chongri feel hopeless.

He sometimes wondered if Cui Ke hadn't grown up by his side, or returned to his parents halfway, would the result be different?
After all, it seems that only when people grow up in a suitable environment with both parents can they grow into a relatively sound personality.Her two younger brothers and sisters are not all normal children, but they are also obedient because of the strict education of their son and daughter-in-law.

Could it be... that he killed the child?
Such questions kept reverberating in his mind, making him uneasy.

But now it's too late to regret it, the child has grown up so much, his personality has been vaguely finalized, and under the influence of someone, the longer he grows, the more crooked he tends to be.He didn't even know how to face his son and daughter-in-law.

Today's quarrel is a good opportunity to send Cui Ke back to her parents for re-education.He believed that his son and daughter-in-law's strict but tactful temperament would definitely win him back.

As for him... If the child is willing to come back in the future, he will allow it.She has always been his preferred heir.

Looking at the other party's red eyes, hurt expression, and face gleaming with sinister emotions, his heart was also stung, and complicated emotions surged in his heart.He couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or regretted.

How wrong was he? !



Although it was just a mental struggle, and she didn't actually fight, it still took her a lot of energy.

After passing the last level, she was already exhausted, and she couldn't move a single finger.

The three combination sub formations, especially the water attack of the previous formation is terrifying, and it feels like a Hollywood blockbuster.It's just that watching the special effects show before, but now it has become a personal experience. This feeling is really bad.

However, after finally solving this sub-formation, she still couldn't get out of this formation.

Hell, how many levels are left? !She quit, and she couldn't do it anymore!Ning Xia simply sat lazily on the ground, not planning to fight anymore.

Because she also felt that her mental power was on the line.Another sub formation may lose halfway, so let's do it, enough is enough.


Ahhh why is there still no movement? !

There is no new formation, and there is no end, she is left here dry.What is this for...

Ning Xia looked left and right, stood up abruptly, frowned and looked around.

Did it start again?

Ning Xia took a few steps, a little anxious.She didn't like this feeling of not being able to get up and down, as if she was hanging there without breathing, it was very uncomfortable.

The extremely quiet and abnormal environment made her thoughts wander involuntarily.



And it was accompanied by a slight vibration of the space.The vibration gradually intensifies, and if you feel it carefully, you will find that this is a movement that presents an epicenter, rather than the previous kind of movement that was superficial.All in all it was disturbing.

Not a subarray.

Ningxia's spirit tensed up subconsciously.

It is said that she is undergoing a test now, and Zhenjun Yuanheng and the others are also watching outside, so nothing should happen.

At this moment, she also forgot the physical and mental fatigue before, and began to be on guard with the sword in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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