Chapter 811
After the change in the space formation, Ning Xia didn't dare to sit still.She said that she had no energy left, but once her life was really in danger, she naturally couldn't just catch her without a fight.

There are two explanations for the slightly weird situation at the moment.One is that this is the final part of the test, and now the big move is being made.The other is the most pessimistic situation, that is, there are some problems outside, which affect her inside the formation.

If it's the former one, it's okay to say that no matter whether you fight hard or lie down, there will always be a result.If it's the latter, it's hard to say...

Who is there outside, three Nascent Souls.There is also a strong "own camp" guarding outside, if something happens...wouldn't it be a big deal?

The space continued to vibrate, and the amplitude of the vibration continued to deepen. Ning Xia felt like vomiting when he was in it, and his stomach was very uncomfortable.


Ning Xia pulled out the heavy huan that had been sheathed, and waved it tentatively.

Something magical happened.It has always been the arc of the illusory and hazy white mist space following the long sword.An extremely small piece of space was distorted, and the white mist seemed to be slightly scattered. At the same time, there was a "click" sound from somewhere. The sound was not loud and clear, but it could not be ignored.

There is a door.Ningxia was overjoyed.

It's not that she hasn't tried it before, but it's useless, and she can't even cut an arc. What to do, what to do, these overflowing white mist are stubborn members of this space, and no force can shake it.

But now it's different.Obviously, what happened in this space or outside the space has affected the rules of the space, and everything has changed.

Sure enough, her feeling was right, the formation space was no longer stable, and there was a loophole.

Vulnerabilities mean that it is possible to break through.It just so happens that she's been here enough—



In the suddenly silent courtyard, the sound of heavy metal falling to the ground was particularly obvious, as if it fell heavily on the hearts of some people.

"Which... is this?" Ning Xia half-raised his sword, glanced at the dagger lying on the ground that had stopped trembling, and the scene where he was standing seemed a little weird.

The few people whose nerves were tense because of the critical situation just now, after seeing such a situation, finally stuffed their beating hearts back into their chests, and let out a long sigh of relief.

If something really happened under their noses, these so-called experts would really have to find a piece of tofu to kill them in order to save a little face.

They were also negligent. They didn't expect that brat to attack suddenly and kill a third party who had no involvement in the whole process.That dagger, even if it didn't immediately brew into a complete move, it can be seen that it is extraordinary.If it really fails to intercept it, it will definitely not be a good thing for Ningxia, who is temporarily incapable of action.

In fact, Zhenjun Yuanheng should also be able to successfully save people.But he didn't know what the dagger's effect was, but seeing Cui Ying's reaction, he was eager to intercept it.So many variables...


Ning Xia had just broken through the barriers of the formation and came out on his own, when a dagger was hoisted high in front of him, it was like the speed of life and death.Subconsciously, she used the Heavy Huan Sword to whip, and she didn't have any skills, well, she was too tired and couldn't do any tricks.

Yet the effect worked.King vs. king, judgement is high and low, and the winner can be determined in an instant.This is true of people, and so is spiritual weapons.Her sword is much stronger than that dagger.

So there is the beginning of that scene.

Originally, several people thought that Zhenjun Yuanheng had saved Ningxia.Looking at it again, I found that the Ningxia people had woken up from the formation, and it was the attack she had blocked just now.

"Damn it. You scared me to death, Junior Sister Ning." Jin Lin was a junior, he didn't care about those hypocrisy, and rushed over first.

Zhenjun Yuanheng frowned slightly, and finally looked at the grandpa and grandson of Zhenjun Chongri inexplicably, and then slowly turned to Ningxia.

Mr. Yunxi seemed a little overwhelmed and didn't know where to go.After hesitating for a moment, he finally walked over to his friend to see what kind of situation Cui Ke's little boy was.

Liu Zhen was probably the only one in the audience who had nowhere to go, as if she was not welcome anywhere, so she had to stand there in embarrassment.She really wanted to leave, but when she was thinking about it, the murderous eyes of Zhenjun Chongri, who was holding Cui Ke, shot over, scaring her so much that she dared not move.

Immediately after Cui Ke threw the dagger, he was caught by Zhenjun Chongri who reacted, knocked him out, and kept him to prevent the man from regenerating.

Seeing that Ningxia was safe, he also breathed a sigh of relief.Immediately, a sense of shame surged in his heart, because in the end he still chose to stand by his granddaughter.Obviously the victim was the innocent child opposite.He is ashamed.

At this moment, he felt ashamed to face Zhenjun Yuanheng.It was obviously just a small test, but it caused his granddaughter to make such a fuss.Now I don't know how the other party sees her?
But he really couldn't just leave Ke Er like this.Although he said it harshly, he still cared about it in his heart.

What's wrong with you?
Cui Ying glanced complicatedly at Cui Ke, who seemed a little calm due to coma, and adjusted her position uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?" Jun Xi also walked forward.

Zhenjun Chongri shook his head and looked across.

Zhenjun Yuanheng's expression was very peaceful, from time to time he whispered something to the girls who were almost victimized just now, without looking at them.

But when Zhenjun Chongri was about to look away, the other party met him abruptly, coolly, deep thoughts seemed to be hidden in the bottom of his eyes.

Cui Ying looked away almost in embarrassment.

This time he really had no face to face Zhenjun Yuanheng.

Zhenjun Yuanheng had already seen the other party's betting gaze, but he just remained calm.

Although he didn't look like anything, but at the moment he was very annoyed in his heart, angry at Cui Ke's audacity, and also a little bit angry at Zhenjun Chongri.It's just that everyone is a monk of the same level, and they are always respectable people, so they can't easily get angry.

But if that's all for it, then who should he, a poor little disciple who was almost victimized, turn to?

The embarrassing other party who didn't want to think about it chose to speak out first: "Everyone, today's matter is that a certain person didn't think carefully, he offended me, and I don't know how to make an apology to everyone."

"This son is rude, acted recklessly and violated morals, all because I have no way to teach my son. When he wakes up, he will definitely punish him accordingly and teach him strictly. Here, I apologize to everyone." Chong Rizhen-kun bowed half-bow in a very low posture, his eyes drooping.

"Furthermore, little friend Ning was also frightened and wronged today. I sent someone to prepare some gifts, none of which were expensive, and I asked you to accept them with a smile, as a gift from Uncle Cui for your meeting. In addition, five The members of the Hua faction have prepared some local products, and welcome you to Xunyang City."

It was this kind of scene again, she had encountered it several times in the cultivation world.The "gifts" from the past few times are still piled up in the storage space, and I haven't found a chance to use them.

(End of this chapter)

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