Chapter 815 Visit
Gu Huai was born in the top sect in the Middle-earth Continent, and the family is considered prosperous.Although it can't be said to be a powerful family, it is also a big family with great face.

He belongs to the direct line of the family, and also belongs to the group with the smallest lineage.She was supposed to grow up with a lot of love and affection, but unfortunately her fate was not very good, her parents died young, her own talent was outstanding but there were unspeakable secrets, and she couldn't really cultivate at all.

Maybe he is such a lucky person in the eyes of outsiders.Even if he is equivalent to a useless person, his family, the Gu family, did not give up on him, especially his grandfather Lingxu Daojun loved him deeply, and treated him better than any grandson.

But how much of the reason why he was treated differently was because of his father?In fact, he knew in his heart that he was not so important.

For some reason, he was born with a disease, so he was born unhealthy, and whether he could support him or not became a problem.And these people from the Gu family knew this in advance, so they were all well-educated at that time.It can be said that he was not a child born under the expectations of everyone.

But he survived so tenaciously.He even lived longer than his talented father, and the many babies of the Gu family who died in infancy.The divorce of his parents, the loss of his father, serious illness, the pain and despair of doing the exercises again and again, none of these things could take him away.

Gu Huai knew how many people were mocking and ridiculing him behind his back, wishing that he would die immediately to make room.But he didn't want to go along with those people's wishes so much, even if it was just lingering on his last breath, he still had to straighten his back and walk on.

It's just that he never expected others to be like this, even his cousin who had been with him day and night when he was young would poison him, even earlier than others, and hid deeper.

He still can't figure out when the other party hated him?But think about it, left and right are just a matter of interests, you are in my way or I am in your way.

In some people's eyes, affection is the easiest thing to discard.Insignificant in the face of vested interests.

Gu Huai didn't bother to think about it.

Leaving the sect also wanted to relax.

After going through this time, anyone with a brain can guess something.That's right, the majestic Taoist, I hope that even if you offer a high price to reward the pure spirit flower, you will not be able to find it everywhere.

I found it several times on the way, but various accidents happened.They were either robbed or destroyed, or the people who went to fetch them simply never returned with their belongings.So you don't have to guess and know that someone doesn't want him to get better.And it may not be a group of forces here.

Right now the truth is beginning to reveal the tip of the iceberg, but it is so shocking.

Staying in the sect...he will never have a chance.

It's just that although he is a bit transparent, he is a young master who has never been out, and he doesn't understand the world at all.It came out as soon as it came out, but I didn't expect things to develop like this.

In other words, they never expected that those people would be so rampant that they openly sent people to chase and kill the two of them.

Gu Huai, who originally wanted to come out to get some air, acted out the next day as a big escape, forcing them to run all the way from Xuantian Sword Sect to the southeast border.

Of course, not at all.If he can think about it in a bitter way, in fact, he has learned a lot in the process, and he has also seen scenery that he could not see before, so that he will not think that this world is only a square inch of the courtyard.

However, at worst, if there is no strong foreign aid or reliance, he and Xu Qingzhou will be in danger at any time.Even though it looked peaceful and peaceful at the moment, they all knew that this was only temporary.

After the exercise, his body has a recovery period that is neither long nor short.Even if you want to recycle and turn the golden elixir again, you need to cultivate well to make this possible.

The two of them ran away from Xuantian Sword Sect in a hurry, without thinking about it at all, or they thought they would go back soon.As a result, we can only reap the fruits of ourselves now.

The unrepaired body was once again dragged down by this thrilling day-to-day running around.The body that was about to get better soon deteriorated repeatedly, with good times and bad times.

It wasn't until a few days ago that his condition improved, and he began to feel the aura circulating in his body.

But not enough.Gotta hurry up.

Peaceful days won't last long.If he can turn back sooner, he won't be completely powerless by then.

When he came to this land, there was a voice in his mind saying so.Right here... his chance, maybe he could really find a chance to reply from here.

"...By the way, young master, I heard from others that there is a very famous restaurant in the east of the city. I passed by there just now, and I saw the crowds of people outside, and it was very lively. But it is said that it is really delicious, why not Shall we go out and have a look today too?"

Gu Huai really couldn't laugh or cry at this moment: "You bastard, you are a glutton. Do you still remember our current situation?"

It is also true love that the person who was hunted down did not forget to cook delicious food.

Of course, these proposals from the other party were intentionally or unintentionally ignored by Gu Huai.

This is the retirement home of business giants.There are so many people, no one knows who is lurking outside, it is better to be cautious before turning the disadvantages around.

"Young master, don't tell me that I'm like a starving ghost, my eyes are so shallow that I only remember to eat..."

Immediately, a trace of grievance flashed in the other party's eyes: "Is it because I see that you can't eat all day long?"

"It's... well, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said that..."

Looking at the thin figure opposite, Gu Huai couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Let's go!"

"Master, where are you going?" The other party was still asking stupidly.

"Didn't you just talk about the newly opened restaurant? Then go and have a look."


On the other side, Shen Mansion
Ningxia was woken up early the next morning.She didn't even have time to wash up when she heard someone knock on the door.It was not convenient for her to go out here, and just as she was about to leave him alone, she heard the man shouting that someone had come to Shen's residence to look for her.

Looking for her?who?

She has only been in Xunyang City for a few days, how could she know anyone?The only thing that can be regarded as an intersection is yesterday.

Could it be someone who worships the True Monarch Sun?What else are they here for?
Ning Xia asked a few words, but the other party couldn't explain clearly, so she had to give up and planned to meet them directly in the lobby.

Going to the living room of Shen's residence, most of the people have already arrived, those who should come and those who shouldn't have come.Zhenjun Yuanheng also took his seat early, and when he saw her, he quickly waved her over.

In the middle stood a slightly unfamiliar monk, wearing a somewhat familiar uniform, standing very respectfully.There was a pile of things behind him, big and small boxes, and it was completely impossible to see what was inside.

Really here to deliver something...

Ningxia and Zhenjun Yuanheng looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.


She really didn't want to have anything to do with the other party, and she had already agreed before leaving.But right now, he's sending things here with such a big fanfare, it's simply cheating her.

(End of this chapter)

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